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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7105759 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 3008x2000, I took their virginity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7102165 [View]

ITT: Women trying to rationalize why it is okay to lie as long as you're getting sex and/or attention behind that lie.

Women are really worthless fucking whores.

>> No.7088567 [View]

The donkey courier cosplayer is the best.

>> No.7084310 [View]

Moot you skipped my question during the Q&A. But it has been very interesting none the less. I know youre gonna go back into this thread at some point so it's most likely easier to get a responce here than there.

>> No.7078142 [View]
File: 39 KB, 675x612, 1321140886247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OUCH. So true tho.

>> No.7071450 [View]

I don't think it was. Back when lycan was picked every game. Back before the nerf. Back when he could jungle from the start. You would random as soon as you saw the auto lock, but a set or two of wards and head straight to their jungle to fuck his early game with no easy or mid camps so he wouldn't snowball as hard and hard lane could gank.

>> No.7070440 [View]

I remember when I would random to buy two sets of wards at the beginning just to counter lycans. Now... Now it's just sad that I never see him. Oh nerfs, why are you so cruel.

>> No.7066862 [View]

/v/ and /jp/ have massive swag in that picture.

>> No.7059391 [View]
File: 1.15 MB, 3888x2592, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've crashed homestuck meet ups with a horse mask multiple times back when I was the only horse mask and being wotoken meant something.

>> No.7056322 [View]

Well, we convinced a gang of hooligans to join us in our debauchery. We then chose to cheer on our friend Seb like any righteous brethren would at a good old fashioned sporting event. So with this crowed getting a little rambunctious, a lack of sound to be heard all the way forced into the back, and with no Seb in sight our chants grew louder until the local task force of power tripping old women came to harass us about harassing others.
We simply wanted to see Seb.
So we continued on. With a growing number of people and decibels. We cheered at the sight of our beloved Based Seb. Many were confused and attempting to stay in character, their disgruntled lack of attention being fed to them was obvious. And the bitter sweet disappointment on their faces was nothing but pure joy for the cult of Seb.

>> No.7056262 [View]

Was that the dating or feminism one?
But you and I do that already. The world is your stage darling and youre always acting like and idiot <3

>> No.7056110 [View]

Why go to the cosplay competition or bitch about the staff when you can get blitzed on the riverwalk or in southtown?

>> No.7053271 [View]

It's a who comedic routine based on varying tips of the audience. Everyone gets sloshed. Everyone starts competing to get their song played or quote written on the mirror next. It starts at a dollar but pretty soon you have the fat drunk girl waving a 20 around because its her birthday or something. And then he plays Sweet Caroline and everyone in the place belts along. So much fun.

>> No.7053139 [View]

I enjoyed taking my friends downtown to all the bars and places I go to on a regular basis that they don't get to see all the time. That was nice. I missed out on a lot of people that I knew were there or that didn't come but that just lead the con to be more about local than the con friends. We made all the parents happy because blues brothers always makes the dads happy. Coincidentally the rather shitty karaoke room had 1 blues brothers song. Had a blast being the most energetic group to go up. Fucking everyone else was a faggot singing nickleback. I couldn't stop laughing.

If you haven't been to the piano bar at patty O'Briens and had a hurricane or 5, you need to.

>> No.7051495 [View]

If you're going to use anonymity as a saving grace and a threat, you should at least compose your posts in a manner that would actually strike fear into the hearts of its readers.

>> No.7051265 [View]

The aftermath for the feminism one was great. 7 of us waiting for an elevator and some dude comes up to us "DID YOU CRASH ONE OF MY PANNELS"

"n-n-n-no o-o-officer w-we j-just asked her q-q-questions i-its not like we c-called her f-fat or a-anything"

>> No.7051243 [View]

The post meet up trip to The esquire was pretty rad tho.

>> No.7051190 [View]

Cool beans, I bet I'll forget next year and it'll be as awkward as ever.
So how bout that seagull meet up guys? HEH HEH HEH.

>> No.7051057 [View]

So you smoke with me but you never let me know you know I'm smoker. At least you found out about what pannels I crashed through the thread instead of when you have that staff badge on, right?

>> No.7051040 [View]

Are you the guy that dresses like a weeb casual samurai with the cool beard that I have a cig with every SJ?

>> No.7050994 [View]

Boy don't know it anon.
Why are people complaining about the judging? This shit happens every year.

>> No.7050884 [View]

His girlfriend made it over the course of a few days.

>> No.7050825 [View]


>> No.7050779 [View]

Nope just mario on friday.

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