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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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962679 No.962679 [Reply] [Original]


Post your percentile.

I am easily in the 1%.

>> No.962682

>I am easily in the 1%.

No you're not

>> No.962683

Yes, I am. Your percentile?

>> No.962694

I used conservative numbers calculating it (no OT, didn't include my 401k employer match, lower end on my projected investment income) and I got 24%.

>> No.962698

Not bad. Age and occupation?

>> No.962702

No, I'm not in the top 1%, but I am in in the 4%.

>> No.962704

Age and occupation?

>> No.962707

>This guy thinks that income and not net worth determines if you are in the 1%.

Aint that cute

>> No.962709

How's that bottom 60% income treating you, macabroni and cheese?

>> No.962717

>Implying i wasnt born into the 1% :^)

>> No.962721

Your trust fund doesn't count unless it's already distributed.

In that case, it would meet the income definition in the article (scroll to near the bottom)

>> No.962754

The point is a high income doesn't mean shit if it doesn't actually translate into long term wealth.

>> No.962760

Spoken like someone without high income

>> No.962765

top 8% when I start working my first real job next year.

>> No.962766

I'm a newly minted doctor and trust me, a lot of my colleagues piss away their money and manage to go into debt over stupid shit like weddings years into their careers. People are amazing at finding ways to live beyond their means and if you do that you're forever an injury or stint of unemployment away from impoverishment, which to me really isn't "1%er" in anything but external appearances.

>> No.962770
File: 16 KB, 419x278, USP_NASCAR_Sprint_Cup_Series__AdvoCare_500-Qualify-x-wide-community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3%?!?! Jesus. How little do the rest of you fucks make?? And then how the hell does do you all afford shit I can't even afford?

>> No.962774

66k, EE, midwest (cheap living)

>> No.962777
File: 109 KB, 736x931, teachings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No job atm
>Just got $600
>Got classes (Math Major "Not Teaching")
>Got a car
>Could buy server components for +$350 (learn a fuck ton)
>Could save to rent an apartment with nursing chick +20hp
>Could start +30min commutes
>[Confliction Intensifies]

One more year in Uni. after this winter. Planning for startup/entrepreneur/sk8er lifestyle commits.

Opinions Please.

>> No.962784

well good thing most of it is then

is that the only argument you have?

This. High income is great but you can work for a million years and still not be in 1% bc you spend all of it on nacho heaters and snowmobiles.

>> No.962787


>> No.962789
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>white and male are among the richest!
>no mention of asians or jews
>"presigious" degrees
>not "degrees in something with job growth"
what a crock of shit they could identify that paying $150k for an art degree is stupid but they have to go SJW on it

>> No.962790
File: 51 KB, 500x500, instagram-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>income bragging thread

>> No.962808


>€196,000/y (2015 mean projected)
>taxes: €86,000/y
>expenses: €12,000/y

I feel like I'm being fucked every day of my life.

>> No.962809
File: 12 KB, 300x244, 1329129312942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking down income-bragging

>> No.962811

3% here
midwestern USA comp engineer 25 years old

>> No.962812


seems accurate

>> No.962814


But am I really considered top 1% if I live like bottom 60%?

>> No.962817

My nigga, you need a better accountant.

>> No.962818

Yeah the article is shit but the calculator is fun for lulz

>> No.962820

Fully outside the scope of this thread

Are you an attending yet?

>> No.962822

Percentile, age, occupation or gtfo

>> No.962830

Newly minted as in just graduated, so definitely not, but the colleagues I'm talking about are senior colleagues earning 150k+.

>> No.962832

Congrats. Your next four years will be killself worthy.>>962822

>> No.962839
File: 47 KB, 695x516, wat im supposed to be seing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that it?
What a useless thread.

>> No.962841

You seem bitter about something. Is being superior to everyone on /biz/ really that important to you?

>> No.962846

>You are in the bottom 63% of Millennials


>> No.962847

I'm not an American, we have an extremely different residency process.

>> No.962849

That's good then. It's excessive here

>> No.962850

Age and occupation?

>> No.962854

>Bitcoins will crash to 2$.
>They will then get back to a peak of 1400.
>Do the math faggot.

>> No.962856


21, programmer.

Although I don't live in the US so my numbers are probably not comparable.
I make 17000$ a year, but I don't have to pay health insurance, and housing is significantly cheaper than in the US from what I can understand from reading this board. (I'm renting a 650 sq ft. flat in my city for 350€/month)

>> No.962858

Christ, 17k a year. Are you from Bangladesh or something?

>> No.962862


I make 1250€/month which is enough to be comfy.

>Rent 350€/month
>LPG for my car 40€/month (though gasoline is fucking expensive)
>insurance 75€
>food 100-120€ depending on how many times I eat outside
>all utilities combined 100-120€, 150 in winter with heating

>> No.962863


I make more than 17k a year in passive income alone

Should I move to italy?

>> No.962865


20 hrs/w, right? my entry level software guys make 2200

>> No.962867

Italy is a shithole. At least the south is, which is where I assume he lives since prices in Milan are far, far higher.

>> No.962869


*for 40 hrs

>> No.962872


You have to consider the enormous amount of TAXES.

My pre-TAX income is 21100€/year, which becomes 14000 and a bit after TAX (irpef) and pension contributions are applied.

I'm not sure how much capital gains TAX is, it should be 26% if I remember correctly.
I'm not sure wether you need to stack some more TAX on top of that - since I don't have the capital I never really bothered to check.
Btw housing also had a significant crash following the 2008 recession.
I'm buying an 850 sq ft. flat for 35000€ (+ the obvious 6000€ TAX) this week.

>there is a tax for everything in this fucking country

>mfw there is a 2€ tax on redit card balance sheets if the balance is higher than 77,47€

>> No.962873


Full time.

>are you italian?


I live in Turin, west of Milan.

Milan is a goddamn shithole why would anyone want to live there?

>be milanese
>be stuck in traffic


>> No.962876


Do they offer decent loopholes like America?

>> No.962878

Aren't the taxes in Italy so high because nobody actually pays half their taxes, though?

>> No.962882


Meh, some things are deductible.
Mortgage interests on the first home are deductibe, and also some products (new windows, energy-efficient appliances, etc.).

Other than that, if you're not self-employed there is literally no way to cheat taxes since everything is deducted by your company before you even see it.
It just shows up on your paycheck as

>Basis XXXX€
>INAIL -whatever€
>Net to be payed WWWW€

And the company pays the rest to the state.

>> No.962885


I'm in the bottom 60% but I have no debt and put away more money than someone living in San Francisco and working a good tech job.

Nice to inherit a house in the middle of the woods with lots of land to grow crops in a state that allows hunting.

I would gladly keep making what I am just to keep the freedom I get and all this space to live in. Chumps living in the city seem more miserable.

>> No.962886


Taxes are so high BOTH because self-employed pricks tend to not pay them, AND because our gubment squanders all the money away through frivolous shit and/or corruption.

>we're still paying the tax Mussolini put on gasoline to fund the Abyssinia war

>> No.962911

Yeah, I took a class where we spent a few weeks learning about Italy's welfare system. It sounded like a real shitfest.

>> No.962948

But it's silly to stack 20 year olds and 30 year olds into the same group for this sort of thing

>> No.962955


$770k in net worth to be in the top 1% of the world so you are probably not in the top 1%

>> No.962959

>didn't read the article

>> No.962963


>> No.962967

Mine alone? Or household?

Mine alone is 200k, which is a yes, 1%. My household is 350k, which is also a yes.

>> No.962968

Well done. Age and occupation?

>> No.962971


29, doctor. Fiancee is a lawyer.

>> No.962977

Top 10%. Top 8% when 401k matching begins.

>> No.962980

Not bad. Age/occupation?

>> No.962995


depressed though so it doesn't matter :^(

>> No.963000

top 1% of millennials you retard.

>> No.963001

25 / software engineer

>> No.963002

I feel like I'd need at least 3 million dollars to not be stressed out about having a career/making more money

>> No.963006


You cant say you are the top 1% if you just exclude most of the population and only take income into account. Thats why i posted the net worth you needed to be in the actually top 1%

>> No.963009

>didn't read the article

>> No.963013


>> No.963015

Congratulations. High debt?

>> No.963021

No ofc i dident read it. Its a blog with vines and a picture with Nicki Minaj :^)

>> No.963027

no. just few friends and I find most people to be boring and shallow

>> No.963152

There aren't any millennials old enough to be doctors yet but good try.

>> No.963158

>Full time.
>>are you italian?


I didn't realize the disparity was that bad.

>> No.963161

>>be milanese
>>be stuck in traffic

time to invest in a scooter, eh?

>> No.963162

You can if you're literally saying "top 1% of millennials"

If I say "I'm in the top 25% of IQ in my house", and my house has 4 people and I'm the smartest, you can't go "No you aren't. There are millions of people smarter than you!" Because the entire fucking premise was "IN MY HOUSE"

And if you can't see the use of comparing income within an age cohort when income almost invariably increases with age, then you're a simpleton.

>> No.963166

>tfw in 5%
Age: 30
Occupation: Transportation & Logistics Analyst

>> No.963170

Make 126000 at 28 in 1%, guys it's not worth it. Just do what you love that will pay, usually people have a few hobbies at least one will pay.

>> No.963173


Which company? It's likely that my company works with yours

>> No.963178

>Telling half of /biz/ to become video game testers

But seriously, do you just work too much? That's definitely my biggest concern moving forward. I sure as fuck dont' want to work 60 hours a week just to keep up with the Joneses

>> No.963181

Agricultural product industry... don't want to be too specific.

>> No.963182

>if you can't see the use of comparing income within an age cohort when income almost invariably increases with age, then you're a simpleton.


Thats probably the problem

>> No.963188

Usually in putting in only 45 hours a week but the pressure to perform is to high. You will win a contract then the next week be yelled at why you didn't win another that week. Company will take more and more until you are nothing. It's easier to start your own business just need the clients and legal backing.

>> No.963192

Top 3%, 24 yr old Software Engineer. So far I've pretty much bumbled into everything in life after making rash decisions.

>> No.963213

so the japanese aren't really stupid lazy people, its just that there generation around the internet and the creation of anonymous boards made them realize there is no point?

>> No.963215

My first job out of college put me in the "millennial 1%".

>> No.963234

This man can't stop wining

>> No.963237

24, D2D Sales, 1%

>> No.963245

Selling what? Energy contracts?

>> No.963286


Jesus even being in the 1% I can't afford a fucking Lamborghini, fuck this shit.

>> No.963352

>Calculation not based on actual net worth

choose one

>> No.963472

Just because you aren't 1% of our generation doesn't mean you should be jealous of those of us who are.

>> No.963494
File: 9 KB, 256x256, sponot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in the 1 percent
Great dubs anon!
Really nice trips here, keep up the good work my friends!!

>> No.963501

This is why I don't want to go into any field that involves sales of any sort. I thought about financial planning at one time but said fuck that.

>> No.963990


Enjoy getting cooked in summer and becoming a solid block of ice in winter, kek.

I live on basically the other side of the city compared to where I work, and it only takes me 30 minutes to get there.

Why would I have a scooter?


Really? Why specifically the Italian system?

>> No.964023

>Why specifically the Italian system?
It was a comparative politics class. We focused on an example from each of different general types of welfare systems in Europe so Denmark, Sweden, UK, Germany, and Italy.

The Danish was definitely the best, though I wouldn't be comfortable with it culturally as an American.