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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10414524 [View]
File: 198 KB, 1080x810, FB_IMG_1591569390802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feed the trolls, Vlad.

>> No.10414521 [View]

You can go now, we're done.

>> No.10414497 [View]

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.10414496 [View]

I'm going to tell you why that's bullshit... you know that we have actual members of the Catholic church that also paid SCA members, and have openly Catholic portrayals, and even host Catholic mass at large events? Literally, one of them nights in my kingdom is an honest-to-god Roman Catholic priest, who has to work his event schedule around services.

Gallen is a goddamn moose knuckle, and if he's going to try to use religious persecution to defend his shity opinions, he's going to get bent over.

This is not for like threat. Go take your shitty, take elsewhere.

>> No.10414104 [View]

More 18th century leather amputation retractors. It's kind of become my life lately

>Is the SCA on-topic for this thread?
>Is it permissible to talk about the current witch hunt chimpout here?
it depends. If you're going to defend the dude who openly posted a racist manifesto while representing themselves as the organization, then no.

>the SCA are trying to throw a guy out for being a Catholic
WTF, no they are not. Who the hell told you that, and who are you talking about?

>> No.10410521 [View]
File: 877 KB, 4048x3036, received_252781319312758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voice to text while working on leather. It has a hard time understanding my patois sometimes

>> No.10410079 [View]
File: 74 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1591645467262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, for the sake of ease of movement, ease of construction, and overall aesthetics, nothing beats a 15th century Burgundian style coat. The balloon top sleeves as a great profile, and completely negates any need of fancy gusseting.

the reconstructing history pattern is very bare-bones, but gives you a good place to start with the pattern. Especially with the way the neck is built.


>> No.10410060 [View]
File: 102 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1591645356986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's interesting to see a triangular gusset on the front of the armscye instead of just underneath the arm!

This particular pourpoint is very complex in the entirety of the arm construction, but gives excellent mobility. I used one for years before I finally upgraded to my 15th century appropriate coat. Pic related

>I've been shying away from them because as lovely as they are they really don't create practical garments and most aren't designed with enough ease for quilting, and for movement - it seemed more efficient to just draft from scratch.

That's why you shouldn't always go for a one-to-one patterns of specific arm and garments if that's what you're making. are there was a fashion to make a clothing that simulated arm and garments, but seeing if they were fashion pieces and not practical, there will be problems with movement.

Our area's particular larp is high fantasy and doesn't have much of a historical basis, so I've drawn up her design independently of strict historical reference.
Doesn't matter. Show her pictures of historic Army garments, because they are designed in a way that fits the human body. The problem with a lot of fantasy LARP armor is that it's designed by people who don't understand body mechanics, and it ends up not working right.

>She also doesn't have any plate armour (yet) so I get the feeling it's more of a preparatory/aspirational garment.
That's fine. Quilted offences were also used as armor on their own. I mostly wear a quilted Jack as the armor in itself.

>I'm still not quite understanding why one might steer clear completely of sweat wicking inner fabrics if not for historical accuracy reasons though? Technical fabrics have come quite a long way these days, and they're relatively inexpensive and hardwearing
I can think of dozens of reasons, but the primary one is the failure of the organic fibers against the artificial, because of the natural expansion and contraction that occurs through the garments life.

>> No.10410041 [View]

>You want your child to be the same fabric as the lining, so that it expands and shrinks at the same rate.

You want your SHELL. Damn autocorrect.

>> No.10410039 [View]
File: 3.20 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20200608_151141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was considering using an athletic sweat wicking sports fabric for the lining to prevent clamminess, even though that would mean a predominantly synthetic. I figured the benefits of the sweat wicking properties would outweigh the negatives of using a poly... thoughts?

Why is their skin touching the inside of the gambeson? Where is their shirt? You want your child to be the same fabric as the lining, so that it expands and shrinks at the same rate. If you have linen preshrunk, you can wash it just fine.

>If you guys have a historical pattern you recommend I wouldn't mind checking it out as a baseline for comparison though!

Several, but that's not how it really works. Decide on a style/period, and /then/ look for a pattern. I would also suggest different brands of patterns based off of what you want to do. I would recommend reconstructing history for late 15th century Burgundian coats, but not for the 14thC Charles du blois pourpoint, for example.

>> No.10409926 [View]

>If you're going to make a mock-up, use off the bolt pre-quilt thick enough to simulate the amount of padding that you're doing. So many people forget that you lose size after quilting/stuffing.

>Consider the type of materials are using, and be sure everything is preshrunk as much as possible before construction.

>No artificial fibers. Ever.

>Shaped arms are a godsend

What pattern are you using?

I'm personally against open armpits. With proper fit, guess it's, and shaped arms, you shouldn't have any problems.

Also, fuck armstreet.

Triangle gussets and a fitted, curved arm. Not rocket science.

>> No.10409779 [View]

Oh yeah, I own that, but not at a political demonstration.

Forgot my trip

>> No.10409775 [View]

Look man, I've survived hurricanes, floods, lawless cities, train hopping, being shot/stabbed/blown up, and being bitten by a venomous snake. I'm not going to make myself more of a target for some wannabe jackboot pig who wants to drop the riot gear and open fire when I'm out there, until shit really hits the fan.

>> No.10409728 [View]

No. I'm not that much of an attention whore. My protest/riot kit is able to be worn under a hoody, and I'm not out a couple K if my harness gets "confiscated"

>> No.10407848 [View]
File: 241 KB, 398x600, LenoraGewandungen_WoodelvenHunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407846 [View]
File: 641 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_68b62ec1bbd097b72781bef9d29e36d2_7cea9e19_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you're going with Warhammer as your pic related, go with a combo of leather, brass accents, and wood (either latex or real)

>> No.10406181 [View]
File: 68 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200602_015303_670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, but I agree with >>10406132 that the chunk jiffy rivets look a little jarring. Very modern to my eyes, but I like simple, historic lines myself.

I'm putting together a little adventure kit for another possible /larpthread/ contest which I have still not yet decided on. The knife is hardened with a decent carbon content to be striker, and I'm making a small purse with some flint, tow and, and charcloth. Maybe a few more goodies.

>> No.10406035 [View]

I'm with Hungarian. I don't care how fat he was, but that is some shitty armour design.

>> No.10401616 [View]
File: 3.40 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20200526_050000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's interested in another contest? Still figuring details.

Where are you?

>> No.10398594 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 1200x1360, 16009300ALT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Or smaller, more uniform pile like pic related. I'm actually purchasing something to make a cape to go over my harness for fancy tournaments.

>> No.10398592 [View]
File: 112 KB, 794x594, il_794xN.1658942578_7kzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plague is canceled
We'll remember you fondly. Nice shield. Is that an SCA shield, or just an especially good larp shield?

Your president too, eh?

flatly put, no. It's purely decorative, and will not hold up. If you want to save yourself some energy, and have a tougher product that can actually wear into combat, you can actually buy faux feather fabric now at most fabric and Craft stores these days, because it's become popular for cosplay usage. They even have several different textures and colors. You might want something rattier looking such as pic related (cont)

>> No.10396412 [View]

Yup. Stole it from Hungarian off of 4chan.

That's primarily an American problem. Sure, it exists in Europe, but here, it's normalized.

>watching Lindybeige
God help you. One of the worst armchair historians on YouTube.

>As a midwesternfag should I even get into LARP or is my time better spent on /k/ or something

>Seeing fat people in medieval kit also angers me

>As a midwesternfag

I have some bad news for you about HEMA/SCA/LARP etc for you...

But seriously, you sound like you want an SCA group, not a fantasy larp. Medium+ levels of living history, a more realistic baton/stell martial focus rather than foam tag, etc.

>> No.10389519 [View]
File: 147 KB, 750x923, FB_IMG_1588185592763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had strong opinions. Mostly about the fact that gypsy as a fantasy race with bonuses to fortune telling and theif skills is A-OK, because they are not real and it's not racist... But if someone self identifies as an elf IRL, you have to respect their identy or it's racist.

Ok, couple of things: first, there's plenty of art of armored women fighting in skirts, etc etc, but it's almost entirely artistic license. Historically, women who were fighting would typically wear men's clothing because it is meant to work with armor. St. Joan of Arc, the duchessa Sforza, etc, all wore men's clothes to battle. They also just aren't practical. Same reason that long men's garments weren't as popular in battle either.

Secondly, kilts are stupid, and very rarely actually used in battle. In fact, the highland regiments throughout history, from the American Revolution onward, would ditch their kilts for trousers or breeches almost as soon as they left Scotland, because anything that is not open lograste rain like Scotland, leads to huge problems when you have your dick hanging exposed. In the Americas, and India, parasites and dense underbrush were the major issue. WWI saw them getting their dicks burnt with mustard gas. I'm not joking. I mention this because i know plenty of women who fence and such in dresses and gowns, but only in situations where they have logistic backing like tournament. In battlefield type situations, they always switch to pants.

That said, it's larp, do whatever if it works for you and doesn't stick out.

>> No.10389340 [View]

Done. She is unimpressed.

Plaid pajama pants are damn useful.

Several anons including me and Hungarian are all banned.

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