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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8479579 [View]

Plush are fun but hard. I haven't been very successful myself, but I had good results and a lot of fun with this tutorial/pattern: http://katy-a.deviantart.com/art/How-to-Plush-your-Dragon-161986356

I have a fairly sizable collection of plush patterns if you're looking for anything in particular!

>> No.8478938 [View]


>> No.8476005 [View]

Luckily my immediate family is supportive, my dad even really enjoys making props with me. It's most of my extended family that kinda sucks. I try to only see them when necessary, because this sort of shit isn't uncommon.

>> No.8473698 [View]

Hmm, don't know why I used "anon" when I'm using my name, but whatever.

Minor other story with the same cast:
>Grandparents are moving into a retirement home, family is claiming stuff from their house.
>(Okay, it was really creepy, so many people were just like vultures swooping in and grabbing anything and everything as my grandpa sat on the couch sadly watching as people whisked his life away… BUT ANYWAY)
>One of the only things my sister wants is a simple deck of cards, so I'm going through a couple boxes looking for one. For some reason they're in a box with a bunch of chopsticks.
>I take the chopsticks out and set them on the ground.
>A cousin picks them up, bows, says something in fake Japanese and tries to get me to take them.
>I don't want them, so I decline.
>Another cousin bounces over with an armful of stuff and says "Jacuzzi, this is your type of stuff!"
>There's a little makeup box with art of a Buddhist(?) temple on it, more chopsticks, a fan
>I don't know how to respond without sounding like an ungrateful twit, so I stay quiet long enough for them to speak up again.
>"It's Japanese stuff! You love this stuff! Here!!"
>It's actually all Korean from when my grandpa was stationed there. Even if it was Japanese, I'm just not interested in it. I do my best to politely decline and inform him it's Korean (because of the South Korean flag and Korean writing on most of the objects).
>"It's Korean? Well… it's close enough, right? I know you still want it."

>> No.8473685 [View]
File: 340 KB, 1042x374, Monku no Tsukeyou ga nai Rabukome_nnghh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At big family Christmas celebration:
>"Hey anon, we have an extra present for you!"
>"Oh, whoa, thanks!"
>Open the gift, it's a Japanese children's clothing set; a yukata, socks, shoes.
>"This looks beautiful, thank-you so much!"
>"Our Japanese exchange student gave it to use a couple years ago. We just found it again and though you might like it! Now try it on!"
>"Oh, uh, well, this is actually for a ten-year-old, and as I'm in my mid-twenties, I don't think it's going to fit."
>"Put it on! Put it on!" The entire family slowly joins in the chant.
>"No thanks, it's way too small."
>"I'm so sad that you don't like our gift, anon. Is it really that difficult to show some appreciation for what we've given you?" (Other family members chime in on how mean I'm being)
>"Fine, but it's going to look ridiculous because it's way too small."
>It does look ridiculous, like a giraffe in a onesie.
>Family explodes into laughter, I chuckle alongside them. I do look really silly.
>Oh yeaaaaaaah, I had forgotten what huge assholes so many of my relatives are, thanks for the reminder.

>> No.8473531 [View]

I like that at SDCC they have a child care area. Please, keep your screaming children out of the panel rooms. I wish it was required to use for children under 3 or so though. They probably have no idea what's going on/will not remember anything anyway, so why bring them in your double-wide stroller always seems to mow its way through crowded areas?

Sorry, I'm a bit bitter.

>> No.8473490 [View]
File: 281 KB, 600x794, Fanime2014_Meliodas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is selfpost, sorry. I cosplayed Meliodas myself at Fanime 2014 and was unfortunately only recognized by one person. But they were so excited it made it okay? Going around the artist alley this year I saw a bunch of fanart for it, so I think maybe it'll be somewhat recognized now?

>> No.8438130 [View]
File: 116 KB, 488x800, Fanime2015_Aizawa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplayed him at Fanime, and it… needs work. I'll be wearing him again at Comic-Con I think, hopefully I'll be able to fix it up a bit beforehand.

>> No.8433836 [View]
File: 53 KB, 599x449, CFfq4RsUMAABcu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with Aizawa prop. (Please ignore that I had no idea what some of the students' Quirks were…)

>> No.8431622 [View]

I'm thinking a short pile fur for most of it and a micro fleece for the beak/mouth area, but I haven't quite decided yet.

That's from the inside back flap of v4.

>> No.8431102 [View]

I am very interested to see how these turn out. I'm working on a dragon puppet myself right now. I made two dragon puppets a couple years back, failed at them being actual usable puppets, so just carried them around as regular props. I'm really flaying around trying to get my new puppet to actually work.

>> No.8430213 [View]


There's a lot badass stuff in this thread, my thanks to those posting.

Any chance anyone might be cosplaying HeroAca characters for PMX or Y-Con? I'm gonna try to cosplay Tokoyami for one of them, and if that doesn't work out I'll just be Aizawa because I already have his costume done and besides the facial hair it's super comfy.

>> No.8394477 [View]

Hahaha, actually, I was talking about SF. But you're probably right for "normal"-type weddings. I'm getting married at city hall and they require all the paperwork before the ceremony.

>> No.8388310 [View]

In California (at least around where I live), you actually need the license beforehand. The courthouse I'm getting hitched at actually states that you cannot get it day of.

>> No.8386988 [View]
File: 81 KB, 960x1323, tumblr_mozcutzNsM1s2r3opo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Naoki Urasawa characters have strong noses!!

>> No.8353984 [View]

I've had so many dream groups, but now I'm too old to pull off middle schoolers and a good chunk of the high school-based groups I dreamed of.

I was just talking to someone the other day about this series… I wanna cosplay Wolf-head Boma so badly, but I have little girly arms.

>> No.8353963 [View]

The top is solid wood, which is where probably 75% of the weight is. The rest is wood too, but lighter woods (poplar and redwood) than the top (pine plywood and MDF, if I recall correctly).

>> No.8344441 [View]
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, fI0sbX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank-you!! Unfortunately I think it only looks okay in that picture because it's a LQ pic. My paint job on it is crap, I want to redo so much. Hopefully any pictures that surface won't show all the errors… But your comment makes me really happy and gives me some faith in it!!

>> No.8343542 [View]
File: 29 KB, 436x582, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished my Shiroe staff (with tons of help from my dad). Sadly it's about 30lbs and extremely top heavy so I can't carry it very long. Smart move, me.

>> No.8339447 [View]
File: 70 KB, 183x312, MHA_GoForIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you hype for
Having the first non-rush weekend in months.

>What are you working on
Finishing up my Shiroe staff, touchups on everything else.

>How screwed are you?
I think I'm… not screwed. As long as I can finish my painting today, I'll be fine.

>What are you wearing/cosplaying?
S2 Shiroe (Log Horizon), a half-assed version of Aizawa (My Hero Academia), Maou (Devil is a Part-Timer), and maybe my Rabit (World Trigger) hoodie for lazy times.

>What are your plans?
Staffing, cosplaying, hanging out with friends

>Can Maguma down 200 tacos in 20 minutes?
...I only see it ending in sadness and sickness.

>> No.8323289 [View]
File: 139 KB, 636x352, FanimeCostumePlans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if I'll bring Arashiyama… I haven't fixed up the costume since I wore it last Summer and looks like the two people I was going to World Trigger with won't be able to get their costumes done on time. It depends if a friend brings her Enedora or not, I guess. Otherwise I'll bring Maou or maybe Melodias instead.

>> No.8295523 [View]
File: 77 KB, 1024x921, CDo0fpxWEAICVmp.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting close to being able to paint Shiroe's S2 staff, just maybe one more round of sanding before primer. Let me tell you, this prop has been a real learning experience for my dad and I… we're so worried it's just going to snap into pieces when we put it all together because the headpiece is so heavy.

>> No.8164558 [View]
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, tumblr_ncn1ziktzA1rfp5pbo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions on a pattern I could use to make Shiroe's jacket? I was going to just attempt to pattern it myself off of one of my own jackets, but I thought I'd ask to see. Laziness and all that.

Also! What's the best way to cut leather? The leather I have is pretty thin, thinner than a typical pleather.

>> No.8134448 [View]

>Was practicing at my parents' home for a cosplay skit
>Big, two person Entei costume
>Brought it to every practice in whatever state of completion it was in
>Usually looks like crap
>Mom is delighted to see our costumes, asked to take pictures one week
>Sure, that's fine
>Eventually finished the costume, turned out a bit flat-faced, not great but not terrible
>Brought completed costume to practice, mom takes more pictures
>Asks me what I'm cosplaying, says she's gonna put a picture in the family X-mas letter.
>I'm a bit hesitant because the letter goes out to pretty much everyone my mom has ever met, but I'm fairly happy with the costume and it's a Pokémon, not side character B from obscure anime Z, so it's somewhat recognizable
>Mom uses pictures of half-completed costume (which looks like a roadkill squirrel with the mange) instead of pictures of the finished version, captions with something like "Jacuzzi as an Entei from Pokémon!"
>"Oh Jacuzzi, don't complain, no one knows what it's supposed to be anyway"
>…I was treated like a special snowflake that year when my relatives got together because of my "special costume"

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