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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8909455 No.8909455 [Reply] [Original]

Someone posted a thread earlier saying how oracle chain will potentially fuck chainlink because it's going to be using its oracles on EOS thus maybe making chainlink useless.

So here is a good strategy. Let's say oraclechain does fuck chainlink. Because EOS out performs ethereum.

Ok well just buy EOS and chainlink. If chainlink gets fucked because EOS uses oraclecbain and outperforms ethereum then your set with EOS.

If ethereum wins the chainlink wins.

Hedge your bets kikes

>> No.8909503

I was thinking the same, then I tried to find a reason why Eth would win over EOS and couldnt find any, so i decided to buy more of the winner.

>> No.8909556

Chainlink is blockchain agnostic.

>> No.8909606

Do you own any link?

>> No.8909710

what about the case where you sell link? why didn’t you think of that brainlet?

>> No.8909813

Worst coping argument in history of meme bagholders

>> No.8909829

oracle chain has 1/10th of LINKs market cap, if you buy 1/10th worth of oracle chain and it ends up fulfilling the LINK potential then you're set too

but it's only traded on some obscure websites

>> No.8909860

Too bad eos is just an idea at this point without a fucking working product. I'm shaking in fear right now.

>> No.8909939

Chainlink isn't? Lmao, wtf is wrong with the crypto world.

99% are only visions and ideas

>> No.8909947

>If ethereum wins the chainlink wins.
this, chainlink will also work on EOS retard OP

>> No.8909956
File: 123 KB, 680x979, E904B06E-2F58-42DA-A9DE-803A9B262357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fucking scam right from the beginning, why do you think that they did the ico RIGHT before SIBOS, those fuckers knew that people will think that there will be a major anuncmment with swift in the conference.

They using logos in their website of nice company's that dont know even what CHAINLINK is.

One of the developers dumped is bag right after TESTNET was out, why would he do that if that coin was worth something?

It's a worthless piece of shit

>> No.8909968
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As useless as chainlink... why dont people understand

>> No.8909977

Dude, chainlink is fucked. On november bitcoin cash is releasing op datasigverify. Which basically will enable oracle support. What does chainlink even have, it still is nothing but an erc20 token. Sell now, that garbage isnt going to win

>> No.8909998

You fucking idiot. I'm talking about eosnand eth since they're both dapp platforms, one exists already while the other one is just an idea which is useless. Also like someone else said, link is blockchain agnostic so none of this matters.

>> No.8910175

pretty much all oracles can be made to abstract connections from different sources.
it is not that big of a accomplishment.

>> No.8910282

First of all, there is absolutely no way ETH will survive this.

Second, chainlink is 4chan meme.

>> No.8910310

That’s why they had a 100 minimum buy in, right retard?

>> No.8910338

>implying B2B will use bcash

Are you retarded as well? Companies will be using hyperledger. Maybe you can try shilling corps the bcash superiority-complex you have with it roger.

>> No.8910450

This will suffer the same fate as Mobius, actually worse it's on literally who exchange with 200k volume hahahhahaha, good thing it wasn't -33% yesterday amirite OP ;)

Good buy! I will definitely pick up some :^)