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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8633159 [View]

What does a manager do for the 4CC?

I only have a cursory knowledge of it but am kind of curious

>> No.8631521 [View]

A fair number of artists definitely do. The difference is that they do anywhere from 30-50 cons a year-- basically every weekend or every other weekend. It's nuts, but for some people it pays the bills.

>> No.8631509 [View]

-SO MUCH Attention
-4 teh lulz

Idk the bishies I hung out with at the con primarily seemed to be in it for kicks.

>> No.8631487 [View]

I've been doing AA for long enough that I've found a pretty zen state of mind. I can't think of the last time when a customer in particular annoyed me. I guess my peeves now mainly have to do with management and organization, but that's not exclusive to AA at all. It also means I should do fewer anime cons because they are by and large run like crap.

>> No.8631318 [View]

Thank you random comm girl who wanted to go halfsies on this

>> No.8631317 [View]

There have been years where Big Wow was a bargain. They've had some pretty awesome comics talent in the past that made the cheap ticket price a fuckin steal.

Gonna echo >>8630883's sentiment and hope that Woz and friends backing it means bigger names and bigger draws. I get the feeling they want it to be the "big con" between ECCC and SDCC, so hopefully they'll have the guests to back it up.

>> No.8631226 [View]
File: 144 KB, 587x783, tumblr_nv74c0WU8h1sd87t7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just popped up on my dash. Its fuckin magnificent

>> No.8631028 [View]

Ahhh man I'd offer, but I just joined in on one with a girl from my comm.Maybe ask your comm too?

>> No.8629842 [View]

Motherfucking innocent world oddment packs wtf

I thought these usually sold in the winter? Will they do winter oddment packs too?

>> No.8629546 [View]

I'll fite you with the weeknd

>> No.8628183 [View]

1k+ is definitely top tier, so there aren't many. It's gotta be a combination of actual good looks (not con-goggles good looks), a good act, and a popular character.

I only stayed for the Tadashi, whose act I loved, but I'll bet you anything that if he was a cute Asian, he would've broken 1k (he got 850, which is still solid)

>> No.8627926 [View]

Definitely depends on where you're coming from but I think overall, AB has squeaked past in terms of profit. SCon isn't as good as it used to be, and if their layout is the same as last year, I'd expect mediocre sales (especially since ECCC is fairly close- they're a little over a month apart). Shoving the AA to the side of the exhibit hall doesn't really do wonders for sales and visibility.

>> No.8625635 [View]

>posts in SF
>doesn't live in SF

>> No.8624123 [View]

I don't know if practices or standards have changed, but the last time I looked into it, the convention at least puts a lot of effort into making things comfortable and consensual for their bishies. I heard that apparently they have a hotline they can dial or text if things with their auction-winner go sour.

As long as the exact same practices are held for women who would be in this position, you might be able to swing it. Your procedures and regulations would have to be bulletproof which
>consistent and effective procedures

>> No.8620740 [View]

Sandstorm shut down the party

Sorry to the hosts of the dj party :( it was great while it lasted. Thank you for hosting!

>> No.8617325 [View]

Might depend on the area, but I would assume that for the SF Bay area com, it kind of splinters into mini-coms based on location and where people can meet. From what I've seen, a lot of it is "come if you can make it," so we have a variety of people coming to a variety of meets. The plus side is that there are always events going on.

I get your point, though, because as people splinter, they probably become closer to people who are geographically closer to them and you lose that sense of unity.

>> No.8614004 [View]

I didn't. I split a table with my friend, so my table cost was $45, but that doesn't count lodging for one night ($100) and gas (about $100)

I sold some of my roomie's charms and made about $70 from that, but that's not my money. I think after that, total, I made like $40? A handful of prints, basically.

A lot of factors, though. I didn't bring all of my best sellers because I wanted to focus on selling smaller lolita prints, which didn't really sell probably because everyone was at the lolita events/panels. I expected it to be a bit of a risk anyway, so I'm not like super bummed out.

>> No.8613829 [View]

I usually hop in on my friends' group orders, so I don't feel bad not giving sources... Since I really don't have any.

Otherwise, I'll just say alibaba or google or Jimi agency or whatever. I get it, it's super lazy to not even try and it's a little rude to just talk to someone to figure out where they get this shit made. Like not even a 'hey how's the con' first?

>> No.8613315 [View]

Oh my god, what the fuck?

I'm glad it got moved until tomorrow but what is this horrible response. Maybe it was on her personal fb? Still......

I guess it's still an upgrade since they're actually responding to some concerns unlike the previous head (who I think delegated most of this stuff to Lauren and Crystal anyway?)

>> No.8612357 [View]

>loli: a cute girl in a fancy and coordinated outfit
>rory: a frumpy dude in whatever didn't smell from the laundry basket

It's so funny how they're completely the opposite.

>> No.8612315 [View]
File: 374 KB, 1288x1836, blouse and dress check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might not be strictly lolita but I think it works well enough with the dress to at least wear it to work. Needs a ribbon or bow around the neck, though.

While I was in Korea, we found these little vintage and thrift stores in some of the subway stations. THere were always a few Liz Lisa pieces in the "brand" section of the store. I've been tempted.

>> No.8612251 [View]

holy shit is she wearing fucking greaves holy shit

I'm glad I wasn't strong enough to attend this tea party because I feel like seeing her in person would've destroyed me damn A++ way to win OTTea party

>> No.8612233 [View]

Wait, this isn't anti-ai chan, is it? I think I'm tripping...

>> No.8612215 [View]

Dude sometimes I think the worst things about slow cons is the boredom, not the lack of profits.

PMX had the added bonus of having absolutely NO reception in the AA. If I wanted to take a card purchase, I had to walk with the customer to the entrance of the AA and stick my phone out of the room so the transaction could go through. That also meant no angry livetweeting so it was basically the worst con ever.

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