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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6541892 [View]

It's because they (the TCC) won't let them. It's already enough of a stigma to the TCC to be associated with the convention with one of their buildings, and they won't let them take up both.

>> No.6505487 [View]

Staff member postin?
Nah, I thought they made a good choice. Pretty cute.
Most likely.

Getting excited about going to this, it's on the 27th at a building marked 27 and that's my lucky number. It's just gotta be good.

>> No.6496506 [View]

i don't even know man. i just want to go to see what they do with it, the panels and workshops on the page are completely empty, it's more like SURPRISECON to me at this point.

but yeah as much as i wish they'd get an actual guest, it's probably tough as shit to get an industry person to dedicate travel time to a new 1 day con. well maybe kyle hebert, that guy's everywhere.

>> No.6487983 [View]

Oh yes, of course! I am pretty much the definition of awkward so I fit right in. Is there going to be a meetup for Con-G? Hopefully one that isn't during the middle of the day.

>> No.6487631 [View]

1) Con-G

2) Probably nothing has topped my first Anime North. Kinda sad.

3) Yes, it was a bit awkward and everyone just drew on the table instead of talking to each other hahah. But it was still alright!

>> No.6475099 [View]
File: 707 KB, 1207x732, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might end up only doing mona. that's the one i care about the most ahaha

>> No.6450059 [View]

Yes, Brad Swaile is super nice!! He is so sweet, very down-to-earth. He voiced my favourite character from when I was young, Gohan, and my boyfriend's favourite character from when he was young, Quatre. He was the guest of honour at Con-G in 2011 and we both realized that he was pretty much the reason we both liked anime, and we met because we both liked it, haha! So meeting him was like a "You're why we're together!" moment. Oh, and he ran the evil laughter contest using his Light voice.

Kyle Hebert was also great, we saw his Dragonball Evolution Roast.

I met ReBoot creator Gavin Blair too, while talking with him at his table at FanExpo he surprised me and asked me for my picture. I was like uh.. okay!! But I was so star-struck that I didn't think to get a picture taken of us on my camera. Still kicking myself about it.

>> No.6446943 [View]
File: 11 KB, 704x225, prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this con is really, really bad. other cons complain about bad programming, well at least your cons have programming! pictured is their cosplay programming schedule.

but i kinda want to go back to see the trainwreck again. also there was really good pizza next to the con.

>> No.6432123 [View]

yes, it just means that the convention doesn't just cater to anime fans or it isn't just a comic convention. there's a wide range of interests which are considered nerdy all in one con. i think for the past two years though, its major guests have been "new media" personalities. in 2012 the top two guests advertised were doug walker and the angry video game nerd. i don't really care about them lol, but there were a lot of people that went to conbravo just to see them.

>> No.6431020 [View]

it's a fun convention, a little lacking in space and things to do but that should be fixed up for this year when they move to hamilton. it grew really, really quickly and it outgrew the burlington location this year. it's a multi-fandom con too so there's a lot of variety.

>> No.6431001 [View]

i wouldn't go too far into cutesy, but yeah you get the idea. you honestly have great art and i'm surprised that you aren't selling as much as you think you could.

yeah hahaha he does need attention, that's real talent there! good on you for buying his work.

>> No.6430867 [View]

yeah you have a lovely style! great foundations too. i can see why you'd feel that you'd sell less though, your art would tend to attract more males than females, and less teenagers than adults. maybe older teens and adults.

it's not a bad thing at all, heck i'd rather be able to draw like you ahah, but the people buying in the artist alley are usually teenage girls, and it's really hard to think like a teenage girl when you never were one.

>> No.6430756 [View]

an adult style would be one that leans more to look like a conceptual/realistic art style? i'm really not sure how to explain it, but when i was going through the artist alley as a kid i generally associated that style with high prices. "it looks too nice for me to buy" was what went through my head. now i'm not sure if kids have more money nowadays but i know when i was a kid i'd rather get 5 prints of okay art of my favourite characters than 1 print of mind-blowing art of something i'd never heard of.

this is my current convention stock here: http://zeekayart.deviantart.com/gallery/40705297
i'm by no means the best artist in the alley but i've been around enough to know what people like. not saying about series in general, but with composition and bright colours and such. people like it when a character takes up the whole page, when they're tiny and off to the side they don't feel like they're getting their money's worth.

also, if you really want to increase sales, network yourself as much as possible! i can't tell you how many people have looked for my table specifically because i was talking with them on tumblr weeks or months before the convention. it helps that i genuinely like talking to people about things i'm interested in, though, lol. you wouldn't just want to talk to them and be like "come 2 my table and buy things". that's another thing i feel like guy artists don't do as much. i guess it's harder to show your passion online as a guy, though.

if its possible, could i see your art as well? i could tell you who your target market would be based on your style.

>> No.6430538 [View]

like i said before, i leave my boyfriend at my table sometimes, and he's usually not in cosplay while i am. and there's really no difference in sales i find. most times people can't even tell you are cosplaying anyway because they can't see your body behind the stand.

what i do find though (with my own experience), is that a style which lends itself to both genders does better than one or the other, because it reaches more fans. adults can be turned off by the shiny desu as much as the kids can be turned off by the graphic realistic art.

it isn't so much about your skill level as it is your style. and some people do really well with the adult style, but at anime conventions the people who spend the most money are generally the 15-18 year old crowd. the ones who cannot buy things online by themselves and go to conventions specifically to buy things.

and usually (my experience again) artist alley customers are female. so if you cater to the larger buying audience, you're going to sell more. it just so happens that males usually don't buy art, for whatever reason.

>> No.6430367 [View]

one of the things that sucks about artist alley is that you don't really get to experience the convention at all, unless it's a con that goes into the night, and even if it does go into the night you'll most likely be drained as hell from sitting at a table and drawing/smiling all day long.

this is why it's great to have a table buddy or at least someone you know fairly well beside you, usually you trade lunch hours and take a bit of time to look at your surroundings. but yeah, if you go to a con with a table, don't expect to do many events.

but don't get me wrong, AA is very fun once you get the hang of it! i usually buy a table with two passes and my boyfriend works the table/plays pokemon when i want to jump out and run around.

i really only mind when someone runs up close and snaps a picture of my art. the display as a whole is okay with me but when someone runs up close with a camera phone to take a picture of a print they have no intention of buying... i'm usually like wtf? there's higher quality non-covered in shiny plastic picture of what you just took online. if you just asked me about my website you'd know that ahaha. unfortunately it's usually the art thing that happens so i've just ended up declining all photos at my booth.

>> No.6412719 [View]

I've been keeping them in a memory book since I started doing the Artist Alley thing, but I had to throw one out since it was really ugly. Oh well!

>> No.6412703 [View]

woops Atomic Lollipop was in July this year. Sorry!

>> No.6412693 [View]

Sure! I'll go in order of dates.
Emiko's Mini Con -January
Con-G -February
Anime North -May
Atomic Lollipop- June
ConBravo!- July
FanExpo- August
Ochiba~Con- September
Anime North/JCCC Halloween Festival- October

TCAF is also fun, but it's not a convention. More like a comic artists festival. And of course there's the TACs too, but I've never been to MTAC or DTAC since I've heard really really shitty things about them on both sides, the vendors and the fans.

Of those cons here's how I'd rank them based on the level of fun I had at each and the relative cost. A con like Atomic Lollipop was fun, but the weekend pass was a bit expensive at $45 online (once you paid all the fees), whereas there was less to do at ConBravo, but the pass was only $25 for a whole weekend.

So best to worst: Con-G, Anime North, ConBravo!, Atomic Lollipop, Anime North/JCCC Halloween Festival, FanExpo, Ochiba~Con, and Emiko's Mini Con I would not go to again if it was organized the same way. Way too much money for very little programming.

There was also Unplugged Expo in September but I didn't go since it seemed more about gaming than anime, people who went can correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.6412604 [View]

I really like Con-G, personally. It's small but there's always something to do and it's growing pretty fast. The only bad thing is that it's practically in the middle of nowhere in Guelph, but I went to school there so it was a bonus for me!

I'm trying to go to a lot of Canadian cons too since I want to know what they're all like, I went to like 8 of them this year in the Ontario area. But yeah, of those 8 Con-G and Anime North are my favourites.

>> No.6405305 [View]
File: 518 KB, 1322x536, doodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zeekayart.tumblr.com ! it's mostly doodles and complaining. i'm looking for madoka blogs to follow since i just watched it last night!

>> No.6395495 [View]
File: 182 KB, 1000x789, guesswat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know what it's from you're probably canadian or argentinian, hahaha!

so fucking cute omg

>> No.6388730 [View]

surprised you don't have jean grey listed! you look like you'd do her justice

makoto from street fighter!

please do vash, i never see enough vash

thanks for all the suggestions people!!

>> No.6378683 [View]
File: 856 KB, 1985x909, 2523522432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could see you as lambo from khr pretty easily!

i'm probably just stuck on this from being an old fangirl but you could probably do a pretty great ichimaru gin since you have the height and facial structure.

>>6378566 since it's your first time i would choose something cute and simple, touko would be good for that

>> No.6365620 [View]

a con i recently went to had a baby crawling all around the dealers room, the parents weren't even watching as it crawled under artist tables (including mine). it was a small con but it's a huge safety issue, i don't want to have to watch for a baby on the floor when i'm trying to buy/sell art.

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