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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6353251 [View]

Holy shit dat extreme pear so amazing
Totally jelly of dem hips... Although for myself I'd prefer something slightly less dramatic, but still. Looks cute to me. Pear shaped women are so arousing

That being said I would personally find her more attractive if she was a bit more lean and muscular, but her bone structure is pretty awesome.

>> No.6351133 [View]

Here in America, that's called an eating disorder.

>> No.6350143 [View]

Light wears brown pants, right?
Go with the brown...

>> No.6350137 [View]

I've never played it and I had no idea what that was
I don't think the average person would know


>> No.6347086 [View]

>TFW adorable Filipino boyfriend
Seriously though anon, you're fine. Stop trying to get super-weeb girls that only want a ~kawaii desu hasubando~ and it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.6345962 [View]

Got some pretty strong yellow fever but that is on gooood looking man.

>> No.6343481 [View]

Wow, I've never seen her wear something so... covering. I'm shocked she's not wearing the trashy versions that are popular around Halloween.
Other than the awkward expression, this looks really nice.
Was that the devil costume?

>> No.6342832 [View]

Haha I dunno, I think 5'2-5'3 is ideal! But to each their own~
I still don't really understand, it's a pretty simple outfit. I've worn much more dramatic things, the only thing that made me second guess it is how revealing it is... Anyways, it's about in the 60's here, warmest October I've ever experience, so I'm definitely taking advantage of the skirt-wearing weather while I can!

>> No.6342464 [View]

That sounds like the best thing ever. I'm excited to go find Peter Pan in Disneyland now.

>> No.6342455 [View]

Oh goodness this whole thread I don't even
Wore it yesterday (or was it the day before?) actually, but yes, I wore it. Minus the thigh strap, of course. It's a bit revealing for my usual tastes but other than that I don't see why I wouldn't have worn it.

Yeah I agree, that's why I took it off. If I ever wear it It'll be over tights or something.
5'4-5'5... I wish I were shorter actually. Let's trade!
Goodwill, huehue. Lucky find! The brand is Dollhouse.
Absolutely adore that dress. Do want!
It looks pretty good, but you could definitely benefit from a petticoat! Also, it seems like the wig is too far back or the bangs are cut too short.
That's actually a really cute sweater though. Even though your outfit is simple it still looks really stylish!

>> No.6340004 [View]
File: 992 KB, 1000x1542, outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lawdy my room is such a mess
Took off that stupid spikey leg thing and ironed my shirt.

>> No.6339022 [View]

Aww, girl with glasses is sooo cute.
The guys... well... They need styling. Haircutes, hair styling, a good shave, some makeup wouldn't hurt either... oh, and ironed clothes that actually fit right.

>> No.6336144 [View]

oh lawdy that is a good looking man.

>> No.6336020 [View]
File: 558 KB, 1166x1240, mytop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my version
Perhaps I am attracted to "feminine" men to make up for my more "masculine" face so if we made an offspring (ha) it would balance out. Hmmm.

>> No.6333914 [View]

Sadako? Why are you cosplaying?

>> No.6332658 [View]

10/10 would wear
I realllly like the top half of that outfit and the shoes! for some reason it feels like the jeans don't work to well with it though. Maybe a different material? I don't know, just a thought~

>> No.6332354 [View]

Oh man I was wondering if I was the only one who felt that way!
Not that I have anything against her, just, that expression she usually has kind of scares me away from being attracted to her...

>> No.6331137 [View]
File: 284 KB, 300x542, tumblr_lfzn3d3r4e1qgjcweo1_r1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my gosh I think I'm in love with her

>> No.6331002 [View]

Oh no it's okay haha, I live outside of Bend. letmeguess you're Portland/Salem/Eugene?

>> No.6330984 [View]

Hmm, that if you're basing it off that ribbon that's not where I live anymore, Although the odds of finding someone (on 4chan) in my current town are pretty low too... sad day!

>> No.6330975 [View]

I would like to say he does~
I bet we are all neighbors
We should all become best friends ok?

>> No.6330942 [View]

I am sorry anon I have a boifurendo and also I have no idea who you are
But oh my gosh yay for Oregonian seagulls

>> No.6330938 [View]

Nah, extensions
Why does this argument always happen oh gosh
I feel like you're confused...

>> No.6330800 [View]

keen observation anon
It's because the phone is covering my face huehue

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