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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6716097 [View]

awh you guys are so cute, and it's so great your immediate family supports it. for my father, it depends on his mood, but a lot of the time he gets embarrassed and irritated, my mom likes it and has told me she wishes she could wear a few of my dresses (i was going to get her a custom Infanta dress for Christmas but she told me not to get it). the rest of my family thinks "it's that costume stuff right?"

>> No.6716056 [View]
File: 129 KB, 500x487, 5575653985_8db1a16465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you wearing today? post your coords here!

>> No.6715970 [View]

awh i'm glad! you could always start out in small steps -- put a coord together, buy a few pieces here and there, once you have all the parts you can wear the outfit at home to see how you feel in it. i hope you can wear lolita soon, anon! courage doesn't happen over night but i know you can do it!

>> No.6715829 [View]

my reactions also vary around here, but i'm lucky that most have been very positive! i live in a small, super surburban town, but i normally wear lolita out in our capital city.

the good:
>oh my! you look like a princess/fairy; you're beautiful, etc (most of the time my best compliments are from older ladies)
>went to Trader Joe's in lolita once, cute shop boy said, "I wish all girls dressed like you!"
>went out to tea with my local comm, random guy bought expensive champagne for the whole table
>man pulls over while i'm walking on the sidewalk, "you have the most beautiful hair i've ever seen!" didn't have the heart to tell him it was a wig.
>took the train in lolita and while waiting at the station, a lady came up to tell me i had lovely skin
>also waiting for a train, two security guys come up to me and i'm sorta worried, they look kinda scary, but are incredibly pleasant and genuinely interested in the fashion!
>went with a friend to grab coffee, get out of his car and the van next to us was getting ready to leave. a dad was belting his son into his seat and the little boy very very excitedly shouts, "DADDY! A PRINCESS!!" :')

the meh:
>passive agressive insults (i once went to Starbucks in lolita and while waiting for my drink, a guy told me his son was wondering where my sheep went, and when his son was near me, i told him i didn't have any sheep and the kid looked at me like wtf are you talking about, i stand back up and look at the father and said, "next time if you try to insult someone, perhaps you shouldn't hide behind your son" he didn't like that lol
>at the museum with a friend in a kodona, some lady in passing quietly says to me, "did you twoo lose your playground?" and i loudly say, "no, we didn't. any other questions?" and the security guy came over to me and asked if anything was wrong
>obnoxious girls laughing and talking about me as if i can't hear

>> No.6715805 [View]
File: 333 KB, 840x502, Screen Shot 2013-03-23 at 5.15.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting at the top row, those four items are for a GoT-themed coord i'm planning. next row, the Mercury charm is for an accessory i'm making and the earrings are for my cosplay -- epaulettes and ring are for Utena. the ring on the bottom is also for my GoT coord, but i'm on the fence about it.

>> No.6715802 [DELETED]  [View]

starting at the top row, those four items are for a GoT-themed coord i'm planning. next row, the Mercury charm is for an accessory i'm making and the earrings are for my cosplay -- epaulettes and ring are for Utena. the ring on the bottom is also for my GoT coord, but i'm on the fence about it.

>> No.6695359 [View]

i think she goes to AB every year, actually.

>> No.6637405 [View]

that'll look so cute! i'm torn between that one and #448. will you be posting a review when you get it?

>> No.6601070 [View]
File: 34 KB, 250x333, ap_jsk_satinribbon_color3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure LJ didn't put my post through to comm_sales, and i can't be bothered to try again. would anyone be interested in this AP JSK? asking $105 shipped in the US. can send proof photos if interested!

measurements from Hellolace: 88cm length, 90cm bust, 72cm waist, but there is full back shirring so the size is slightly adjustable

thanks for looking!

>> No.6596085 [View]
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sage for selfpost. i wish her teen version was cosplayed more often!

>> No.6594022 [View]
File: 205 KB, 1246x714, plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine! definitely going to AB and Otakon, possibly another con or two if i'm lucky.

>> No.6590234 [View]

if this happened to me, i would pay and first ask members of my local comm if they would want it and send you payment for it immediately. if that doesn't work, i would try to resell it later on in the year (comm_sales is a buyer's market at the moment). if you don't pay, you have a huge chance of being blacklisted and out of the item you really wanted. good luck!

>> No.6570039 [View]
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>How long has it been since you began wearing lolita?
tried to wear it a few times in like 2007 or 2008, then stopped. but started wearing it again semi-regularly in 2011

>How often do you wear lolita?
a few times a month.

>Where do wear lolita? Or where do you NOT wear lolita?
meetups, sometimes on my days off to do errands or whatever. never wore it to school, but i think i might wear this on Wednesday (first day of the semester for me - taking mostly art history classes so this would be appropriate)!

>Name one or two of your favorite pieces.
in my own wardrobe, Masquerade Theater. in my wishlist, Poison de l'amour Juliette JSK.

>> No.6566478 [View]

i really love the idea of having bridesmaids wear lolita to a wedding, too.
offfbeatbride dot com slash2012/03/texas-tornado-wedding

egl at lj .com slash 15828494.html
egl at lj .com slash 12979167.html
egl at lj .com slash 18418130.html

personally, if i were to get married i would love to have lolita touches -- like an AatP hair accessory, or some gothic/class jewelry. i would maybe consider a classic or plain white JSK for the reception, though!

also, congrats OP.

>> No.6558429 [View]
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here are mine! i hope i can own these by the end of the year.
l: Alice and the Pirates - Poison de l'amour Princess JSK - pink
r: AatP - Elizabethe Bride of the death JSK I - rosario

>> No.6545322 [View]
File: 85 KB, 418x578, 108p036_5_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should be here on Saturday! also waiting on some GLB's.

oooh, i'd love to see photos of it!

>> No.6540049 [View]

thanks for the information!

>> No.6539996 [View]

when is the best time to sell on comm_sales? i'm guessing January is one of the worst months due to lucky packs?

>> No.6529512 [View]

best: went out with my local comm at our usual hangout, a couple walks in, fawns over us for a good 10-15 minutes, guy ends up buying our table a bottle of champagne.

worst: went to a museum with my friend on a Sunday afternoon for a casual photoshoot (half taking pictures, half looking at the artwork there), and a lady says under her breath "did you both lose your playground?" and i speak loudly and ask her what she just said and she just sheepishly looked away. a security guard came over to me to ask if i was ok, and the woman looked like she was about to soil her pants.

>> No.6529490 [View]

thank you very much for the details and photos! i almost bought the JSK in black myself, with the wine beret - decided against it as a few of my friends have had negative experiences with the company (hopefully it'll show up secondhand). luckily (at least on my monitor) the tint doesn't really show in photos! has she already shipped out your beret and headbow?

>> No.6527357 [View]

would you be able to take photos of it? i'm sorry about the discoloration, maybe you could send Mana an email about it. were there any other flaws on the skirt?

>> No.6516280 [View]

hey OP - i know you already have a bunch of helpful answers, but i have the onepiece version of this dress and it totally can be handwashed! just be careful about submerging any velvet areas (like around the waist) in water, because it could waterstain the velvet. that is probably why it has the 'can't be washed' tag, and the 'do not dryclean' tag is because of the print. best of luck! that's so disappointing.

>> No.6513999 [View]
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made this one awhile ago.

>> No.6513984 [View]

hi there! that's pretty awesome. as far as make up goes, definitely grab some MAC if you can. i love my foundation from them, and i bought it back in July and it still has more than half left in the container:
brushes would also be a great thing to stock up on, as those add up really quickly! MAC might have some holiday make up kits left over, but i don't recall if they really do that (i might be thinking of Sephora).

for offbrand EGL finds, i'm not sure what Macy's would have to offer - i know Ralph Lauren sometimes has some nice blouses. here's a decent blouse i found, but it was the only one i saw online that i would personally pick for myself:

what lolita styles do you like to wear? that would help narrow the shoe field down a bit.

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