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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6644493 [View]

Bro, you just ruined any chance you had with her by posting that shit here. If she finds out who you are, she's going to think you're batshit.

>> No.6644491 [View]

Are you even reading these graphs? The darker line is MALE messages to FEMALES, dickwit. Maybe try reading that which you choose to use for propaganda before spewing it all over a totally irrelevant thread.

And yeah, you care so little about it that you derail the entire thread talking about it and obsessively trying to prove your point with graphs you can't even read. Mmhmm. Gotcha. Keep fighting the good fight brosaiah.

>> No.6644454 [View]

And who was it who decided they'd rather have the women in skimpy clothes? Oh yeah. Whoops. Jesus, you're autistic.

>> No.6644404 [View]

>Women have been treating guys like all they want to see is vag and tits.
And where exactly do you think that came from? Women just magically developed this idea out of nowhere without ANY kind of male behaviour to give them it? Of course they did, petal.

>> No.6644244 [View]


I love you too my little sausage.

>> No.6644213 [View]

Ooh you're so dominant and powerful, there's nothing more impressive than a man who tries to prove his masculinity by trying to bully women on the internet~
Let's face it, if you had the balls to dominate women in any other way than this pathetic faggotry, you'd be doing it. Get out. There's nothing worse than an insecure wanna-dom.

>> No.6640766 [View]

It's not athens, not even he believes this bullshit.

>> No.6640762 [View]

And I'm enjoying vidya, academic pursuits and lifting alongside the excessive amounts of sex. Problem?

>> No.6640758 [View]

Go and find me one example of anybody saying male masturbation has negative PHYSICAL effects. Go on. I'll be waiting.

>> No.6640756 [View]
File: 279 KB, 490x278, tumblr_m7z4ym3ln91r3gfcm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line.

>> No.6640751 [View]

...*sex slaves to men

I can see why you would feel threatened by all women being sex slaves to me, yes.

Pimpin' ain't easy.

>> No.6640746 [View]

How long have you been posting the exact same thing on this board? It's been a few months at least, and it isn't going to suddenly get true just because you keep repeating it. If you feel threatened by women getting themselves off instead of being sex slaves to me, good for you I guess, but don't try to disguise your own pathetic insecurity with pseudoscience.

Can you imagine if women were this insecure about men masturbating? Society would be fucked, we'd have a rape epidemic.

>> No.6640730 [View]

YES. Watching weird japanese shit on the internet is the best thing to do when ill. Thanks!

>> No.6640713 [View]
File: 512 KB, 458x500, wonderufl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say it to entertain myself, other people's responses have never really as been important as the entertainment I get from my own sick burnz.

>> No.6640612 [View]

excellent disguise for your yellow fever thread
well done

>> No.6639896 [View]
File: 116 KB, 720x868, jackinswag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a table full of plushies like this at Midlands MCM and they've gotta be from taobao, right? Searching 'round cat' or 'ball cat' is just giving me pandas, though. God knows why. Any ideas for search terms or shops that sell this kind of thing?

>> No.6638896 [View]

You could try cosplaying a guy who isn't so fucking pathetic he spams the same thread over and over on /cgl/ for female attention
that would be a good start

>> No.6635934 [View]

Are we talking big-name brands here, or is lolita stuff an issue too?

>> No.6635916 [View]

>drawn on abs

Could you not have found a better example? Really?

>> No.6635848 [View]

>hi I'm a beta orbiter stalking Toast's facebook, please validate my desperate need to stalk her

I didn't see anything like that, but it was really, really lame. Most people there were in their mid teens. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I had a danceable costume/ participated in stuff like the karaoke, but as it was, eh. Had way more fun just partying in our room the night before. Telford Expo was about as enjoyable as a bollock burger too.

No, he doesn't.

>> No.6626854 [View]

Excellent, I'll stick to /vg/ where people actually talk about video games, then.

>> No.6625161 [View]

This legitimately kind of upsets me, I really like wearing my Applejack gijinka and it won't be the same if some shitty spin-off show causes a bunch of aspies to harass me going HURRR APPLEJACK DOESN'T WEAR THAT. I hope it's not true.

>> No.6625096 [View]
File: 2 KB, 196x171, 1351808978670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we not though

>> No.6620310 [View]
File: 11 KB, 312x396, homestuck-terezi-laugh-5783_preview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think we need tips?

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