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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8719341 [View]

Maki is so cute.
The brown works because she has brown in other places whereas Hanayo's gloves seem really random because there's no brown elsewhere except for the bow on her capelet.

I'm assuming they did layers of prints in an attempt to make the dress more visually interesting without having to draw texture, but it just made the dresses really fugly and mismatched.

>> No.8719307 [View]
File: 142 KB, 512x720, 732idolizedHanayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sparkly brown gloves
>lime green capelet that doesn't match anything else
>5 different shades of green
>mfw best girl is a mess

a-at least her unidolized version is cute and cosplayable.

>> No.8711434 [View]
File: 559 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same costume? They're both her Asuna costume but it looks like her weird shoop one has her chest piece removed. I could be wrong though since I don't know anything about SAO.

>pic related Momo/Ahri/Skyleigh/what's her fucking name's face in the same wig

>> No.8702921 [View]

Some dresses lose their value over time, some don't, and some get more expensive. It really depends on the print and what's popular at a given time.

The Baby dresses that start in the thousands cost that much because they're made to order and are more elaborate than normal jsks (more material goes into making them).
Non-MTO dresses that are hundreds to almost a thousand cost that much, it's both. They're expensive because they're rare or older or the demand for a certain dress is high.

>> No.8698821 [View]
File: 1.82 MB, 2141x3975, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8696410 [View]

There's a help thread: >>8673920
Next time post there instead of making your own thread.

>> No.8696328 [View]
File: 308 KB, 500x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is so ugly. I need one.

I hated the 2014 Wrapping Ribbon. It looks so garish and cheap imo.
AP should've stuck with the colorways from the 2010 release.

>> No.8695900 [View]

You could just buy a cosplay so you don't have to worry about making it yourself. I think Bodyline has a really cheap one and there's tons of Reimu costumes on Taobao.

>> No.8695845 [View]

It's from the Ace Attorney game about Phoenix Wright's ancestor. Her name is Jezail Brett.

>> No.8691742 [View]

Sugartrick has really cute outfits and her pictures are all super cute.

>> No.8690920 [View]

I wish the mods would make a fan art flairs and have a hide fan art tab.
I love fan art but the LLSIF sub is a better place for event updates, luck, and achievement posts than for fan art.

>> No.8685564 [View]
File: 225 KB, 750x1289, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the recommendations thread. Remember to read the OP and follow the rules.

Also why did you reply to your own post pretending to be another anon?

>> No.8684075 [View]

If your petti is too long, you could try rolling the waistband down a little bit to make it shorter. But yay, you a petti that works in time!

>> No.8684071 [View]

If we told you what fabric to choose, you'd just whine and say it's not the fabric that you wanted. Go pick out your own fabric and make your cape instead of wasting your time complaining to us.

>> No.8683986 [View]

Instead of asking us to choose a fabric for you, you could've just gone to the fabric store and picked something out by yourself.

>> No.8676881 [View]
File: 163 KB, 513x419, Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 10.58.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please never use this image ever again

>> No.8674410 [View]

Wow she doesn't look like a penguin at all... I didn't even notice her ear warmers had penguins on them so I assumed she was some kind of aquatic animal because of her bikini and color scheme.
They should've made her black and white for a penguin tho.

I was in Japan recently and she was pretty popular but ofc not as popular as the super animu girls like Honk or Kotori. I'd say she's like the third or fourth most popular?
I only talked to 2 fans and she wasn't their favorites, but her merch seemed to sell very well and I saw a guy walk out of Laforet with a big stack Nozomi keychains (presumably for an ita bag).

>> No.8674137 [View]

All of these are so weird. They should've stuck to the exotic animals theme for everyone instead of throwing in other animals like Maki as a Pegasus and Hamayo.
Umi is actually pretty cute for an elephant but I'd say Nico and Kotori are my favorites.
What is Nozomi supposed to be? A dolphin?

>It's such a weird trope to give her because in the anime I never really felt like she's a girl that will flaunt her tits around all the time.
I feel the same way. If she was flat, it wouldn't even make a difference personality-wise.

Mine's White Day Hanayo.

>> No.8665852 [View]

>day/weekend trips to SF
San Francisco is roughly an 8 hour drive away from Irvine though. Probably doable for a weekend but a day trip would be impossible.
(Unless you mean some other SF?)

>> No.8663419 [View]
File: 40 KB, 470x465, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess anon means something like this?

>> No.8663408 [View]
File: 116 KB, 750x1119, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you gotta see her newest photo tho. Complete with an edited cleavage shadow and a giraffe neck.

>> No.8656691 [View]

I go to FIDM. There's the girl I mentioned earlier but other than that I haven't met any weebs yet.
Most of my friends wear alt fashion and jfash outside of school though.

I'm surprised you haven't seen any weebs. A handful of weeby kids I met in high school go there, but they're like legitimate "JAPAN IS TEH BESTEST!!! XD" weebs who call themselves weeb trash.

Is it really? All the people I know who went there were dudebros who couldn't wait to smoke weed legally and join a frat so that's my impression of Boulder.
Although one of them does play Dynasty Warriors if that counts towards anything...

>> No.8656669 [View]

Try gold lenses like G&G Shimmer Yellow.

>> No.8655737 [View]

Some sort of transparent plastic that is or can be tinted blue. You can get blue plexiglass and http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=44847 is a good guide for tinting polycarbonate.

I think the top right has the nicest color balance. Pink+purple Jolyne is really cute.

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