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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7440458 [View]

I didn't get my pre-reg yet either. I have the paypal receipt but that's it. I thought they would e-mail the papers you used to get your badge closer to the event. Is that not it? If others have got theirs I'm worried that I didn't get it either.

>> No.7440197 [View]

It really doesn't look bad at all. When it's paired with your costume you won't be able to tell that it's crooked. Can't wait to see it all together!

>> No.7440189 [View]
File: 343 KB, 1280x1920, 1395265578317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo what are you on about that is the best Tibbers cosplay out there.

I wonder how long it's going to take before some cosplays the new skins/ new Heimer. Though I wouldn't mind seeing a new Heimer cosplay, he's cute as fuck now.

>> No.7440180 [View]

I really like the Pascal on the right. As far as why there are a lot of bad ones, the costumes aren't simple by any means. There's a lot of detailing in them. I don't think that the cosplayers posted in this thread are horribad by any means. There are some really good ones among the average ones.

>> No.7421504 [View]
File: 438 KB, 756x900, shipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I haven't bought this much in a long time! Didn't include my Arda order since I already got it. I didn't think it would ship that fast. I think all I have left to order is my Syndra contacts and then I'm debating if I should buy or make a plush that is for my other cosplay. Probably will need more worbla too.

>> No.7421464 [View]

Yeah she announced in a video that she will be doing judging for the cosplay things. I'm oping out of doing the masquerade this year because of it.

I think it's cool they got her as a lot of people like her, but the fanboys are going to be annoying, but whatever. I'm hoping they will give her like a corner or something in vendors so all her fans don't plug up the walk ways.

>> No.7417059 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1017x730, sakcon2014andwhatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only really have Sakura Con cosplays and Rosalina as for sure happening. I want to cosplay Edea but can't decide which job class outfit to cosplay yet. Probably will rewear Nausicaa a lot this year though.

>> No.7412650 [View]
File: 543 KB, 3545x1870, arf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Araragi. Usopp from One Piece

OHMIGOSH please post pics when you are done Lord Yup!! Sanji from One Piece!

You'd be an adorable Kumin! Akari Akaza from Yuru Yuri

I'm a huge fan of Daily Lives (though who isn't?) So I'm biased and saying Toshiyuki. Tiz from Bravely Default.

I think you'd make an awesome Crocodile from One Piece!

Chie! Yui from Yuru Yuri

You'd be so cute as Haruhi. As far as armor goes I think you'd make an amazing Irelia from League of Legends. All of her skins beside Aviator have armor!

>> No.7411883 [View]
File: 184 KB, 1064x1500, perona back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on making these big ass curls. I ordered a Le Tigre from Arda with extra wefts so the amount of hair won't be a problem.

>> No.7388825 [View]

Yeah I get ya. I'm hoping to actually do more this year than I have in previous years.

>> No.7387739 [View]

Is it really that bad? This will be my third year going and I've had a blast every time. The only panel I have gone to the past two years was the Zapp panel though which I had a lot of fun at. Maybe it's just so much better than the cons we have here that it doesn't seem bad to me? I'm hoping this year will be good. Also the vendors are a billion times better than any other con I go to, so there is that as well.

>> No.7376586 [View]
File: 2.65 MB, 1600x900, Thronecoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were some of the new dolls revealed at the toy fair. They're the Throne coming line. They'd be super awesome to see as cosplays! Though I'm still hoping they will show Lizzie and a second wave of Legacy day dolls.

>> No.7374866 [View]
File: 50 KB, 1054x604, 1392593184316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry I was talking about this movie. A lot of fans were confused because they thought she was the daughter of this Odette and not the one from the Ballet.

>> No.7374788 [View]
File: 57 KB, 254x374, tumblr_n0l8fypmTZ1s4790oo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeeeaah. She's the daughter of the swan princess (from swan lake not odette) and so to go with the ballet theme they gave her ballet shoes, which had to be high heeled because every girls has to have high heels apparently.

Heres a pic of Lizze Hearts (Daughter of the Queen of Hearts) . I really hope someone cosplays her.

>> No.7374747 [View]
File: 340 KB, 318x694, duchessswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm big into EAH and MH. I definietly want to do an EAH cosplay but not exactly sure who. I'm really leaning towards Duchess Swan (pic). Though I'd kinda want to wait for her doll so I can get a better grasp of the details. I reallllly hope she gets a doll. I have all the basic dolls besides Briar and Cupid. Waiting super impatiently for the new dolls to be revealed at the toy fair today! There was a blurry pic of Cedar Wood who is adorable and rumor is that Lizze Hearts is getting a doll. Lizzie would be fun to cosplay too.

>> No.7361409 [View]
File: 111 KB, 399x600, my spirit is not lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.7361347 [View]
File: 72 KB, 750x343, sakuracon14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my planned line up! Depending on what time we get there on Thursday might put Nausicaa on then as well. Super excited! Meetup on Friday night again? Is there a dance on Friday? I know that was an issue last year

>> No.7345152 [View]

I had a ton of fun despite not liking how my cosplay turned out. I felt it was a lot more organized this year than last year. The Homestucks seemed to be especially bad this time around. I don't know why. Like I saw them multiple times just lying in the middle of the hallway and not moving when asked too. Like the hell. I really liked the venue itself it's really nice I just wish people weren't so bad. Apparently someone had graffiti on one of the walls. They don't know who did it though. Like who the fuck does that. I don't know if they will allow TOA to be hosted there next year.

There were a lot of awesome cosplays! I wish I brought my camera.

>> No.7339939 [View]
File: 147 KB, 500x357, tumblr_mnsl68jRwC1qcn852o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god this is amazing.

>> No.7335857 [View]

I'm almost done my newest costume so don't have anything to post.

You're super cute!

I don't know anything about lolita but you look really cute in that dress!

Love your shoes and dress!!

Cute!! Love your hair color btw.


But for real you are super cute. I really really like your shoes.

Hnnng you two are adorable. I love your costumes!!

You pull her off so well! Super pretty

You are so adorable. I love that wig for Reese it's a great idea. All you guys are making me want to cosplay Animal Crossing too! I've been working a lot on my town lately.

So sassy. I agree the dress looks great on you.

I'm super happy to see this together! You look great!

I think you look great! The dress is adorable too.

I think you still look cute.

So pretty and witty and gaaay!

You pull her off really well! I'm excited to see your transformation cosplay of her. Your scissor blade looks really awesome too.

You still look great!

You're so cute!! Your cosplay looks awesome.

Your cosplay looks awesome!

thatfilename. I like your mask.

Girl you look amazing. Honestly the skirt doesn't look that bad and with everything else going on in your costume most people wouldn't even notice. I wouldn't have if you didn't say anything. Love love loooove your cosplay!

I have no words for how perfect and wonderful this is.

>> No.7334841 [View]
File: 515 KB, 3545x1870, woof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awe please post pics once you are done Dandy! You would really suit Sanji from One Piece and he's always in a suit so that covers your body!

It's not really that obscure but you'd be a great Toshinou Kyouko from Yuru Yuri. I think she'd be a character you'd like too.

You're really not that chubby at all though. I think you'd make a really good Riza Hawkeve from Full Metal Alchemist..

Why not Nami from One Piece! I think you'd suit her well and she has a ton of outfits. (Especially before the timeskip)

I agree with Audrey from Atlantis! You're super pretty.

>> No.7330685 [View]

I really don't think it will be popular. I'd love it if it were because personally I love RPGs like it. I can't wait to get it! Been following it for months now. I might cosplay it but really depends on who I like and what not. The designs are beautiful though.

>> No.7327087 [View]
File: 52 KB, 640x450, 1390605639718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im hoping that One Piece makes a comeback. Ive been seeing more and more characters from them popping up, usually that Law guy.
I would love to see this. Especially more range in the characters and not just the 100 luffys. I love Luffy but it would be nice to see other characters as well. I'm not caught up in the manga but I know Law has been a bigger part/more popular out of all the rookies.

I'm guessing there is going to be 1000 Honey's from Space Dandy this upcoming season. I think she will be the Yoko of 2014.

>> No.7325921 [View]

Thank you! I got it at Walmart and I think they had it in black.

I got it at Sakura con last year. I'm pretty sure they still sell them at cons.

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