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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10000838 [View]

I mean, I'm not in the best shape as I have been, but as long as you're physically able, shape isn't really a factor. As long as you can keep your footing, keep running for the hours, and fight. Strength and endurance brother

>> No.10000837 [View]
File: 158 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1537402173432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For steel submission fighting, ACL/IMBC

For batton tournament/melee fighting, SCA.

For SCA with more obvious fantasy, EMP.

For padded battons and shittier SCA armour, Markland

For slow-motion steel flailing, and shittier armour, Adrian Empire.

For academic martial research, armoured HEMA.

Honk honk

>> No.10000226 [View]
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Tiny houses are also becoming popular. People have been using shrubs, crates, barrels, etc to hid the wheels and towarm.

>> No.10000221 [View]
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>> No.10000220 [View]
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>> No.10000219 [View]
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Casa Bardicci builds an entire collapsible Italian Villa for two weeks at Pennsic. Others have begun to follow with similar structures.

Start glamping, Anon. Right now I have a 20 x 20 Pavilion that I have carpets and my folding queen-size poplar bed for camping. I'm not living nearly as comfortable as some other people at camp! If you can build an actual structure, more power to you

>> No.9998432 [View]
File: 422 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_inline_pbim2cKnet1rwttv2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NERO is a clusterfuck

>> No.9997058 [View]

Which ever one Valenti owns.

>> No.9996696 [View]

Had to check the archives to see what I missed. What a tool.

Anyways, who has heard the latest NERO drama? Apparently several thousand dollars raised via Kickstarter to buy land has disappeared...

>> No.9995943 [View]

Thankfully, your middleschool opinion doesn't matter.

We have very clear rules. No swastikas, ever. This man was a public figure and leader, who was warned months in advance against wearing. Both he and the weaver made holocaust jokes, on public forums about it.

the most important thing to take away about this, is that he was a leader in our club. He was broke a simple rule, and then made Holocaust jokes about it. we cannot have our club represented like that, especially when recently before that, we have had scrutiny put on our group due to Nazi rally marchers carrying medieval shields and wearing crusader helmets.

>> No.9995818 [View]
File: 10 KB, 225x225, isreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic.

>> No.9995817 [View]

As Vlad says in >>9995805, Hit up the BotN team on their facebook, as well as your local SCA group.

>> No.9995781 [View]
File: 63 KB, 625x457, mair_285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. And before that too, but no one seems to argue black people in Rome, just in medieval and renaissance europe.

That picture hurts my soul.

Your best bet is a professional armourer. Where are you in particular.

We have religion, but its completely removed from out fuctional system. Most big events have multiple services done in both modern and period fashions held open to the public in private camps.

Politically, we lean left of center, generally.

King (president of a multistate group by right of arms). Its not the fact that he wore it, but the fact that he knew months in advance, as well as comments made by him and the craftsman that made it.

>> No.9991850 [View]

This is all perfectly put. It essentially breaks down to this

>"Hurff durff, ther ain't black ppl in muh medieval fantasy!"
>In real life, there was a near constant interaction between Africa and Europe. Also, it's fucking fantasy.

>> No.9991575 [View]
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And if you're feeling going with your heritage, there is a growing movement in the documentation and practice of surviving Sudanese fighting styles, trying to save them from extinction.

>> No.9991573 [View]
File: 521 KB, 768x1024, 302285356_4282d5a9ec_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am from Sudan
Stop. Go no further. Own that shit. The Sudanese are literally a power player of the African continent, being involved in trade, war and more with every major Empire that was around. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Islamic Kingdoms, Christiandom... The various Sudanese kingdoms fought with and against all sides at any given time. You got more than enough goddamn history to beat anyone who wants to bitch at you.

At the very least, go look up the Wikipedia overview of Sudan's history.

Pic is a suit of Sudanese Maille.

>> No.9991455 [View]

Looks rough, but not bad.

Thats a goddamn shame. Back when they first started, they made good shit. Mytholon has always been trash though.

>> No.9991441 [View]
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>As far as I know that is a picture of a saint and not of some random knight in the HRE.

You're right on both counts. It is a painting of Saint Maurice by Cranach the Elder, and its not "some random knight", but the personal body guard of the man who commissioned the painting, Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg. Whats more interesting, is that pretty much every image of Maurice in the 1520's is the same dude.

Hiring a black guy as part of your retinue, just for the sake of having an exotic looking dude was the height of fashion in Germany in the early 16thC. Typically well dressed and educated in many fields, just to show off how worldly and monied you are to have a man like that in your employ.

>> No.9991322 [View]
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>> No.9991317 [View]
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Just being honest. Also, the Zooter style wide pants you have pictured are not the norm, but are high fashion. The consumption of materials made them a HUGE deal financially and socially during the war. Pick your clothing carefully.

Yes. Small plate, late period brigs are easy as you can just remove or add the plates as needed. Larger plates require cardboard mockups.

Dude, what? You do you. Historically, black people were rare, yes, but not unheard of in medieval and renaissance Europe, especially in the more southern areas. They were not uncommon in the Roman empire before that.

Anyone who gets on your case is literally a butthurt loser. You can document black people in western Europe for most of history, though granted it is the exception rather than the rule. South Italy, Spain, the holy land, etc are all fair game for populations, and they did travel.

>> No.9990778 [View]

Leather soled. I wear pattens in bad weather.

>You should set aside some time for a DIY project to help you get back into it
My job is literally reenacting the 18thC, and as such has eaten my project life as well.

>> No.9990774 [View]
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And my old harness, now scrap, circa 2013-14 ish.

>> No.9990760 [View]
File: 111 KB, 528x960, p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't post stupid shit on social media.

I havent added anything at all this year, as I haven't done anything since last winter. I really gotta get new pics, but I have a maille standard, and a breastplate, as well as new gaunts that should all be part of this kit.

>> No.9990674 [View]

I've played in canada. We also have Ontariolarpfag who is SCA.

>Seems to be everything I want in LARP- more historically based, focus on combat

Yup. Got a period or culture of interest?

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