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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6562897 [View]

She pregnant now.

>> No.6559782 [View]

Fanime staffer here. Not sure where you heard that, but I've not heard anything about that at all.

>> No.6493410 [View]

Meeting Daisuke Ishiwatari (creator of Guilty Gear) was a real treat for me. He was doing a signing at Fanime a few years back and I brought my copy of the first Guilty Gear for him to sign. He looked at it and his eyes widened and went "oh!" with a smile on his face. My fanboy boner just about exploded. He signed it, I shook his hand and told him I was a big fan, then walked off happy as can be. It's not much of a story, but it made my fucking day.

>> No.6479205 [View]
File: 261 KB, 392x357, 1265021559778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHOOP WHOOP etc. Seriously, goddamn, where did she get that thing?

>> No.6469310 [View]

What >>6469302 said.

>> No.6469246 [View]

I have never met Reni.
Girls pretending to be guys? The fuck? Is it opposite day on the internet?

>> No.6469224 [View]

>Mr. B
Sorry dude, I don't have the legs for it.

>> No.6469215 [View]

Oh I know, I just hate it when they go after someone I know is a good person and a great friend. The catty, sandginas get old real quick.

>> No.6469204 [View]

Just because you don't have any friends who like you enough to defend you doesn't mean it's white knighting when someone sticks up for someone you don't like for no reason.

>> No.6469191 [View]

I'm friends with her and she is one of the nicest, sweetest girls you'll ever meet. I don't think I've ever heard her swear, much less say anything bad about anyone. You're bad people, /cgl/.

>> No.6433492 [View]


>> No.6433420 [View]

That's actually my department! It's pretty fun. Lotta shit happening since it's the only 24 hour room. Also never donate ANYTHING to console gaming. They say nothing ever gets broken or stolen, but that's a load of shit.

>> No.6433413 [View]

Well, every year the Westboro Baptist Church protests outside of the con, but mostly they're just fun to fuck with. As far as freedom, not a whole fucking lot, sadly. Though if I saw something truely heinous, like some guy molesting a girl or something, I'd intervene regardless of the rules. I don't care if I get fired for it, that's not cool.
It was his cousin. His cousin showed him how to do it too and he did, but not at the con, so we couldn't do anything about it.

>> No.6433371 [View]

Well, I had to tell a sperglord to stop sliding around on one of the chairs. (No wheels, he was sitting in it and pushing himself around backwards.)
Also, last year I helped solve a crime. A guy was stealing iPads from the barber cut machine using a high-powered laser pointer to melt the strings. My friend's girlfriend knew his cousin, who literally came up to our table and started talking about how he was doing it nonchalantly, not realizing that we were going to tell the cops.
Then, when they asked him, he started talking about how he wasn't sure if it was his cousin and blah blah. However, someone knew him, showed us his Facebook and through that we caught the cousin. He got arrested (he was in the marines, too) and we made sure not to let that happen again. He stole three iPads before we caught him, and apparently did it at Golfland too. Basically, multiple counts of grand theft.

>> No.6433235 [View]

Sorry, was distracted by a friend.
Biggest pet peve? Probably people expecting us to give them refunds.
Remember Sasuke getting arrested? Yeah, that was a guy shoplifting twice. And last year a guy was stealing iPads from the UFO catcher.

>> No.6433147 [View]

Possibly? Do you work staff? And no idea, I don't work that department. Hell, I've never gone there.

>> No.6433112 [View]

I met Pikmin Link once, and regularly see EBK. Other than that, not that I can think of. I wish more famous cosplayers came. Man Faye actually got banned from Fanime. Fucking bullshit, if you ask me.

>> No.6433062 [View]

I don't really hang out in con ops much, but staffers do talk/gossip about creepy/asshole con-goers all the time. Like, all the damn time. We're there for hours on end, so we pretty much just do that the whole time. Unable to believe how stupid some people are etc. I like spending my time counting how many creepers stare at the female staffers (we've got some cute ones) from behind, then tell them about it. We then laugh about how creepy that is.

>> No.6432999 [View]
File: 75 KB, 640x458, lobster cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a long-time con-staffer anything. (Fanime, for those wondering.)

>> No.6421684 [View]

Bullshit, I was present when a friend of mine got his ass pinched while playing Drummania in an arcade. Saying guys don't get creeped on is just flatout wrong.

>> No.6331924 [View]

Neither of them have offended or harmed me in any way. I have no problem with either of them, nor do I know either of them personally.

That being said, Hannah is pretty hot.

>> No.6312684 [View]


>> No.6312604 [View]

Well, don't stop.

Problem solved.

>> No.6312554 [View]

That was two sentences.

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