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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8682132 [View]

You're gonna need another support in the middle or that bar is going to break, it's already sagging

>> No.8682129 [View]


Damn, you got me. That was pretty good.

>> No.8682124 [View]

"problematic" = automatic eyeroll

>> No.8682123 [View]

but is she FROM mexico, is the point

>> No.8682117 [View]


Come face me like a man on facebook, shitdick

>> No.8682099 [View]


Adorama had a cosplay contest?

Gosh I wish I contributed to it, I love that place.

>> No.8682095 [View]


I could say the same to you

>> No.8682092 [View]

Stop posing as me

>> No.8681986 [View]

You really have no idea how rock hard fake boobs are. They are not comfortable by any means. Get out of here, virgin.

>> No.8681982 [View]

She cried about how Japan doesn't cater to her fake tit size in a YouTube video of her's. She's cringey and fuck and expects so many places to carry her fake boobs in their stores for bras.

>> No.8680503 [View]

anon youre drunk. go home

>> No.8680502 [View]

Different anon, but.. So instead.. You take up a large amount of space to put a magnetic board up?

>> No.8680498 [View]
File: 220 KB, 378x364, homuguise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking every cosplayer wants a career out of their hobby and not just pretty photos of their hardwork

I know I saw your fedora somewhere...

>> No.8680489 [View]


>> No.8680478 [View]

Yes. One of the girls actually did collect information from everyone and take it to a detective. That is the woman I was talking about. Dani has nothing to do with it. She is merely a piece of garbage looking for fame out of all this instead of actually caring to look to help anyone. Thats why she changed all her stuff back. She didn't get enough sympathy.

>> No.8680466 [View]

And asking a girl out to dinner is basically a way of disguising alternative motives. We aren't stupid. This is why I am friends with photographers first and go on group parties out to dinner with a large mix of cosplayers and photographers before I even think about asking a photographer for a shoot. Even then I bring a friend who I know that could take the photographer if anything happened. Even a female photographer.

Thank gawd I date a 6'3" dude.

>> No.8680458 [View]

Hey anon. Tell us your photography handle. I feel like youre that same piece of shit photographer who posted that photo editing thread months ago and everyone called you out and how crap your stuff was.

>> No.8680455 [View]
File: 307 KB, 500x285, go on keep going yes yes mhm yeah uh huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on, anon. Tell me more about your fantasies that aren't actually happening.

>> No.8680451 [View]

Dani acted how she did not out of concern for other girls, but for attention. You can tell in how she acted in everything vs how all the other girls acted.

>> No.8680448 [View]

Facebook can backlog this stuff and unless you know how to nuke your harddrive, he can still be found out. Also, for those who don't know, all the girls did archive the messages meaning that even though this profile was removed or deactivated, there is still a source code in the archives.

>> No.8680445 [View]

That polka dot towel really ruins it the nice setup the person made.

>> No.8680442 [View]

Pretty much. Guys like these are the ones who cosplayers don't want to get photos from, let alone go out to dinner with. Butthurt alert over here. Its the whole online dating thing you always see:

Anon 1: I had a really good time!!
Anon 2: Yeah, me too.
Anon 1: I would love to meet you again!!
Anon 2: While I had fun, I don't think I'd like to go out again. Thank you for the offer though.
Anon 1: Fuck you, you fucking whore. You're a butt ugly piece of shit anyways. I hope you die.

>> No.8680434 [View]
File: 795 KB, 500x281, smileaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wong person, anon. Im someone else.I only just now showed up in this thread.

>> No.8680430 [View]

>been in a relationship with 9 years
>still in the relationship

You need to calm down. Where is your fedora? I'll hand it back to you.

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