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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10435249 [View]

That's good to hear, but it will also make it much worse when a few years down the line it comes to light that he secretly kidnaps hobos and makes them fight in a death arena he built secretly under his house.


>> No.10435002 [View]

Why? It just seems like 90% of all online web comics ends up having some weird hangups that ruin their career. Its sadly the norm.

And why do you think that anon?

>> No.10434546 [View]

You're welcome!

Love this guy's stuff, but I'm waiting to find out that like many other online comic artists, but he secretly makes puppies tiny Nazi uniforms or something else, because it seems like "if you are in our blood, too, have to be into something fuckes up"

>> No.10434054 [View]

>Could you expand on that? Maybe gives some examples? I've lived in both Boston and SoCal
Have you ever talked to anyone who's never left either? Everything "outside" might as well be a backwards third world country with how such folks would describe it, typically with the most extreme stereotypes as the only understanding they care about.

A great example is actually my boyfriend's: when he moved to Cali for work from Richmond VA to Los Angeles, his co-workers just couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that Virginia isn't fading antebellum southern rednecks. They were shocked that a twinky gay didn't get lynched by the hoards of Klansmen that roam the streets, or that he didn't have an accent. They couldn't believe that the coastal metro area was cities bigger than theirs instead of moonshine hovels. They actually asked about if Hispanic people existed on that side of the country. They also honestly assumed all the black folks are barely literate and live in fear 24/7.

Also, try explaining to someone who has never left Cali that "plantation" has the same connotation as "hacienda" and watch their eyes go wide.

Maybe? Would have been early 2010s, at the hight of my drinking so a lot of the shows run together. I was with the Screwloose Circus and Cirque du Slutté.

>> No.10433840 [View]

Lived in San Diego, performed all over, including Venice Beach, Los Angeles (where my partner has lived the past couple years), and a few others. Californians who have never left the state are exactly like Bostonians who have never left Massachusetts, and don't realize that there is a better world beyond. It's sad really.

So I take it you're not a fan of soup plantation?

>> No.10433789 [View]

Unfortunately, it's not. Non colonial states do have the very rare ARW groups, and they are legendarily terrible.

>> No.10433787 [View]
File: 899 KB, 1000x773, george3statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, most actual history professionals are fine with tearing down Confederate statues that were built during the Jim Crow era specifically paid for by members of the ku Klux Klan, and statues of Columbus that were erected by telling communities trying to pretend to be white. The only people that are complaining about it don't actually understand history, and sure as hell aren't going to learn it from looking at a statue. Pic related, here in America we have a long history of tearing down statues to our enemies.

Also, California is weirdly racist as shit due to the weird racial dynamics, and lack of history related to the rest of the country. They just don't realize it, especially if you've never left California.

>> No.10433762 [View]
File: 78 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1582359440546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about you or anon, but my bosses have actual Phds in the subject. I'm curious to know what university, because Hamilton is just barely more historically accurate then The Patriot.

Both Townsend's and Samson's are essentially the Walmart of the 18th century. It's not bad for starter stuff, and bulk stuff for long events. Check here first with what you're interested in before you purchase.

>> No.10433669 [View]
File: 220 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1594322391364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>10433386

First off, don't use me as a good reference, as the majority of my uniforms are tailored by one of the largest historic research and costume departments in the world. It fucking spoiled me.

The flat-out answer is that you are not going to buy the stuff off the shelf from anywhere and have it look any good. You're only two options, and I really do mean only, is either to have a commission peace made by a professional historic tailor, or sew one yourself. Honestly, what's the pattern is cut, the sewing isn't too difficult as it's all wool, and you don't have to him anything. That said, the right wool is kind of pricey.

What you're going to want to do first, is figure out who you want to be. Do you want to be German, French, British, American, American volunteers, British volunteers, Etc. Volunteers for either the British or the Americans means that you can get away with civilian clothing and slowly build up piece by piece.

The first thing you're going to want to do, is small clothes, which is to say breeches, a waistcoat, shirt, and then the basic accessories. You can feasibly get stuff off the shelf, and just fill around with it a little to make it fit better. Add a proper hat, and maybe a hunting for a cure, and it can least get you out there. If you want to go for a specific unit, find your local group that does that unit and see if you mess with them. if you have your own small clothes, they might have loaner coats to use. Almost everybody used heavy white linen waistcoats and breeches/gaitered trousers.

I'm currently working on my French uniform, which literally is using a pattern that was drafted off of one of the few surviving french coats from the Revolutionary War (in the collection of Brown University). It's been very slow going, and the material cost me an arm and a leg.

Picture is fairly generic Mid-Atlantic American, but with my red wool smell clothes, becomes Virginia state garrison.

>> No.10431484 [View]

>every other source talks about how lin manuel miranda is a historical genius worthy of a phd

...Wut. Jesus goddamn, I don't want to actually read that insanity, but I feel like I need proof that anybody has actually said that.

And I won't go into details about the obvious clothing and prop issues, it's not the fact that it's an accurate necessarily, but that it's very bad pop history in omits a ton of important key details and facts efforts to make mass consumption pop history.

Like for example, Alexander Hamilton not only wrote constantly about an interest in starting a new American monarchy, but actually argued it for close to four hours at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.

Kind of changes perspectives, hmm?

>> No.10431363 [View]

Dude, I worked for the world's largest 18th century living Museum while Hamilton was still on Broadway. The depths of my suffering are unknowable by mere mortals like you.

>> No.10431327 [View]

*Clothing choices 50 to 100 years out of date in either direction

*everything about Roger and Roger's rangers

*Hewlett being almost as bizarrely written as Simcoe, but changed from a no-nonsense badass military hero to a queer-coded, simpering loser.


*"LOL Kang George wuz crazy" BS

*Slowly replacing actual spy-tech of the period with "Franklin-punk" insanity. I'm actually happy with the turtle, but they felt like they needed Q's goddamn workshop to build up to it.

*Generic pop-history Benedict Arnold hot-take #737936.

>> No.10431262 [View]
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images - 2020-07-06T174727.233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the historic accuracy band material culture sins are without number (everything is shades of brown, American troops dress like hobos, etc), I will only focus on the things that make my blood boil.

1: Their Washington is a joke. He talks like he's recovering from a stroke, seems confused and oblivious about everything, and has zero charisma. Literally charisma was the only thing the real George Washington had going for him.

2: The character assassination of John Simcoe. The real Simcoe was legendary not only for his leadership and military skill, but also for his progressive humanist ideaology, abolitionist attitudes, and gentility, and is still celebrated to this day in many parts of the US and Canada. In Turn, they present him as a strangely effeminate, sociopathic murderer with poor impulse control.

3: Serrated type IV triangular socket bayonet. I can't even begin to explain this. Pic related.

4: French involvement a mere footnote, and at one point played for laughs.

5: The "pitched battle scenes" being a couple dozen guys with no organization breaking into a brawl within five seconds of voley fire.

I could go on.

>> No.10431182 [View]

Forgot my trip.

None. There isn't a single production about the American Revolutionary War that I would ever suggest any human being the John Adams miniseries is the least cringe, but still pretty dogshit.

Don't even think about Turn. That show is such a monumental dry heaving anus of a production, that I wish I could go back in time and smother the writers as babies. It's even worse that I'm technically a party to it, as myself and almost all my co-workers were used as extras and specialty technicians. I feel like I'm part of a crime against humanity, and wish I could take it all back.

>> No.10430448 [View]

Happy to please

>> No.10430071 [View]
File: 115 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1593982190385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're new eh?

1: It's reenactment, not a game system. Less rules lawyering, and more social/IRL political bullshit

2: the cliquishness is even worse when you realize that every individual unit and group is a separate group/unit with its own big-dick leader, rules, and opinions

3: It actually is possible to be objectively wrong, both presentationally and historically, but there are people who will not only fight you about their half-baked historical fiction and bullshit conspiracies, but make it their life's goal to destroy your life.

But yeah, it can be good too. Leagues better than American Civil War, or WWII. I'm going to assume you're American, because saying Colonial reenactment is distinctly American expression. I'm also going to assume that you're focusing on 18th century. Where are you located, and what's your impression? I do both 16/17thC early colonial and 18thC Revolutionary War/frontier/civilian as both a hobby and professionally.

>> No.10428229 [View]
File: 117 KB, 489x768, Image-2-Dionis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it until now, but it doesn't look terrible, and the rules seem tolerable despite lack of head targeting. It's also just a few hours away from me, but I am always weary of things that market themselves as an "experience".

I'm very frugal with my purchases, and mostly only buy reenacting quality stuff, or make my own, but I have been gifted epic armoury clothes before, and goddamn they were hot garbage in quality, construction, and design. The market price for them was also disgusting.

Actual favorite: non magic healing is freely useable by anyone, but requires bandages etc. The first game I went to that had this rule was so immersive, that during a particularly long and grueling battle, there was a junior cleric who without hesitation tore strips from his fairly nice robes to bandage us up after he ran out of prayers and potions.

Priest bro, you were the real VIP.

"Favorite" as in "ten pounds of horse shit in a five pound bag" rule: kids are allowed in combat, and can hit you, but you can't hit them back for "safety" reasons. This was revealed /at/ the event, on the day of because some breeders brought their larvae unannounced, and the event organizers had no youth plans, or the balls to say no.

Dead on arrival from what little I heard.

>> No.10423584 [View]
File: 537 KB, 1275x1920, f45bbcb4befb091fcf3b720a568930fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we talked about it all the time, it's some of us play in WH set games. Those are really old pictures though.

Have a night goblin.

>> No.10418817 [View]

Trying to figure out more commissions and sell some stuff. It's been rough on one income.

Dude, I'm around, and just post with trip like a day or two ago. I've been avoiding /tg/ due to the influx of /pol/tards REEEing about whatever scares them at the time.

I can't tell if you're being serious, but I wouldn't be surprised since every country is doing better than us. Did you know you could have lower covid reports if you don't file them? True suggestion from our orange dictator.

>> No.10416669 [View]
File: 64 KB, 512x274, unnamed (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's relatively recent to the past few years here in the US, but what's especially interesting is that some of their prints are reproductions of 18th-19thC fabric, as it's public domain, and has exploded in popularity for historic costuming.

Pic related. All Ikea.

>> No.10414824 [View]
File: 3.32 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20200615_170610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like it, and want to deny it tough shit. He brought it on himself. End of discussion.

Moving on. Just got home from Ikea, and they had heavyweight canvas linen, and linen/cotton blend for like, $2.99 a meter! Got enough to make a whole bunch of stuff, and might start on a jack of plates I've been putting off.

>> No.10414805 [View]

Beat me to it. Keep that trainwreck out of here.

>> No.10414726 [View]

Not really. As >>10414643 said, this has been an on going issue, but the amount of required evidence to kick someone from the organization as an international entity is huge, and he finally crosses the line, very publicly.

>> No.10414530 [View]

Im not you your real dad, but I'm the best you got.

And there is no argument to be had. A douchebag whined about the organization releasing statements openly supporting gay and black members, and wrote a three page whine fest about his hurt fee fees because he doesn't like them. When people caught him out for his shity behavior, he instantly turned around and is claiming that its religious persecution. when members of his own religion called him out on it, he stomped off.

End of story

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