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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6539941 [View]

Holy crap, what happened to Infanta's quality?! I have this JSK in red and it... doesn't look like that. It's one of my favourite dresses. When did you get it?

>> No.6534602 [View]

It'd be even better if you could get a friend to cosplay Kafei! Anju was one of the most memorable MM characters for me, it's nice to see somebody cosplaying her.

>> No.6533290 [View]

Wow actually posting the link woul;d have bee good

>> No.6533289 [View]

Cosplay, hamsteak, occasionally lolita. Fair bit of SJW trans rights stuff and MRA, so if that annoys you, best to stay away.

>> No.6532836 [View]

>men of any race view women of any race as pieces of meat
ftfy, you're welcome
if avoiding shitty men was as easy as avoiding black people, life would be a far happier and more fluffy place

>> No.6532814 [View]

You think that's unfair? The part that's really unfair is that I'll also get kicked out of the con if I break your nose for being a disgusting sex pest.

>> No.6532592 [View]

Ooh, where's this from?

>> No.6532354 [View]

Get two, sew them together. You want BIG hair for the Disciple.

>> No.6532351 [View]

>implying that's a nerdy tattoo
>implying that's not an attention-whore tattoo
>implying tramp-stramps have any artistic value no matter what they are

Yeah, nah. I'll stick with my GENUINE 'nerdy' tattoos, thanks. IE, grossly uncool shit that I'm really into.

>> No.6277803 [View]
File: 325 KB, 1200x1600, IMG00480-20121002-1729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really do fashionable
or not-black
or not-leather

>> No.6277760 [View]

I... possibly love you too? I have no idea who you are.

>> No.6277738 [View]

>Height and weight
5'5, 128lbs
>Favorite music artists
David Bowie, Hurt, Skunk Anansie, Rasputina, Rammstein, Sisters of Mercy, Def Leppard
>Favorite movies/tv shows/anime
Game of Thrones, Ai no Kusabi, Adventure Time, The Apprentice, Spirited Away, The Eighth Day, Resident Evil, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
>Favorite books
A Song of Ice and Fire, anything by James Clavell, Lolita, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
>Why do you visit /cgl/
Cosplay and lolita. Duh.
>Do you visit other boards? If yes, which ones?
/r9k/, /fit/, /co/, /vg/, /int/

>> No.6277719 [View]

Same here man, I lost mine when I was 15 and don't regret it at all, we dated for almost two years and he's still a good friend.

>> No.6277692 [View]
File: 110 KB, 461x438, 1324849122697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually didn't twig until this post.

>> No.6277687 [View]

Not if I'm going back to uni, my uni social life really couldn't be better. Going HOME home after a con sucks balls, though.

>> No.6277573 [View]
File: 80 KB, 720x960, bopsnshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you, siggy bear. I'm going to get ridiculed for posting it in a thread full of JNig and Precious' bodies, though, but I guess that's fair.

Exactly. There's nothing wrong with having a bit of a manface, nothing wrong with having a manface and wearing revealing costumes to distract attention from it with a nice body, but it's the attitude that does my head in.

>> No.6277558 [View]
File: 672 KB, 720x540, wbt05v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will let someone else from my comm do the explaining. This valentine gave me a chronic outbreak of the warm fuzzies and reminded me that there are really a lot of great things about the Oxford lolis.

>> No.6277554 [View]

That's kind of an insult to transgirls, I know a fair few of them who are more attractive than Jnig.

>> No.6277539 [View]

Yep. Mitochan. Jnig is a complete faggot.

>> No.6277496 [View]

I agreed to join a potential cosplay group with a friend before reading the material (Sandman), but I'm now reading it and love it, so I guess it worked out the same. I wouldn't have still wanted to cosplay it if I hadn't liked the comic, half the fun for me is walking around as a character I like all day. I'm really not bothered about wearing a 'sexy costume' or anything like that.

>> No.6277471 [View]

Mentioned playing with her recently.

>> No.6276416 [View]

US size zero is a UK size four, so that's really nowhere near the idea you're trying to push.

>> No.6275429 [View]

You can really only do that if you're having your own events rather than group events, OP. But you do have a point and that's exactly why I'm having a private tea party next time I feel like hosting something, fuck hosting meets for a comm. I possess neither the tact nor the patien ce to tiptoe around people's drama, and I get sick of being told 'oh don't invite her/schedule the event so she can't come/if she comes I won't'. Balls to that, if it's my own tea party, nobody else gets any say.

>> No.6275311 [View]

My Applejack is ready, my accommodation and travel are sorted. Aradia is nowhere near ready, waiting til I get my student loan to order the rest of what I need for that cosplay.

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