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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6779208 [View]

oh wow that actually looks perfect, like better than the display pic.
I've been thinking of cosplaying Kirigiri sometime and that was the wig I was planning on getting.

>> No.6778989 [View]

Like I said- I think Dangan Ronpa is really really good, so I'm glad more people like it! That makes things like an English release of the game more of a possibility. But I think the thing I don't like is getting lumped in with the stupid underage kids who migrated. That's the main thing, so I understand how oldschool Homestucks feel now haha.

Oh, as to why I think it's so popular-
Dangan Ronpa, the LP, takes literally no effort to read. You don't have to buy a game, you don't need to torrent anything, you don't need to even try to find a site to stream it on. It's all just right there for you, similar to Homestuck. It's easy to get into.
On top of that, there's a big variety of characters who are all very different so it's easy for everyone to find a character they "connect" with, and the designs are very anime and recognizable.

eeeeeee thank you so much!! I'm still not happy with a lot of the costume, I'm going to try to fix it up some more before Fanime.

>> No.6778959 [View]

It's kind of annoying, Dangan Ronpa is the first "fandom" I felt a part of. I got invited to a cosplay group for it in August and decided to check out the LP, and then I sat and read it for three days without stopping.
It's like... on one hand, I want people to enjoy something that I enjoy so much. But I feel like it's "mine", which is weird because I can't claim something like that.

I've cosplayed Fukawa at two cons now, ALA and Sakuracon. At ALA I got recognized twice, maybe? And at Sakuracon I think I got recognized around 5 times.
But then photos from those cons have gotten up on tumblr, posted by me or my friends or by people who took my photo, and they get over 100 notes. A stupid pic of my friend as Togami and I, with us wearing dollar sign sunglasses, has over 1k notes and is still getting reblogged.

I'm not sure about the popularity of the series at cons. It's all online stuff, and I do see a lot of cosplay plans, but considering how few people AT con recognize Dangan Ronpa, I'm not sure what the numbers are going to be.
My DR group is going to Fanime and I know of at least 2 other groups, so maybe there we'll see how much of a turnout there is.

>> No.6777948 [View]

dbshkfdhsj this is me thank you so much ;A; i love fukawa so fucking much i don't think i pull her off very well but i love her so much that i don't care

as my friend said, it's a gene simmons tongue and it's like $5 on amazon, it's a really good find hehehe

>> No.6774588 [View]

I was a little shit when I was like 15-16 and posted constantly on getoffegl, god I was obnoxious. Once I became a mod in charge of tagging all the old entries I got so sick of all the pointless drama and bitching that I just left the community altogether haha.
(and now i'm on /cgl/ lol)

In terms of irl... I was bullied a bit in middle school by boys in my classes. They made fun of my last name, they called me fat, they called me ugly, etc etc. Once a boy asked me out as a joke. I had really low self-esteem until I got into like the middle of high school and my body started to figure itself out and I learned how to put on makeup and dress to my body type.

>> No.6763634 [View]
File: 587 KB, 1280x720, bad idea erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you cosplaying?
Misato from NGE, Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa, Stocking from PSG, Rika from Haganao, Monomi Gijinka from Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Mukuro from Dangan Ronpa
I feel like this is a lot, but dang Fanime is such a long con and I'm only wearing Rika for a panel afaik and it hasn't been approved yet so if it isn't, I won't bring her.
I'll probably be Mukuro most of the time since my friend is cosplaying Junko and it's her first con.

>Where are you staying?
The Fairmont! I'm actually really excited, it's where I stayed last year and it's my favorite con hotel of all time.

>Are you panicking yet?
I'm actually really calm, it's strange. i only have to make Misato and Monomi, and Mukuro is like halfway done.

>> No.6761213 [View]

A backpack and two hair accessories is just over $40 including her service fee and shipping from the shops to her, the only thing I need to pay for is the shipping from her to me. I don't think she's overpriced at all at this point, especially considering I paid for everything the day after I sent her my order whereas TBR wouldn't confirm after a week of me placing my order.

>> No.6760321 [View]

Right now I'm trying out celestial-delinquent for a small order. I emailed her yesterday and I just paid, very quick for being run by one person!
It's quite a change emailing someone who speaks fluent English haha.

So far I'd definitely recommend her, apparently she's popular amongst lolitas but I hadn't heard of her til I checked out the ss spreadsheet.

>> No.6756448 [View]

Ahhh that's annoying, I did an order with them in December that went pretty quickly, but maybe they've had a surge of orders?
I'll look through the shopping service spreadsheet and see who to use instead.

By the way, bless the person/people who made this spreadsheet, wow. And the budgeting spreadsheet. This stuff is all amazing.

>> No.6756412 [View]

Anyone know what's up with TBR? I placed an order with them almost a week ago and they still haven't confirmed it. My order is only 3 items, too (a backpack and two hair accessories), so I'm not sure what's up. Someone in the last thread mentioned a similar issue.

>> No.6699006 [View]

I'm down with that! I'm free Friday night but I have late-night cosplay chess on Saturday. Two meetups = more chance to meet people and more opportunities for people who have nighttime plans on one night.

>> No.6698027 [View]

I actually worked on cosplay tonight woah!
Decided to drop Madotsuki since I had too many other plans and 6 costumes is too many for me. So now I just need to finish 1 costume, start working on another, and fix up 2 more.

I'm starting to get excited~

>> No.6694890 [View]

thirding, also iphone

>> No.6693371 [View]

My friends are running the panel, they're really amazing at coordinating using off-brand or homemade stuff and are great seamstresses.

>> No.6692592 [View]

I was having an issue too, must just be an occasional glitch.

Btw do we have confirmation on the invite gem limit resetting after a week?

>> No.6691715 [View]

Some hotels have a security deposit, I know the hotel ALA is in has a $50 a night one. You get it back after you check out.
From experience- if you use a credit card, there isn't a problem. But if you use a debit card, the actual money is sitting "locked" in your account until they cancel the charge...
You can probably call the hotel and ask if they have a security deposit, or you may be able to look it up online.

I'm starting to get costume stuff done... But it's also the week before finals and I have two projects due at the beginning of next week and I feel bad putting them off for costume stuff fdbshdfbhjf

>> No.6686872 [View]

I ended up not having the time or money to make it, but then my plans changed so actually I could've done it now that I think about it...
I'm sorry! ;A;

>> No.6686572 [View]

Yay!! My friend is cosplaying as Creamy Mami to match me, I'm really excited because I personally think she looks like she could be my older sister hehe. I'm actually curious of how many people will recognize us.

And I'm scheduling when I'm wearing what and I think it'll work out. Madotsuki is a lazy costume that I don't have a group for, and Stocking is mostly for late-night cosplay chess so I only really have to worry about 4 of them.

>> No.6685976 [View]

I've been putting off making 3 costumes for like a month now plus fixing up 2 others haha um maybe i should work on those

I'm bringing
-Rika from Haganai
-Ringo from Penguindrum
-Touko from Dangan Ronpa
-Stocking from P&S
-Madotsuki from Yume Nikki
-Yuu from Creamy Mami

how am I bringing 6 costumes to a 3-day con fml

>> No.6683707 [View]

Regarding the gem trick-
Someone on tumblr is saying "it resets after 12-24 hours but if it doesn't just log out and back in"
Wasn't it said that it takes a week to reset? I used up my 200 a few days ago and it's still telling me I hit the limit.

>> No.6680218 [View]

these are amazing

>> No.6679081 [View]

thank you!! I can't wait to see what you do with it hehe

>> No.6679025 [View]

yES yes that's it haha. I'm going nuts, I have like 5 of every item from the persian kitty gacha except for the two rare items and it's driving me nuts, i've easily spent like 50k on that fucking thing.

>> No.6679012 [View]
File: 702 KB, 900x670, line house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so addicted to buying things in this fucking game. I spent almost 200k gems. How.

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