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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8676809 [View]

I think Bisexual only operates within the gender binary, though. If you think that gender is fluid and that multiple forms of expression exist outside of "male" and "female," then I think pansexual might be more appropriate if you're attracted to a range of genders/gender expressions.

Not a fight, just a light chuff on the shoulder to test waters.

>> No.8674715 [View]

Sometimes certain fabrics show up as a different color on film. One of the best examples of that is the good starfleet uniforms of star trek tos- in reality, the good uniforms were a weird avocado green.

I don't know why it's still an issue with today's technology or why costuming went with a fabric that films funny, but that's the only reason I can think of for shooping a dress on film

>> No.8674486 [View]

Obviously the answer is going to vary widely because, big surprise, women are all different.

Some women are encouraged.by it, some aren't. Did this really warrant an entire thread?

>> No.8674122 [View]

I didn't think about it that way. To me, a dream dress is one you have to have regardless of cost, so for me, a rerelease doesn't seem like a problem. That's a narrow definition, though, and I know not everyone thinks of it that way.

>> No.8673838 [View]

> dream dress
> oh no what if it gets rereleased and I get another chance to get a dress I really really want that would suck oh no
>??? ???

>> No.8671562 [View]

Pretty much irrelevant but still quoting because PT

I feel like PT would've made a really cute lolita. I remember how much better she looked with her natural hair and eye color and i feel like both would lend really well to the fashion.

I guess I just miss our queen a bit.

>> No.8671135 [View]

Your academic reasons should probably out-weigh your weeb reasons, especially because your weeb reasons can be feasibly met by almost any other UC/CSU closer to either SF or LA.

Like that other anon said, the weeb culture isnt particularly huge in UC Irvine despite all the Asians. I feel like UCI has a lot more baby girls/ricers than nerd Asians, and all the nerd Asians are like engineers instead of weebs

>> No.8667940 [View]

To be honest, I don't mind this mentality as much as the people who wear darker makeup, get a shitton of backlash from it, then cry about how everyone's calling them a racist.

You have the right to do whatever the fuck you want. Sometimes those actions affect other people and sometimes those people will lash out at you, but aside from expressing their anger, offense, or disappointment, they cannot do anything against you. It bothers me more when people do something that has racist connotations, then get buttmad about how people are calling them racist. Like what the fuck are you expecting?

>> No.8665820 [View]

Richard T Bui, norcal cosplay photog

>> No.8658789 [View]

It hurts to watch my otp getting torn apart like this but I'm not sure if it's from my heart getting broken or my sides splitting open

>> No.8657621 [DELETED]  [View]

fuck that ben cunt

>> No.8655495 [View]

Oh man, sorry, I should've mentioned that I graduated a couple of years ago hahahaa... ahh...

That would definitely be the reason why.

>> No.8654171 [View]

I'm trying out some of Skin Food's stuff because they're my favorite Korean brand. Right now I'm using the Avocado Rich cream + Avocado essence. They're okay so far! Super duper hydrating but not oily. They work amazing at night and I wake up with super soft skin. They are lightly scented, but definitely several steps below most Western products.

>> No.8652478 [View]

It feels weird to lust after a dress so soon after a release but hot damn I have not seen a single shitty coord of Shehezarade and it's making me ache with jelly

I get that dream dress feel now

>> No.8652458 [View]

Dude what

Make-up companies don't cater to cosplayers, you know. This might come as an utter shock, but non-cosplaying normies of every skin color from pasty as flour to dark as night wear make-up. How nuts is that? This might be a totally far-out conjecture but maybe... MAYBE.... make-up companies make colors for people... of that particular skin color... to use... There might also be a totally insane chance that make-up companies don't actually make shades for the specific reason of darkening or otherwise changing your skin tone to imitate another race.

Take a moment to soak that all in. I know it might be a hard truth to grasp, but I'm just asking for your indulgence here. It's okay if you end up not believing it because I know it's a radical concept to think about.

.... It's come to the point where I'm having a hard time taking a lot of cosplayers' it's-ok-to-change-skin-color stances seriously because y'all sound so fucking sheltered when you talk about it.

>> No.8652419 [View]

UC Berkeley for sure. I know there's more than one lolita hanging out there, and I'm sure I've seen a handful at Cal Anime Destiny and a bunch of local cons as well as out and about the city too.

I imagine all the Bay Area schools have a fair number of lolitas considering their proximity to the Baby/AP stores and the general J-culture in the area

>> No.8647851 [View]

I think what bothers me the most is the color. Is the baymax print also Orange or did they just choose Orange because Halloween?

>> No.8643720 [View]

- The act of changing your skin color to impersonate another race has long been used to shit all over other races aside from just black people. The connotation is the strongest with black people, but it's a practice that's negatively impacted a lot of other minorities, and it's hard to divorce centuries of degradation or defamation from this particular practice

-It treats someone's appearance or race like a commodity, like something you can just put on and take off at the end of the day (or, in the context of costuming, just another asset to make your costume "better" despite being an inherent part of their identities for some people). Actual black/asian/latino/poly/native american/whatever people can't just take off their skin at the end of the day and still have to live with the consequences of being whatever color they are.

-It looks fucking awful

The cosplay community is groupthinky and sheltered as fuck so generally the majority think it's real cool and liberal to praise this kind of stuff, but I can guarantee you that if you go to a community where they hardly even know what cosplay is, you're gonna ruffle some feathers. Outside of the realm of costuming, changing your skin color for a costume still has an extremely negative stigma. Even fucking Hollywood doesn't pull that shit anymore.

>> No.8643011 [View]

Gotcha, thanks

>> No.8642992 [View]

Someone posted a comment that I found really interesting. Feel free to confirm/deny

Apparently this is the girl who did that Michonne cosplay a while back- the one that also started a shitstorm about cosplay/race. If that's the case, I'm inclined to take a very cynical stance on her particular motivations for cosplaying black/black-coded characters. If this is her, then she definitely doesn't have an excuse because she knows full well the effect of white people dressing up as dark-skinned characters and is just too stupid or attention-hungry to stop.

Also my two cents:
-skin color us not a costume. Stop changing your skin color it's stupid and it looks stupid don't be stupid

-intention still pisses people off so stop saying you intentions were good because people are still hurt/pissed by your actions so find a way to move forward instead of falling back on "good intentions" as if that absolves you of all ignorance

>> No.8638931 [View]

I thought we fucking loved /a/ why not just ask /a/?

>> No.8636789 [View]
File: 119 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nvda1n0j9y1rmkvceo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this dress to short on me? Should I add an underskirt to it, or do you think it's possible to coord it into something nice despite the length? When I first tried it on/saw pictures of it, I imagined coording it into something a little more classic/elegant, but the length is making me wonder if I should go for something a little more sweet (like something with pigtails and lots of accessories, for example)

>> No.8636651 [View]

I tried one of the Sheherazade jsks on at the Baby store today and motherfucking christ on a pinwheel, it's a fucking gorgeous dress

I'm feeling a little salty about missing the release... I'm not one for complex prints, but the detail on this thing is choice. It's not even the specific JSK I wanted but damn. This dress. Dammmmnnnnnnn

>> No.8634353 [View]

I think she said she shaped it out of foam and sewed 4 way (?) stretch fabric over it

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