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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 350x350, LINK-Logo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8895628 No.8895628 [Reply] [Original]

We need to seriously discuss how deluded chainlink holders are, and how they need help. I know there are worst groups, but I feel for linkies.

This isn't FUD, there really aren't any chainlink updates, you know it, we know it, they know it, he knows it. The team had a chance to prove themselves and they failed. (Req had a deadline that chainlink couldn't meet. Now there is a possibility Req will create their own oracle or use someone else's tech.)

Maybe in the future chainlink can come up with something but as of right now they are as deluded as Verge. How do we get them to stop posting their shit? How do you teach cult members to analyze their group/team/god critically?

>> No.8895634

not a linker holder but you literally just need to look at the github and you can see they're putting in real nigga hours.

>> No.8895637

I unironically wish the jannies would ip ban all of those link faggots. Singlehandedly ruined the board.

>> No.8895657

Fuck you guys link is the only thing worthy of this board now.
Non linkers can suck a dick.
Stinky linky till I die.

>> No.8895688

stip larping you fucking weed addict, this is serious

>> No.8895717
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They are jealous, imo.
90% of crypto is vapourware, some heavily pumped due to hype and normie ignorance. CL is a project with real usecase and zero advertising atm.
Oracle will be the hypeword of 2019.
I stand by my 15kLinkies till rich. Have no doubt I will make a lots of money.
No intend to sell it untill 2023 also.

>> No.8895772
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The main thing that haunts me is the 1 billion tokens. 1 fucking billion. As if even 30% will be locked in nodes.

Cant figure out how its worth it.

>> No.8895802

Russian coins like Link are going to be affected by the trade embargo between the US and Russia.

>> No.8895874

>Russain coins like link
literally kys

>> No.8895881

How many dollars are there?

>> No.8895913


Bitcoin had the power of 10,000 suns before the new year and touched 20k. Bitcoin has less than 10% of links supply.

>> No.8895987

ya'll know what a chainlink is right?
its an unbroken circle of homo's with their dicks up each others asses

>> No.8895993

Buttcorn's also a meme that deserves to die. Normies bought into funny money and got dumped on is what happened.

>> No.8896017


Wow stinky linkies really are a deluded bunch

>> No.8896021

Why does Bitcoin have value? Go on.

>> No.8896039

Belief, demand, limited supply. Same reason anything has value.

>> No.8896040

why, atleast some creative fud on this board

>> No.8896047


>> No.8896081

Literally nothing, then. Most of its initial value was its integrity as The early computer money and its inability to be tracked when used for black market purposes. Now it's under the government's thumb, like everything else will soon be. As soon as you realize that, meathead, you'll also realize internet dollars become inherently worthless. Incomes coins with a use and real purpose. Bitchcon can't DO anything. It's as good as limited paper my kid draws on with a B on it. If my kid's paper could also be used to create trust and value in a contract based on real-world situations, his shitty drawings would have real value.

Size means nothing, moron.

>> No.8896082

because soyboys like you are deluded enough to buy a erc20 token composed of a 2-man-team: 1 russian speaker + 1 american developer that is just learning ‘go’ using chainlink as his platform trial&error

ultimately they will end up with some cash and experience added to their CV while you pot addicts just wasted several year(s) of your life

and thus the cycle of 4chan continues

>> No.8896087


I dont care what bitcoin is. Im saying the power of 10,000 suns, a perfect bitcoin storm, put bitcoin at 20k. A coin with less than 10% of link supply. Thats like sharing 1 apple with 10 people vs 10 apples with 10 people.

>> No.8896108
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>> No.8896113
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Lmfao, Imagine REQ developing their own oracle along with their payment system..

>> No.8896118

That's what I thought, bitch.

>> No.8896140


Mah linkies stay stanky. Eoy $1,000 bitches!

>> No.8896141
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> russian coins
> trade embargo

>> No.8896171
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>Incomes coins with a use and real purpose.

>> No.8896354

>Req had a deadline that chainlink couldn't meet.
You tard.

>> No.8896469

unironically thinks sergey cares about some shitcoin deadline

>> No.8896515
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Hey faggot Linkies
Why can't you be like me
Buy an insurance stack incase it takes off... most likely won't pass $3 .. ever
Swing trade it to add more to your stink stack
If it doesn't work out, just sell it and be done with it

Instead you betas hold while whales dump bags on you, you think with 100% certainty it will be $1000
You think it will be adopted 100%

>> No.8896531

>ip ban
newfag detected

>> No.8896544

>muh supply
Fucking retard
>What are percentages

>> No.8896551
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"Would you like to supersize that?"

>> No.8896589

Lol. What the fuck do you even mean with Updates nigga.

They are updating big boys behind the scenes, if you don't believe, sell and go buy some shitcoin 2.0

Chainlink is for real ballers, for real do or die put your balls on the line people. Clearly you got no balls, so just fuck off.

>> No.8896680

And how is judging Chainlink's goals and objectives by the deadlines set by REQ critical evaluation?

>> No.8896759

Does anyone else love what's going on with Facebook at the moment, knowing that Facebook's Director of Engineering is an advisor to the Chainlink team.

>> No.8896800

Iink was a big part in the crash of crypto..
if everyone put their money into something else the whole market would be much better off.
Although it was roger ver and his bitchcash minions who did the most damage.

>> No.8896809

and... i've got a bridge to sell you...

>> No.8896817

Tell me more about this bridge

>> No.8896887

We need to seriously discuss how intelligent chainlink holders are, and how we need their help. I know there are other groups, but I admire linkies.

This isn't shill, there really are all these chainlink updates, you know it, we know it, they know it, he knows it. The team has a chance to prove themselves and they will. (Req had a deadline that chainlink couldn't meet. Now Req will create their own oracle at first and then switch to chailink when it's ready.)

In the future chainlink will come up with something but as of right now they are already further in devrlopement then Verge. How do we get them to start posting more awesome memes? How do you teach these elite club members to connect even more dots?

>> No.8896918

The thing is that if you are even just an occasional biz browser if you dont invest in link it could end up being the worst regret of your life. Don't have to go all in like the fanatics but you need to be holding some

>> No.8896924


>> No.8896978

>Ctrl C ctrl V

Very critical response OP

>> No.8896994

It is a beautiful bridge but, once you understand it you are hooked for life. Metaphorically speaking. Now do some research and see what is the foundation of my average metaphor.

>> No.8897025

So not an actual bridge

>> No.8897108

m8 was talking about the brooklyn bridge

>> No.8897119

Well how much do you want for it

>> No.8897158

Thanks. Bought 100k bridges

>> No.8897201

you teach them by taking their money

>> No.8897217

>This isn't FUD, there really aren't any chainlink updates
Except for the multiple daily updates in the github you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.8897623

something you should try sometimes

>> No.8897629

We need to seriously discuss how deluded chainlink holders are, and how they need help. I know there are worst groups, but I feel for linkies.

This isn't FUD, there really aren't any chainlink updates, you know it, we know it, they know it, he knows it. The team had a chance to prove themselves and they failed. (Req had a deadline that chainlink couldn't meet. Now there is a possibility Req will create their own oracle or use someone else's tech.)

Maybe in the future chainlink can come up with something but as of right now they are as deluded as Verge. How do we get them to stop posting their shit? How do you teach cult members to analyze their group/team/god critically?

>> No.8897657
File: 43 KB, 640x512, C8PDDBMUwAAuid4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you realise LINK is the bridge

>> No.8897701

the bridge between the real world and the digital world

>> No.8897879

>pay for smart contracts with chainlink.
>then that chainlink is rewarded to node operators and used to increase the reputation/collateral of their node (locked up out of circulation).
>a point will come when chainlink is scarce on the open market because node operators are incentivised to hold it on their node.
>scarcity of the link token creates supply and demand effect.
>link holders will then name their price because they know the network users and operators need more chainlink.

just because 1 chainlink could be worth $1000 on the open market doesn't mean someone would have to pay $1000 to operate a smart contract, they just buy whatever amount of Link they require to run their contracts, lets say $10 worth of link, link is decimalised like bitcoin so it could cost 0.0001 link to pay for a smart contract. The end user doesn't care if 1 link = $1000 because they just buy what they need. The $1000 price of 1 link token represents value of the whole network and service. if investors, users and industry have confidence that smart contracts and oracles are important and useful for saving money in business, the whole thing perpetuates with use case. There is no real limit to the price of 1 link token. The only limit would be the total amount of money and value in the entirety of the industries used by it.

tl:dr hold link for a couple years and be rewarded with financial freedom and prosperity so you can make the most of your currently miserable wageslave life on earth.

>> No.8897897

It took you long enough.

>> No.8897908

Oh and to everyone laying an egg over the price climbing then dropping… that's how a market moves. the price doesn't just go up in a straight line. people want to swing trade their stacks for max profits down the line. it ain't crashing you fucking morons, if anything its bullish as fuck because everyone wants big stacks of link because they know the potential for insane returns.. if you suck at swing trading just hold so you don't risk losing you're stack by being a retard. and buy the dips. if you think link is anything but the biggest facilitator to the new economy you are retarded. or trying to accumulate.

>> No.8897922

It didn't really, I wasn't lurking the entire thread. The other cunts in here should be ashamed tho.

>> No.8898370

The only thing that should bother you is the market cap. It's literally the exact same thing as if there were 10 million tokens trading for $40.

>> No.8898533

unhappy never wiil surpass $5

>> No.8898542


IDGF I'm holding this until the day I die and pass it on to the next generation.

>> No.8898544

My mistake then. Glad to see some linkies with brains.

>> No.8898563

>tfw I actually hold RussiaCoin

>> No.8898640


>> No.8898657


>> No.8899115

Mods should just enforce spam rules but theyre invested imo.

>> No.8899183

Who here just not a dumbass?

I don't discount ANY project - you guys being little tribal faggots hating on X crypto are just as bad as shillers, only you're flooding /biz/ with the opposite kind of shit.

You'd be stupid to not at least pick up a small amount of Link just in case.

Imagine hypothetically this time next year Link is $100 or something retarded (like we've seen some projects do) - wouldn't you feel like a massive idiot?

Shit like Link clearly has strong support, which will naturally pump the price anyway. It's certainly different from buying a random shitcoin.

>> No.8899222

but muh stinky linkie sergey oracle problem $1000 eoy

>> No.8899245

Me too. I hold a lot of link but I want to see more discussions about other cryptos. It's not like the faggots here deserve to be a part of the singularity anyway.

>> No.8899250

>Shit like Link clearly has strong support
ONLY ON /biz/

>> No.8899305
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>> No.8899319
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This is a ridiculous assertion and I am 100% assuming you are taking the piss.
LINK has great support in the crypto community and beyond. Airswap CEO has said we need to start supporting and talking about ChainLink, REQ is using LINK, Sergey was at SWIFTs premier event twice running in which they comissioned Proof of Concepts. Those are 3 examples of outside interest and support that involve specific use cases and utility. Smart Oracles will help catalyze real world Smart Contract usage, you better believe it. LINK will be the ultimate utility token. Why? Because it will have an extremely broad and impactul use case, across multiple crypto projects and real world industries.

>> No.8899385
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1510948374945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REQ is using LINK

they couldn't meet the deadline with REQ retard

>> No.8899390

Nice meme

>> No.8899444

I almost feel sad that you spent that time writing

>> No.8899483

Shit you’re right. I guess Request is going to hold out for MOBI? Or maybe REQ will really wait it out for based Witnet with their test net in 2019?

>> No.8899492


>> No.8899529

Oh no, LINK missed the deadline with REQ. So now REQ will use one of those easily available credible alternatives to LINK that don't exist.

>> No.8899538

Im deploying to afghanistan for 9 months, what will the price be when i get back?

>> No.8899619

ignore the manlet

>> No.8899689

>zero advertising atm.
>at least 4 CL threads at all times
reminder that the token is useless, oracles dont need tokens to work

>> No.8899714

you just made a valid point. We need a Help Group of some sort for these linktards where they can get some comfort and support.
I feel bad for them.. hell, i was one once, but now i am reformed.

>> No.8899731


>> No.8899794

This lol. Some reverse fud going on here.

The fact that LINK missed the deadline with REQ proves LINK has bigger fish to fry, and that REQ is a few miles down the totem pole.

Or, the CL team is incompetent, only brainlets with 100IQ< would believe this.

>> No.8899804

>Decentralized networks don’t need incentives

Yeah, let’s get miners to eat their electricity costs with no reward for the sake of decentralization. Same thing with LINK node operators. Let’s get everyone to set up nodes and keep them powered 24/7 without any tokens or inventives! What a wonderful network that would be.

>> No.8899834

>implying LINK gives a shit about REQ's timeline.
REQ will sit there and wait for LINK to be ready like the little bitch coin it is.

>> No.8899898

Either single cents or several dollars. Mainnet should go up some time this year; if it does and adoption happens, singularity. If it doesn’t, giant red dildos.

>> No.8899924

exept they could be payed in the token the smart contract works with, you retard

>> No.8899934


>> No.8899939

1000 easy

>> No.8899943

10k eoy 2028

>> No.8899948

>t. haven’t read the whitepaper

>> No.8899967

Good shit

>> No.8899978

Listen link make us all rich. Praise sergey $1000eoy

>> No.8900034
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kek keeps telling you retards what's up.

>> No.8900045

Someone explain the 1 billion tokens.

Bitcoin and ether are like 10% of that supply.

>> No.8900047

you havent stated yet why the token is necesary other than muh pay oracles, which as i said before can be done with any coin

>> No.8900072

There’s 1 billion tokens. That was hard

>> No.8900074

you don't deserve it, just don't buy it. sorry but I don't want someone as dumb as you rich. its not responsible.

>> No.8900081

I've got a stack of link and my hands are weak, I can't for the life of me find any updates or support outside of biz...it's non existent..even the shit test of coins has its support and news going about but not link.
I'd like some link marines to prove that they aren't all just bullshitting kids larping for shits and giggles with memes and numbers or colours.
This investment is starting to stink and not in the stinky linky meme way

>> No.8900101

GitHub, dyor faggit. no hand holding, please sell me your stinkies, my bags have plenty of room for more.

>> No.8900114

I followed a discussion on /r/linktrader and someone answered this to someone else who couldn't understand why chainlink could be worth $1k someday:
>The team have said themselves that the token needs to be as valuable as possible, which is linked to how its used in the oracle network. The higher the price of the token, the less token that needs to be used/staked on requests/nodes and ultimately the wider the supply can be spread

Is there another source to this? Or was someone just being a typical Redditor dumbass?

>> No.8900124

Some time this year, no guarantee it will be this year or ever as things stand. I believe it's a small team with lofty ambitions getting overwhelmed

>> No.8900130


There are no hype news because the marketing is not done to people hoping to get rich off meme money.

>> No.8900145

Sergey doesn’t care about price Justin

>> No.8900151

We'll that's it then if someone of reddit said this I'm all in

>> No.8900205

true to a point, yes it will allow for more usage/bandwith on the network, but it will also improve the penalty system by making the accrued penalties to high to ever allow for corrupted data to be loaded in a node. The price increase will translate to the penalty and that will further ensure the reputation of the nodes in the network.

>> No.8900206

I can see why he wouldn't care but I still would like to see some quote or source

Not sure if you are being sarcastic but Redditors can be dumb too, their crypto boards are no different than /biz/. That's why I wanna see sources

>> No.8900234

this also.

>> No.8900264

Thanks for the answer. A bit hard to understand but I'm starting to grasp more how the project works now

>> No.8900274

The LINK token will also be used as a form of collateral in high value contracts. Read about it. It involves a reputation system. It’s usage is more than just paying node operators my dude.

>> No.8900285

Where’s the source for that plebbitor

>> No.8900431


Bitcoin, with a perfect storm of buying, made it to 20k. With 10% of links supply and as a currency coin. Link is a utility token with 1billion supply.

As if even 30% are going to be used for nodes.

>> No.8900441

You can't get a reasonable response outside of memes and catchphrases in these threads as it's mostly kids larping for shits and giggles without real funds invested in this product. Looks like link is dying to me

>> No.8900457

the link token is the only accepted form of payment for the chainlink services. FFS. its ERC-223 and it serves a purpose in the function of the network. erc-223 transfer to contracts consumes less gas than ERC-20.

>> No.8900474

your crystal ball needs calibrating pal.

>> No.8900543


>> No.8900548

There's a big difference between putting in hours and actually getting somewhere.

I guess what you should ask is 'are they putting in a $32m effort?'

>> No.8900660

How has it real use case when what it is attempting to do has never been implemented or adopted and no guarantee it ever will in near future

>> No.8900668

>only accepted form of payment for the chainlink services.
"chainlink services" aka oracles is not unique of chainlink
>chainlink, is the equivalent of walmart money, you can only buy in walmart with walmart money
also there are other solutions to the reputation system, im not here to shill anything tho

>> No.8900981

Hey newfags, LINK is a meme, never buy.

>> No.8901009


>> No.8901225
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it's not too late to see the way linkies

>> No.8901262
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>bitcoin is a meme that deserves to die but my token that depends on fucking ethereum will somehow survive
Linkies are the worst posters.

>> No.8901278
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People like me who have 40k Link stacks aren't commenting back on FUD anymore. So much info has been spread about this project if you haven't seen the potential that doesn't mean you're dumb but most likely brain dead.

>> No.8901280
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d-do you guys think we'll get mainnet this year?

>> No.8901298

There should be a daily discussion for all the stinky linkies so they can stop cluttering this board with their nonsense

>> No.8901300

No. Q1 2019.

>> No.8901306

i'll take those bags if you don't want them anymore

>> No.8901329

mfw this was made by a stinky trying to fud for accumulation. kek

>> No.8901410

the poster in this picture was a larper, there is no ropsten and won't be for awhile. by the time this even comes out EOS and oraclechain will be running so LINK will be obsolete before release. Just sold my entire stack and bought 10k EOS

>> No.8901470

If we dont get main net by this fall im gonna be a salty bag holder. Making ico holders clench bags for a year is borderline sadistic, especially in this market.