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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6472273 [View]
File: 193 KB, 498x289, wigvsnowig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some cases, not using wigs can work. Like 10% of the time, maybe. I have super fucking thick hair, to the point where I've been asked if it's a wig. For short styles, it can work as long as your hair is healthy-looking, clean, and not faded (if you dyed it).

When I cosplayed Ringo I gave up on the wig I bought after one shoot. The light is particularly unflattering in that shot, because normally it looked fine, but it didn't have enough volume. In this pic you can see that my ends had faded, so I did break the "no faded hair" rule, but I didn't realize how obvious it looked until I got pictures back.

Also, number one thing to remember if you're doing real hair to a con- make sure to know the weather for the area where your con is. I have to straighten my hair, and as soon as it rains my hair goes to being super wavy so if I'm going somewhere that's humid, not using a wig is a bad idea
I also have to plan washing my hair; it gets really dry and frizzy the day after I wash it so I need to prepare my shower schedule before the con to make sure it looks good. Last time I used my real hair for a con, I put it in a wig before it had completely dried and even after trying to straighten it, it ended up being a weird shape and just looked bad.

>> No.6466134 [View]

The store has a five crown rating, so I'd say it's reliable.

>> No.6465715 [View]

I'm almost done with a group order i was running through taobaoring, I just need to collect the shipping payment from the group.

The only thing I'm worried about is I originally set the shipping address as my dorm address, because I thought we'd have the order before I left for winter break. However there were some delays, and I leave to go home in a few days meaning if the package gets sent here, I won't be able to get it for a month (and it's stuff i need for ALA).

I've changed my default mailing address on my account to my home address, and I also emailed them asking that they change it. Does anyone have any experience with this?

>> No.6448133 [View]

Oh my god I'm taking a "Disney & Anime" class and my professor had a tiny unit on cosplay and fan culture and he had this book! He explained it as like "photography that shows the vulnerability of cosplayers putting themselves out there in the public eye" or something poetic, and I was like 'ok that sounds mildly interesting'. If it's like BEST OF THE BEST COSPLAYERS LOOK HERE then I'm going to be disappointed.

Sage for off topic but damn I hope my professor was right...

>> No.6441098 [View]

>where are you going
Newcon, ALA, Sakuracon, Fanime, AX, HOPEFULLY Otakon and/or Afest

>what are you wearing
too many things

>what are you most excited for
dang, there's a lot. I'd say maybe I'm most excited for being in a bit Evangelion group at Fanime as Misato, that will be fun and hopefully will result in some good pics haha

>any goals for 2013?
improve my sewing skills, and spend more time and making things look perfect
also lose weight

>> No.6437446 [View]

Is Joanns doing their Saturday morning sale like they did last year? I don't get their flyers at school and now that I'm at home idk what my mom's been doing with them.

>> No.6427886 [View]

thank you

>> No.6427837 [View]

>I'm not interested in the board-tan group anymore.

>> No.6427621 [View]

I'm not interested in the board-tan group anymore.

My costumes for this con are:
-Muginami from Rinne no Lagrange
-Meido Ritsu from K-ON
-Touko Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa
-Nurse Stocking from Panty & Stocking

Stocking is done, maid uniform is on the way, Fukawa is almost done, and Muginami is halfway done.
I'm a little worried cuz once I go home for winter break I won't have a sewing machine, and I still have an entire costume to make for a small local con the weekend before.

>> No.6427601 [View]
File: 105 KB, 289x283, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6381690 [View]
File: 170 KB, 400x237, sugarrush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking LOVE candy-themed stuff, so I was drooling over the Sugar Rush racer outfits, but then I found clips of AKB48's Sugar Rush MV and now idgaf I want to cosplay THIS.


>> No.6374568 [View]

if I remember correctly, shipping was super fast, but I bought mine over a year ago. Also I've looked for replacements in stores like Target, but no luck. Maybe in a dancewear store?

>> No.6374535 [View]


I have this, and I love it. It was suggested to me by a friend who cosplays superheros/costumes with bodysuits and she loves it as well.
It's super thick, opaque, and eliminates lumps and lines.

>> No.6370158 [View]

Awww that's too bad. At least she has good taste, I have a huge boner for Ikuhara shows.

>> No.6370135 [View]
File: 551 KB, 500x529, excited yayoi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait is she Utena? I hope she's Utena. Shit she's probably cool if she has a legit Utena costume.

>> No.6369875 [View]

Thanks for all the responses, guys! I wasn't able to respond before I went to class, but the teacher asked if I could talk on Monday instead so I guess I have a little more time to prepare.

It's not a full-blown presentation, it's just basically "this is what cosplay is". So I think it'll go something like this:

-Started in the US etc etc
-It is popular in many countries throughout the world, not just Japan and America
-It's linked to anime but also comic books, cartoons, tv shows, etc etc
-It's somewhat "mainstream" now thanks to the internet and tv (like when I go do photoshoots people ask about my cosplay now rather than asking wtf I'm doing)
-Conventions are like weekend-long costume parties basically
And then I think I'll take questions or whatever.

There's actually another girl in the class who I'm kind of friends with who cosplays, and another girl who is SUCH A NERD LOL GAMUR GURL who I think might cosplay sometimes.

>> No.6368168 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 114 KB, 336x433, LJDMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo /cgl/ I accidentally volunteered to talk to one of my classes tomorrow about cosplay (it's about the history of animation specifically regarding Disney and anime), and I'm kind of not sure what to say. The only thing I can think of is that cosplaying originated in the 70's at American sci fi conventions (this is correct, right?) and then the word "cosplay" came from the Japanese.

I'm kind of lost about what else to talk about. Any suggestions?

>> No.6362026 [View]

I haven't seen any other of your progress but holy crap this looks so cool!

>> No.6350603 [View]

I'm sorry to the guy at Sakuracon who recognized my Ringo costume and took my picture who I totally ignored. I wish I had talked to you since I love talking about Penguindrum, and you weren't creepy at all, I was just tired and in a bad mood.

>> No.6349388 [View]

Thank you!

>> No.6349297 [View]

Actually I have a question, I submitted my order to Taobaoring and they've asked me a few questions. How do I respond? Should I just edit the order and then go to "confirm order"?

>> No.6349205 [View]

No problem! I'm trying to compile a spreadsheet of good plus-sized stores.

>> No.6349134 [View]


The last one is mostly tights, the others are varying types of clothes.

>> No.6346439 [View]

Last year I somehow ended up with a 3rd or 4th floor poolside room, and it was awesome. Close enough that we could watch everything and even communicate with people by the pool, but if we shut the door to the balcony we weren't too bothered by the noise.
I feel like 1st and 2nd floor will be too close to the action that it'll be noisy? Idk, I'm terrified of elevators so not having to use them makes me happy.

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