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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8582199 [View]

I'm fucking flabbergasted by how big a difference shrinking their feet makes. Like you could've kept everything the same and it'd still look better with smaller feet.

>> No.8582136 [View]

Oh shit I didn't see these
Yep. This is my third year teaching. I haven't been doing too much in terms of making new content, so it hasn't been too stressful. Having holidays/vacations definitely gives me time to come up with new stuff, though, and fortunately they coincide with cons a lot.

But of course, because of the workload I don't do out-of-state cons nearly as much. Fortunately, I live in an area with a convention like every other week because there are so many goddamn weebs thirsty for conventions around here.

In the last couple of years, I've definitely been skimping out on grading, which is horrible. They were my first couple of years, though, and they were nuts. I've learned that it's not too bad if you do a little grading on a regular basis (which you're supposed to be doing anyway to give your students timely feedback). I think I'm pretty good at coming up with lessons and creating materials, so it doesn't take me too long, although I definitely know teachers who go above and beyond and spend easily 3~4 hours a day just doing lesson, unit, assessment planning etc.

Teaching is fun as fuck if you like kids and you like your content, but there's definitely a lot of work involved. It's a million times easier if you have a buddy to teach/work/plan with, though.

My school is crazy but awesome and the staff is all immensely passionate, intelligent, talented, and fun so I'm in a really good place. It's not always like that, though, so just keep an eye out.

>> No.8579887 [View]

>git bud

No worries, my roomie has a card to a dispensary

>> No.8578346 [View]
File: 164 KB, 1131x547, hahahaha oh my god my tumblr is so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My outfits, coords, and mostly lolita draws I've done here. Still a wip, still kind of middling around mediocre but I'm sure I'll eventually find *~*~muh aesthetic*~*~

>> No.8577685 [View]

High school English teacher

This year's freshies are going to be the end of me

>> No.8577677 [View]

Also secretly hoping DC takes note of this and tries to do this stunt but better

>> No.8577666 [View]

He's still chillin in the bay area. He runs a lot. He's very excited for star wars. Hasn't been active in cosplay for quite some time though. I think he's kind of over it

>> No.8576367 [View]
File: 318 KB, 450x630, catlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K weird question but would it bother you if I sold this as a small print, because I'm trying to crank out shit for PMX. It's cool if you aren't down with that, but figured I should ask anyway.

>> No.8575439 [View]

I think it helps to give them cute packaging (Corky, I dunno if you package them or not) so they catch people's attention. I have a friend who packages hers really cutely and they do all right

Because they're a smaller item, I think people miss them a lot, so make sure you can display them prominently

>> No.8574148 [View]

Like Pixel said, probably better for smaller merch. For prints, you want to be careful because they can fuck with the visibility of prints (seems obvious, but something like lights+prints in plastic sheets=shit).

It'd also be a good idea to use them around merch you're trying to promote? Like if you've got a sale on like necklaces, a couple christmas lights could bring people's attention to them.

Personally I fucking love fancy shiny pretty displays because I don't know if I could pull them off myself haha.

>> No.8572332 [View]

It's a super chill hang out con. I usually go to catch up with con friends I'm usually too busy to actually chill with at other cons. It's nice to just kill a couple hours there, maybe see a few panels if you're into that stuff. Yaoi Bingo and the auctions are kinda fun to watch too.

>> No.8570961 [View]

This page is destroying my love of appositives.

>> No.8566231 [View]

It sounds crazy, but I've seen some seriously legit fantroll cosplays with cool props and everything. Impeccable body-paint, well-tailored costumes made with good materials and attention-to-detail, and a bottle of cool glowy liquid (think glowsticks) etc. Seriously better than like 94% of canon Homestuck cosplays.

Do it if you want, but still put effort. That's all that matters, really. No one will question your "legitimacy" if your costume is good.

>> No.8566102 [View]
File: 245 KB, 500x478, frogface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Styles is a happy little frog, please see attached evidence.

..... I dunno there are weird fandom jokes and Directioners get insanely hype about shipping but it's not bad if you can swallow the feelings of acute self-deprecation at every concert with fifty thousand screaming high school girls.

>> No.8566009 [View]
File: 132 KB, 499x561, 1D charms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait duh I can just post what it looks like here. Single-sided wooden charms, about 2" tall

>> No.8565992 [View]

wh-whaaaaat. That's so weird! Do you have a tumblr? You can message me there! t1mco at tumblr

>> No.8565527 [View]

Marketing. Lolita is a niche thing that people try to market. It works sometimes, but usually the powwow who but lolita "inspired" stuff are ita anyway so....

To be honest I've been wanting to try lolita art at cons since that's how I got into it and there are like no decent lolita artists in aa's sometimes. I'll let you guys know how it goes after pmx

>> No.8565305 [View]

>lolita, cosplay or jfash?
>favorite brand/cosplay?
Innocent world is my life
>non /cgl/ related things you like?
Drawing, reading, video games, boardgames, movies, food & cooking, animals.... Basic bitch stuff but the difference is I can be super interesting about any of those things
>things you like to talk about?
Food, dogs, movies, my students and school, literary theory, science
Bay area, norcal

>contact info (instagram/skype/email/tumblr)?
T1mco on tumblr, twitter, ig

>> No.8564312 [View]

I've never met >>8558563, but I hung out quite a bit with >>8561033 at my first meet. S/He wasn't so bad. Lowkey weeb, but we're in fuckin lolita so isn't everyone?

>> No.8564304 [View]

....my first impulse was to be grateful this wasn't in blue, my favorite colorway of this set.

I-I mean it's a new print right so of course it'll take a while for people to uh figure out how to coord it well.... right?

>> No.8564177 [View]

Both are viable options. Vograce and a lot of Chinese sellers o the paper thing, where it's printed on paper and wedged between acrylic (sometimes I think with an epoxy coating to seal it/give a "rounder" feel). Inkit, Zap, Chillypig, and Acorn all print directly onto the acrylic, I believe. I'd say go with personal preference? In terms of sales, people don't give any fucks if it's one or the other.

>> No.8563610 [View]

Nozomi tends to be drawn fat by this crowd because she has big boobs. That tends to happen to bustier characters a lot

>> No.8561783 [View]

Haha I don't make that much. I've made that much in the past, but haven't done quite that well in a while. I think I average around 1.5-2kish these days? I think it has less to do with the quality of my art and more to do with my inventory. I don't have a lot of newer stuff, and in the last year or so I've come out with maybe 2-3 new prints, which drives down sales (since everyone's already bough my stuff before).

...I'm also like horribly lazy when it comes to restocking, inventory, etc. While I love doing AA's, I don't take it very seriously because I already have a day job.

Planning on gearing up a bit more for next con season though. We'll see how it goes!

>> No.8561522 [View]

I don't really have pet peeves for lolita since I'm still kinda new. I guess the worst I get is that I'll usually check out from actually looking at a coord when I see pastelvomit. Just not my thing, don't mind if it's yours. Just don't expect me to actually care which necklace you're wearing to match an embellishment on your socks.

I feel so bad for even thinking about wearing lolita to cons... Unless there's a lolita focus or some events, like PMX, I don't think I could bring myself to wear them to conventions.

CPK gathering at CPK someone please fund this.

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