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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6770851 [View]

*over breakfast

>> No.6770849 [View]

I'm just idly shitting up the thread until it gets deleted, I've gotta have something to read breakfast.

>> No.6770848 [View]

ITT: we are twelve and squealing about how 'omg I'm totally gonna get dat wanka wot said my mum woz a slut!' in the playground.

>> No.6770844 [View]

I just don't really care. Anyone whose opinion I care about will be intelligent enough not to take that sort of thing at face value. Starting a giant shitstorm about it isn't going to achieve anything so why bother?

>> No.6770840 [View]

You need to learn what a bitchfit is. Protip: it's not an offhand comment.

>> No.6770835 [View]

Doesn't bother me, plenty of people think I'm something I'm not, thanks to a certain tampon-eating slut spreading lies about me. I just deal with it because I'm not 14.

>> No.6770829 [View]

I'm not sure you quite know what objectification means, mate. It refers to REDUCING women to objects and seeing them only/mainly for their sexual potential.

>> No.6770813 [View]

I dunno? I hang out in a lot of feminist spaces but I'm more egalitarian really.

>> No.6770810 [View]

It really bothers you when people think you're a creep, doesn't it? I wonder why.

>> No.6770800 [View]

You didn't say that though, did you? You said 'tight fresh young body'. Sounds like you're talking about your Christmas turkey. That's what we like to refer to as objectification and it's creepy. To be honest, I'm quite happy with my non-paedo boyfriend, we get along pretty well.

>> No.6770788 [View]


She's not a chicken in Tesco mate. This is what makes you a creep.

>> No.6770771 [View]

>not going full Rococo and fending them off with your parasol and giant hair


>> No.6770758 [View]

Never said I was shocked, said paedophiles are not boyfriend material. They're immature and irresponsible. That really upsets you, huh?

Anyway, I look about 25 in lolita, same as I do in anything else. I've looked 25 since I was 16. Guess I just have like... that kind of face.

>> No.6770742 [View]

Wow, you really can't read at all, can you?

>> No.6770737 [View]

Been there, done that. Paedophiles are not boyfriend material.

>> No.6770729 [View]

Am I the only one reporting this guy for illegal content? He literally just admitted to statutory rape.

>> No.6769449 [View]

I wouldn't say my con friends are my close friends, but I have close friends who go to cons, if that make sense? There's one photographer and one lolita/cosplayer who I absolutely love to death and consider two of my closest friends, but I didn't meet them at a con, so I don't consider them 'con friends'. My close friends are generally people I met at uni. My con friends are pretty great too, though. Excited about rooming with a bunch of them for MCM.

>> No.6769353 [View]

especially the bit where I got rib n saucy with niknaks in a bathtub

>> No.6769235 [View]

Taobao has a lot of really nice indie designers. Try Infanta, Krad Lanrete, Yolanda, Dear Celine, etc. Infanta's quality is comparable to brand and sometimes better, in my experience.

>> No.6769225 [View]

I was shitfaced for most of the Sunday of the last MCM and my moirail was having trouble persuading me to get back to his/shower the remaining vomit and grey paint off/ get into my cosplay/get the fuck to the con. I was just kind of a giggly mess brandishing toast at people. It's not like it wasn't fun but it's not ideal, I can get pissed any time.

>> No.6769215 [View]

Lovely. I take it you haven't seen pictures of my 6'4, 200lb /fit/ boyfriend, who will be our room bouncer for the weekend? His hobbies are lifting and knives.

Oh well no problem with that then, I don't personally see the appeal of doing ti at a room party but it's harmless enough.

Yes, con parties ARE tame. That's kind of the point. We're there to meet other nerds and chat bout oru con swag/cosplay/etc, not get shitfaced. I recommend against getting shitfaced, having to pretty much miss the next day of the con is not fun.

>> No.6769165 [View]

My personal revulsion aside, I don't think a con room party is the right environment for psychedelics. Someone walking in in a scary costume could fuck you right up. Better to do that sort of thing in a controlled environment. Is NOS laughing gas?

u wot m8

>> No.6769152 [View]

People on weed tend to be considerably less trouble than people on coke. Used to hang out with a lot of people who were really into drugs and coke just instantly turned people into arseholes. If other people are cool with it then whatever, be your own dude, but I'm sure as hell not having it going on in my room.

>> No.6769137 [View]

I personally would really, really rather not hang out with a cokehead. Weed is fine.

Seriously though why would you want to take coke at a convention room party? It's not a rave son

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