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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7073872 [View]
File: 481 KB, 350x219, tumblr_mefxqylTvp1r93u98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplaying Yuki from Tsuritama in an impromptu group at Japan Expo USA
>Staff member comes up and says that he's so happy to see an actual Tsuritama group
>Next day, cosplaying Maou from Devil is a Part-Timer
>Same staff member sees me, says it's his favorite costume of the con
>No one has ever said anything like that before and it's such a simple costume and oh gosh wow thank-you
>Sees I'm with a small Devil is a Part-Timer group
>Recognizes me from the Tsuritama group??
>Tells me I have really awesome taste
He made me feel so special! Thanks staff member! You're really nice!!

>> No.7072478 [View]
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I rather like my job, I take great pride in my work and it's fun and rewarding… just not in the free time and money departments, hahaha. But this is getting way off topic. My thoughts on what makes one a video game fan don't jive with some people, and that is a-okay.

>> No.7071754 [View]

I could, and then lose the money I would earn during that time or the sleep I always desperately need. I'm a freelancer, so I gotta take whatever work I can, and sometimes that sucks. When I do have free time, often I have to decide between cosplay time or video game time, and cosplay time usually wins out (especially during the major con season). Laziness? Naw, it's just different priorities. But if it makes me look less lazy to you(??), work has calmed down and I'm not going to any cons for a while, so pretty much all my free time is video game time now. Huzzah to that, Xenoblade has been sitting at 75% done for like nine months now and I'm itching to finish it.

>> No.7069809 [View]

People who get incredibly mad because your costume isn't exactly the same as the show. I cosplayed Yuki from Tsuritama last weekend and wore a Hemingway apron over his super simple summer uniform just to spice it up and I got, ((WARNING: SMALL SPOILERS)) "Tch, Yuki doesn't wear the apron with his uniform in the show! JEEZ, KNOW THE SOURCE MATERIAL!!" …well, yeah, that's true, but logic says that since he has a part time job there, he's going to wear it over his uniform at some point? Does the apron really ruin the costume? Why are you so mad at me?

UGH, 1-Uppers. I recently said this on another thread, but I once with a friend(?) who needed to prove she was better than EVERYONE and insisted we compete to see who got the most photos while we walked to a panel. I was wearing a super plain outfit, she was in a truly fabulous ballgown. Girl, I don't think we need to compete, it's obvious you're gonna win.

>> No.7067112 [View]

I rarely play console video games, I just don't have the time. But I do watch an awful lot of Let's Plays because I can put them on in the background as I work. If I like the game, I'll buy it and convince my roommate to play it if he has the time (so I can watch it again as I work). Since I've started watching Let's Plays, I buy 5x the games I did before. I love video games, but I cannot play all the 30+ hour games I'd like to and also afford to live. This way, I can see all the games I want, afford to support them, and then watch them all over again.

>> No.7066551 [View]

I had a really great time. It was small, but lots of my friends were there so I always had someone to hang out with, and I kept streetpassing the same people, so they were good levels for Find Mii. Loooooved the drawing battle between Kozaki and Felipe, probably the most fun I've had in a panel in a long time.

I actually really liked the autograph system… at least the first come first serve, because I could get my tickets in the morning and not have to worry about being in line all day for a signature with no guarantee I'd get one. But the draw system was… weird? I think things depended on who you got for the line keeper person. My premium badge friend gave me his redraw tickets in case I couldn't get the Sadamoto one (was like 6th in line for regular pass holders and they were already on the draw system when I got to the line), and they said I could definitely use them if I didn't get it, so…? I think there was a lot of general autograph confusion among the staff. I thought I could only get one autograph from each guest, but it turned out I could get as many as I wanted, provided I could get the tickets.

As for the guests:
-Sadamoto seemed… sad? And his handler/translator was kinda harsh?
-Iwamoto seemed awesome, loved his sketches. I think on the last day most of his sketches were more SD-ish and sooooo adorable. Plus he'd take pretty crazy requests.
-Kozaki was awesome, he signed two things for me at the first session because I wanted to let him decide which one he wanted to sign and then I couldn't decide which I wanted a signature on more. He had his 3DS with him too, so I kept streetpassing him and it made me feel awesome.
-Felipe Smith was AMAZING and his autograph/sketches were incredible. And he was really easy to talk to, very kind and interesting.
-Finally, totally agreeing with >>7065486, the Bones president was the sweetest of sweethearts.

>> No.7057731 [View]
File: 154 KB, 774x1037, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent part of today fixing up his mask and ears, and Chaser John Doe is done for now. There are a couple dozen changes I'd like to make, but I'm very tired of working on him and he'll work well enough for Japan Expo USA.

>> No.7051194 [View]

Yup, Chaser John Doe from Dream Eater Merry. One for John Doe, the other for a possible Yumeji.

>> No.7050682 [View]
File: 149 KB, 600x803, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my Guillotine Blades. The paint job is ten kinds of terrible, but it'll be fine for Japan Expo USA. I'll repaint it and do a better sanding job later, if I decide to wear it again.

>> No.7044602 [View]
File: 349 KB, 750x1137, CosplayProgress081613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Guillotine Blades are all put together, tomorrow I start some heavy-duty sanding and hopefully painting. I also am remaking my Maou-sama horns. Those should be complete tomorrow. Hopefully.

>> No.7041832 [View]
File: 225 KB, 666x1000, SDCC2013_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard Mode: Book!Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon at SDCC with my boyfriend as Movie!Hiccup.

Freaking awesome. Great job on it.

>> No.7023327 [View]

No clue which is better, but I went with the Hilton because it was only going to be like $50 a person in my room instead of the ~$80 per person it would have been at the Hyatt.

>> No.7018347 [View]
File: 213 KB, 160x205, tumblr_m7szs5dEe11qafp5yo3_r3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there! Definitely going as Yuki from Tsuritama and Maou from Hataraku Maou-sama, maybe going as John Doe from Dream Eater Merry if I can get it done in time. I'm really excited, for once I think I'll be in groups for all three costumes… It looks like there will be most of the main cast from Maou-sama, there'll be at least a Natsuki and Akira for Tsuritama (Any Haru cosplayers going? We need a Haru!!), and my boyfriend may cosplay Yumeji if I can finish John Doe in time.

AHHHHHH! Man, I'm tempted to bring my Jacuzzi costume now… And Uchouten Kazoku cosplay too? I LIKE YOU. I just agreed to be a Yasaburo for a group… next year, bahh. Please rewear your Benten for Fanime next year or something? Hahahaha...

>> No.7004812 [View]

>SDCC 2013
>Staying with friends who always book the room
>It's about 15min away from convention, not bad, only $67 per person for a 4 night stay
>Get there, have to dodge a waterfall coming from the second floor because they have a hose running up there?
>Room obviously used to be a smoking room, carpet is damp, place smells like must and smoke
>Neighbors think that 5am is a good time to yell at each other
>Bugs of all sorts
>By the end of the trip, I was good at kill and/or capturing them
>Ended up having a lot of fun pretending to be an entomologist whenever I'd need to take care of the bugs, trying to figure out what they were, why they were in the room, and how they got there

But it was only $67 a person, we all had ample bed space, and there was free wifi, so in the end I guess it wasn't so bad?

I… sorta want to see that handprint. And wow, no cake whatsoever, eh?

>> No.6974103 [View]
File: 78 KB, 640x426, Photo on 7-14-13 at 4.04 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crappy photo, but both dragons are complete now! Just have to make the control rig for the Nadder, but she can be held without it, so I don't exactly need it and if it doesn't turn out I won't shed any tears!

Awww, thanks! I'm bringing them to SDCC to go with my Book!Hiccup and my bf's Movie! Hiccup costumes.

Thanks for the advice! I really feel like I'm flailing around in the dark with the airbrush, so this is very helpful. I want to try both ways and with transparent vs opaque paint to see what works best for me next time. (I really should have done more tests first, eh?)

Wow, that looks so clean! Nice job!

Uwahhhhh, so lovely!!

>> No.6962299 [View]
File: 481 KB, 1296x968, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need the interiors of their mouths done, but my dragons are painted! First time using an airbrush and it really shows in person, hahahah… I spilled paint all over them like three times as I fumbled with the airbrush.

>> No.6948785 [View]
File: 396 KB, 1296x968, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is a litle dark, sorry, but I'm nearly done with the basic form of my second dragon puppet (in largely thanks to my bf, who shaped almost all her claws and the horns on her frill). Her head is really heavy, so she needs to be propped up, Whoops. Finished the wing forms for both dragons yesterday, installing them today. With a bit of luck, I think I can get them all done by Monday or Tuesday.

And to the anon last thread that mentioned it, naw, I haven't cosplayed Hiccup before and my costumes are turning out pretty wonky, so I hope I'm not too much of a disappointment.


>> No.6943572 [View]
File: 132 KB, 750x1081, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've cosplayed Arago before (with his crazy flaming arm, Brionac, because he's super plain otherwise), but no one had any clue who I was. Not like I was expecting anyone too, but I would really love to do some of his other outfits and still plan on redoing my Brionac with some sort of clear acrylic and LED lighting effects, but it's a bit hard to get really pumped when you know no one will know who you are, you know? /whine

And now I'm off to find Storm Hawks episodes, thanks a lot, thread.

I have wanted to do a Kakurenbo group for YEARS. But yeah… I think it's one that needs a group or it becomes "Oh, what Naruto character are you?" or something.

This would be really awesome, though. Akura-ou!!

>> No.6941737 [View]
File: 175 KB, 825x451, CinderClawProgress3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon 1 (left) needs his wings finished and his skin, but he's getting close to completion. Got a lot of work done on Dragon 2(right) today. She'll be a marionette and alas cannot stand up on her own, but I'm pretty happy with how she's turning out otherwise.

>> No.6941203 [View]

Biscuit Hammer? Oh yes please.

>> No.6932682 [View]

So this thread went from amusing stories about embarrassing moments people have had to guys trying to show that they are manlier/more desirable than other guys? I guess it works, it's pretty embarrassing to watch.

For me…
>At AX years ago
>Waiting for a panel to start when I turn around and see a girl I recognized from a LJ community
>Want to introduce myself because we had chatted online before
>Instead I just freeze and stare at her creepily for a good ninety seconds
>She gives me a worried look
>Freak out, turn back around
>See her all over the convention from then on
>Now feel like a stalker every time
We're friends now, so… I guess it turned out okay. Or maybe she didn't remember that incident. Hopefully.

>> No.6932669 [View]
File: 205 KB, 599x1131, CinderClawProgress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been chipping away at the million things I need to do on my two dragon puppets. The form of the Terrible Terror is pretty much done, I'll probably be able to put his skin on next week, but I've only just started to work on the baby Nadder's head.

I spent all of Sunday with my dad and we figured out and cut out most of the pieces for two copies of John Doe's Guillotine Blade; one for my John Doe costume and one to hopefully be used as a Lucid Gadget by my bf (he's being a little wishy-washy about the cosplay right now).

Wow, that looks really nice!

>> No.6931071 [View]
File: 42 KB, 635x359, Heroman_ep3_064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day. One day…

>> No.6926129 [View]

I saw this in another thread, maybe it'll help?

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