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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6606369 [View]

The annoying thing though is every time a commissioner denies him, he sends me an FB, as if somehow I can do anything about it. He finally got someone from out of the US to do it for him for that tiny budget, I can't wait to see how crap it is. But whoopdeedoo lucky for him that the 12th person he asked finally accepted.

Oh, just so you know, he's that kind of cosplayer that only cosplays because the character will suit him, but he doesn't know anything about the characters he cosplays or the shows they're from.

>> No.6598351 [View]

lkajdfhasldkfjHNGN. Let me know how it turns out!

>> No.6598067 [View]

Definitely bringing Wizard to ANext, and quite possibly Ichigo

>> No.6597447 [View]
File: 495 KB, 1247x730, Heine Planned 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, since this will be the final year that I'll be going to more than two conventions (I need to focus more on the business side of things, what with the prop/armor commissions picking up), I figured I'd go out with a bang and do all the cosplays I've always wanted to do!

>> No.6597398 [View]


Eh. Teenagers, what can you do? I gave up on making any form of coherently logical argument with him, because he hides behind his "knowledge" then retreats behind so-called legalese, claiming I defamed his name within the cosplay community and was a cyberbully. I'm sorry, but when you insult my skillset and question how I do what I do when you're paying for MY work, you better be ready for the backlash because I don't do this kind of thing 100% for the fun, there's also profit involved.

Yeah, I've pretty much ignored any quote requests he has that I know will cost more than his budget.

Yeah see, that's the other thing that pissed me off. If you "know" so much and have "done" commissions before and know how much materials cost, make your own damn stuff, ya know? I mean, does he not realize we have a really expensive hobby?

>> No.6597104 [View]


Ah jeez, of course this thing would've made it on here. Yeah he really blew things way out of proportion. Last I checked too, I didn't see him make any payments on my account, so I fail to see why I'd be accountable for what materials I used. He wanted it March 8th. That's barely half a month after Katsucon. My page clearly stated I need at least 2 months prior to when a prop is needed, so I don't see why the explosion. If we hadn't settled things I would've really gone out of my way to make his life a living hell.

>> No.6577157 [View]




Are good candidates, but unless you're able to make it down to NY to Spandex House, you're better off ordering online from Spandex World.

>> No.6576643 [View]

Perhaps you can try matte / non-shiny pleather? it'll give a somewhat sturdier look. As far as contouring it to your body, you may wanna try a couple of darts here and there when sewing it?

>> No.6576640 [View]

see this
Every time she posts a picture whether here, facebook or her website her husband is always credited for the paintwork, so I have no clue why you'd think she does otherwise?

>> No.6570874 [View]

I made a grid of little holes on the visor, barely noticable when photographed, but they help me see 180 degrees around. Eventually I'll cut that visor out and replace it with plexiglass, but this'll suffice til then

>> No.6569617 [View]
File: 224 KB, 1224x1632, 775090_537684349598452_1143394254_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, finally finished this one for Katsucon, now I need to revamp my Altair outfit.

>> No.6558579 [View]

Well, I actually get my pep files from a great source; he uses the 3D files ripped directly from the Kamen Rider games to make his peps; helmet peps can go from around $5 and entire armor pep files for about $20, so far I haven't been disappointed with his work. It's all really a matter of working on it well enough that it doesn't look like it's a pep file.

>> No.6555051 [View]

>What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?

Not sure about day to day, but I will be bringing Kamen Rider Wizard (flame form), Altair and Jack Noir. Altair's just getting a reboot, Jack is about 80% done, and Wizard is about 60% complete, just waiting for more materials to come in.

>Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
Isn't everyone on here a cosplay celeb or has been one? We've all had our 15 minutes of fame

>Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
I haven't seen a decent panel at any of the cons I've been to for the past 5-6 years, no reason to think otherwise.

>Where are you traveling from? how?
NY via the Boltbus

>> No.6551630 [View]

Definitely not his first time. I mean he cosplays as Auron, and it's cool that he has all the swords hanging from his back and all, but it's such a pain in the ass to walk around him at conventions cause he hogs the entire damn lane and doesn't have a spotter to help him get through, so he causes such a backup it's not even funny anymore. I'm not knocking his craftmanship, but I just wish he'd learn to be a little more practical and have a little more common sense with stuff he does...

>> No.6551559 [View]

Yep. That one. He's doing all these weird inner contraptions with pvc pipe and wood with steel casters and I'm like... dude, that's gonna fucking weigh a ton...

>> No.6551484 [View]

Another thing that's more like a pet peeve than anything: I've been watching this guy toiling away at his Marlboro cosplay. I wanna just grab him by the shoulders and scream at him and let him know that he's seriously over-thinking and over-doing things. Shit's so simple to make and he's making a Broadway production out of it. I wonder why he hasn't collapsed from the ridiculous weight of his wooden and steel props, especially when I know I can tell him how to make it easily...

>> No.6551472 [View]

Hell, you can even go as simple as a bunch of grenades in your coat latched together by the rings with some string and attach that to your thumb. Or even so far as a pencil.

>> No.6551456 [View]

THIS. THIS SO MUCH. I hate it when people try to commission the impossible. Like asking me to build a helmet from scratch in under a month when I've already explicitly explained that I'm fully booked for January/February. And asking if they can pay just under $200 and have the helmet chromed.

>> No.6541551 [View]

It's actually just the lighting, but the ribbon is red; it's just a stand in til the actual laces come in the mail.

>> No.6541363 [View]

>main forecast is rain
lol so you either live in Seattle or London.

>> No.6540785 [View]

hahah I can see that now. Nah, it's not squashed, though I think part of why it looks that way is cause of the angle and that it's only the front half of the helmet. It's not an oversized one so it'll only fit my head and smaller sizes. I wanted to make sure it was snug to my head so I can look around freely in it. Gotta say though, you'd think the side of the helmet with the least detail would be easier. NOPE. I'm still sanding the back to make sure it's smooth...

>> No.6540743 [View]

Sweet, thanks for the advice, I totally forgot I had these ridiculously long zip ties around here. Yeah, I guess it's just me being impatient cause I still have 6 other outfits/commissions that have to be finished by Katsucon/February.

>> No.6540346 [View]

Yeah I'm bringing Jack lol you totally should bring Jade.

>> No.6540344 [View]

Sorry, didn't make it clear, but also that dress form is smaller than she is and has rather odd proportions, hence the rippling. I can probably simulate the boning with steel wire, but at this point I'm not gonna invest into it any more than I've already spent, since that pleather didn't come cheap. And not sure if you're the same anon, but yeah, I actually am using spandex with a leather texture to it, I just wanted to be sure that taking off at least an inch off the measurements would be the way to go.

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