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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6926020 [View]
File: 211 KB, 800x717, JohnDoeQuestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to cosplay John Doe from Dream Eater Merry for Japan Expo USA. I'd like some opinions on fabric for the body suit and tail. I was thinking of buying a zentai suit and modifying it but… will my binders be really obvious underneath?

And in the manga, his tail looks like it's actually furry, while in the anime it looks like it's the same material as his body suit. Which version should I go with? Or should I use whatever fabric the body suit is made out of but give it the little spikes in the manga version?

>> No.6920911 [View]

I may have posted this before? I'm not sure.

>In high school I was in an elective class with this guy who was pretty knowledgeable about anime
>He finds out that I don't know that much and he's really cool about letting me borrow manga and DVDs and the like
>Eventually this turns from "hey, I think you'll like this" to "you pitiful stupid fan, I guess I'll take you under my wing and let you watch the REAL things you should love."
>How strange, I have no idea what flipped that switch
>Drift apart b/c of this
>I start noticing this guy out of the corner of my eye in weird places around school… art class, band rooms, library… until one day I notice he's been coming to watch track practice everyday.
>Maybe he's just bored? Maybe his ride picks him up by the track? Maybe he's stalking someone not me?
>Graduate, move to college, where he starts messaging me frequently with this… I don't know, furious urge to show off his superiority complex
>Pisses me off, but I'm scared of hurting his feelings so I just let him ramble and simply ignore that chat window as much as possible
>Eventually change screen names because it's too much and years pass
>I'm more confident in myself and I'm not good at playing "nice" anymore
>He gets my sn and messages me with how amazing he is so I respond with telling him how amazing I am
>My attack is not very effective, I eventually start calling him out on his bullshit
>Couple more years pass, find out he's cosplaying and kinda popular? See him at an anime con and his costume is terrible, frayed edges, no hems, not ironed, bleh. He has a really cute gf though and I'm torn between being jealous and feeling bad for her
>Stop talking to him entirely (finally) and get really good at avoiding him at cons.
>Earlier this year I met up with a friend and we were swapping stories about terrible cosplay acquaintances, each story is more terrible than the last
>Suddenly realize all our stories are about one guy. The guy this post is about.

>> No.6920773 [View]

K-Kurohime cosplay? Do want.

>> No.6920202 [View]

I'd check out some fursuit handpaw tutorials, but just make them have long sleeves instead of cutting off around the wrist. Hand maneuverability might be a problem if you make the paws big though…

>> No.6920147 [View]
File: 84 KB, 703x399, oerthreesomevi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At AX a number of years ago, find out as I was there that Seiji Mizushima is a guest. (Didn't pay attention to GoH that year)
>He was director for Generator Gawl and Oh! Edo Rocket, two of my favorite series ever and I just happened to be cosplaying Seikichi from Oh! Edo Rocket.
>Manage to find the first disc of Generator Gawl, go to one of his autograph sessions
>Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE around me has FMA stuff to be signed
>Get up to front, hand him the DVD, he half-heartedly grabs a pen, freezes, stares at the cover, and gets SUPER EXCITED (I was later told he really loves Generator Gawl).
>Then his wife starts tugging on his sleeve, shouting, "IT'S SEIKICHI!! IT'S SEIKICHI!!!"
>He looks up and goes, "SEIKICHI!!!!!!!" And his wife pulls out a camera so we can get pictures together

>A couple years later he came to Fanime
>Wore Seikichi again and also made the outfit Seikichi wears in part of the opening
>We get pictures together again
>Ask him lots of Oh! Edo Rocket questions at his panels
>My friend, who was translating for him, says I made him think Oh! Edo Rocket was super popular in the states, hahahaha, whoops.

Little makes me as happy as geeking around with creators who truly love their work. I want him to come to another convention I'm attending so I can have an excuse to cosplay Sora's beast form.

>> No.6917050 [View]

I laughed really hard. That would be… very interesting.

>> No.6916569 [View]
File: 130 KB, 544x572, CinderClawMuscles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Terrible Terror puppet for SDCC. I was going to do the body with foam, but I switched to batting and am finding it a lot easier for this project.

Damn, that's really lovely.

>> No.6916555 [View]
File: 302 KB, 387x622, Screen Shot 2013-06-17 at 1.00.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely adore all the Birdy the Mighty series and really would love to cosplay Tsutomu someday, but he's super plain. (I'd love to cosplay Birdy too, but I'm not in shape enough and even if I was, I don't have even close to the right body type for her.)

Just finished this manga, I would totally love to see that last outfit.

I seriously want to cosplay Trava.
Freaking sweet. I hope to see pictures soon.

>> No.6902350 [View]

Oh, the memories that are being dredged up in this thread… I remember my first many cons, cosplaying without a wig because "my hair is close enough." No. No it wasn't. AMVs were mind-blowing back then (nostalgia filter, probably) and the anime community wasn't completely overrun by a handful of series yet.

On the bright side, way back when I started going to cons, I went to see the new anime in the video rooms and ignored all guests. I missed a lot of amazing guests back then. Now guest panels are my priorities and I feel like my con experiences are more… fulfilling?

Yes. This.

>> No.6879032 [View]

Oooo, I like! Thank-you!!

>> No.6878191 [View]

I would like to see this Eirin print. Do you have a site I can see it (and your other art!) at?

>> No.6875245 [View]

I assume maybe because there's not enough room in a hotel? I really don't know though, I would be all for that sort of separation.

>> No.6874870 [View]

I'm definitely in the group that thinks people on floors five or below shouldn't use the elevator, but if you're injured/handicapped, have little kids, are carrying tons of stuff, have unruly costumes etc, by all means, PLEASE use the elevator. I just think there are too many assholes who use the elevator to get to the third floor simply because they are too lazy to take the stairs. I'm so tired of waiting for ages for an elevator with friends just to see them get shoved to the side at the last second so some punks can go up one or two floors. Pet peeve, sorry.

>> No.6871909 [View]
File: 468 KB, 998x580, 20100425002921!Terrible-terror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting work on a pair of dragon puppets for SDCC. I'm making a Terrible Terror and a baby Deadly Nader. I'm planning on painting their skins with an airbrush, but I don't know what type of material would work well for them, both in texture (leathery or scaly, I'm good with either) and with accepting the airbrushing well. I'm a little afraid of the paint just flaking off. Any suggestion?

And does anyone know of any good tutorials for airbrushing? I bought mine for this project and really have no idea how to get started.

I'd use your heat gun (on test pieces first, of course) and see how that works. You might even be able to get away without using the wire? If not, I think the heat gun + wire combo would work alright? …not that I'm all that experienced in working with foam, sorry.

>> No.6871434 [View]

I heard that one reason is that it's not their dance floor, it's… rented or the hotel's or something, so it's not really the con's rules, it's the dance floor owner's rules or something. This is just hearsay though.

>> No.6871181 [View]

For his regular party and his tea party, I think there is only limited space (And in the case of the tea party, limited amount of tea), so they have to keep it small?

>> No.6855040 [View]

Oh! Clever!

>> No.6852258 [View]
File: 205 KB, 680x1278, Maou90percentdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might redo his horns for Japan Expo USA, but they're as done as they will be for Fanime. Pauldrons still need to be attached to the cape and the chain needs to be trimmed and tied into the pauldrons, but I'm just about ready to take over the world through my position at MgRonalds. AND THEN ALL OF ENTE ISLA.

Oh gosh, Sheena! I can't wait to see this completed!

Wow, that's really impressive! What did you make the eyes out of?

>> No.6850486 [View]
File: 341 KB, 1224x792, Cape-Question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start my Maou cape tomorrow, but I'm not 100% on how to do it. I sketched up this, does this look like it could work?

I'm thinking it would basically be a trapezoid (wider on the bottom for more volume/dramatic movement possibilities) with the neck cut out for the back, then two (on on each side) fairly regular rectangle panels to be those bits on the font. They'd be sewn on the top of the shoulder, and along the side of my torso, curved along the shoulder so it doesn't give me pointy shoulders.

Does that make sense?

>> No.6846015 [View]
File: 357 KB, 699x1170, JackStaffLitAndDone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Jack Frost staff earlier in the week. It separates into two parts for easier transport and each sections has EL wire that light up by touch (by using connectors on my hands powered by two big battery packs that will be strapped to my back). Don't have any pictures of the final version lit up though. It's a little too thick in places, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. Mostly, I'm happy that it's finally done.


>> No.6845796 [View]
File: 164 KB, 386x1212, MaouuuuuuAGoooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am truly terrible at styling wigs and I think I might want a slightly lighter wig, so I might redo it for Japan Expo USA, but I just have the cape to make and then Maou will be done!

>> No.6845772 [View]
File: 201 KB, 640x1200, Waaaaant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My two biggest dream costumes aren't impossible by any means, but I haven't quite figured out how I could… move properly in either one without making them look totally wonky.

If you ever get a group together, I would LOVE to join… as one of like a billion characters.

>> No.6845334 [View]

Holy shit, that looks like my mom when she was young. That's… weird.

I usually don't care much about face characters, but the things I would do to see Ping… I didn't even know they had a PIng.

>> No.6845285 [View]
File: 38 KB, 221x208, Screen Shot 2013-04-26 at 10.57.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, this threaaadddd. I was just looking around the catalogue for the help thread to figure out his cape, too...

I used worbla for my shoulders, put in little hooks in the front of them so I can hang chain from one to the other. Unfortunately, having the chain there is consistent with the origin promo image, but not the show/opening. Oh well. I was thinking of using small magnets to attach the cape to the shoulder armor, but I think now I'm just going to use one fat velcro strip to connect each one. And if the cape starts to slip, I'll probably just safety pin it to my shirt or something. we'll see. Gotta actually make the cape first.

Oh, and I'm using a black sueded suiting-ish material (I used the same for my Jack Frost cloak and I like the weight) lined in a purple silky lining of some sort.

I made his shirt, it's really easy. I just found a pure red polo, used bias tape for the white and yellow lines, and made a new collar. It took maybe three hours (and I'm REALLY slow). The toughest thing were making the MgRonald patches.

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