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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8723881 No.8723881 [Reply] [Original]

So much work being done on github right now,
are we close to singularity?


>> No.8723926

I didn't want to say anything while you were shitting on the street, but yeah.

>> No.8723937

>updated 16 minutes ago
hoo boy

>> No.8723938

Singularity is May 3rd

>> No.8723975

Bend over boy
Feel the Wrath of 1MM Link

>> No.8724015

I want to hear everyone proudly exclaim I'm a stinky linky. Do it with me guys!

>I'm a stinky linky!

> I stink like link!

> Grab your didgeridoo Marvin I just did a stinkeroo!

I wanna see this on every thread on this website.

>> No.8724016

>>>8723881 (OP)
>Bend over boy
>Feel the Wrath of 1MM Link

>> No.8724082


The singularity might come soon, but I'm betting 100% that mainnet will be Q3... Probably September.

>> No.8724125
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>only 1.2k
Fuck. I need my job to pay me more or invest in knee pads or something.

>> No.8724174
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>> No.8724184

tfw only manage to get 3k, how much do i need to go to lambo land?

>> No.8724256

Feeeeeeeeellllsssss gooood boy

>> No.8724276

You will be a samurai of the land.
$100k eoy 2k19 though

>> No.8724290


>> No.8724337

I have 26k link... ive got 5k usd which i was waiting for 20c link to double my stack. Doesnt look like it will happen. Is 26k enough to make it? The 5k usd i took from real life savings.

>> No.8724424
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We gonna make it. Lets see them chainlink memes.

>> No.8724514

i wish i knew how to read this stuff

>> No.8724559

a pull request, is when a developper finishes coding a story point or a user story, an epic or a bug.

basically we have what we call sprints, a sprint can last 2-4 weeks, and we decide in a sprint planning what story points we will implement. and each developper takes a ticker (user story or a bug) and tries to finish his task as fast as possible.

git, is really god for agile developpement, because once a dev finishes coding a part of the app, he submits his pull request, and usually it gets reviewed by other devs, and once other devs agree on the code written, they give a thumb up, and the pull request is merged into the developpement branch.

dunno if I helped...

go chainlink 1000$ EOY

>> No.8724614

actually it does. thanks. do you see anything particularly interesting?

>> No.8724619

So at this rate, when would be your guess-timate on when mainet would be deployed?

>> No.8724642

Yes, be prepared to hold though. Even linklets will make it if they hold for 5-10 years

>> No.8724644

>knowing how coding teams work is equal to being to predict link mainnet

>> No.8724663

Probably another hour or so.

>> No.8724698

I don't have access to their slack, I actually work on contract lifecycle management on a big insurance company.

but I guesstimate their mainnet to be by june or july.
Rory stated multiple times they are ahead of schedule. and with his last slack comment he said they don't want to fuck the mainnet release for the people they work with.

this is a pretty bullish comment, it means the team wants to deliver a top quality product.

they might delay the release to Q3 if they want further testing.

but code coverage is about 83 percent, so this is pretty good already, I really hope they make a bugless release.
for me it's like wanting to deliver the saint graal, As an experienced dev I know making a release with 0 bugs is impossible, that's why we have to plan for it.

but I trust sergey and their team, they are making a top quality job.

>> No.8724741

so code coverage in this sense means that its 83% tested, 83% complete, or something entirely different?

>> No.8724829

83 percent of the code is covered by tests

>> No.8724846

cool, thanks for taking the time to answer questions that im sure are low level

>> No.8724879

They gotta be closer than that

>> No.8724891

Why? Cause you want your lambo now?

>> No.8724899

Just got the alpha node running on linnode. This is probably a retarded question but is updating it through the beta then production version going to be the same updating any other software on linux?

>> No.8724911

he probably says its closer than that because, other projects depend on chainlink, and they are eagerly waiting for it, for their mainnet to be usable.

>> No.8724920
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How many links to be considered a linklet?

>> No.8724926

no problem fellow marine! We are all in this together

>> No.8724935
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>tfw only 28k link

>> No.8724944
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there is no such thing as linklet, only marines.

>> No.8724948

id love this timeline where everyones moon is waiting on link and then when link launches its the only moonshot

>> No.8725004

Exactly. Im sure there is a lot of pressure on them right now because of this.

>> No.8725030

Check and <3

>> No.8725082


I can't wait for main net to go live and my STNKY LINKS finally being worth 26 cents each.

>> No.8725132

>tfw 7.5k link and enough btc to make that 10k but then if link utterly fails I got duped twice and I'd rather just make less of the moonshot than look like a big fool
>tfw no face

>> No.8725147
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I know but they made it clear they don't want to release a half cooked version.

wait & see

you can't lose with link anyways

>> No.8725171

I know that i.e. REQ will probably use chainlink for fiat pairings but what if the mainnet is later then the dates for its usecases
will they just relay on centralized oracle solution for the moment or will they wait?
Or does their schedule imply that the chainlink mainnet also will be ready ?

>> No.8725180

what about the private repo?...
singularity will happen when they announce who they are working for. will this be before or after the mainnet? who knows.

>> No.8725184


Kek. If Mainnet releases by Q3 Link will 100% reach $5+ by EOY. And that's the minimum and only if we are in a bear market all year.

>> No.8725194

7.9k whale here, gitgud

>> No.8725222

theres no one using req mainnet so theres no rush

>> No.8725250

no they can't do that, they cannot sell their clients a tech, and decide to change midway. it's impossible.

theyHAVE to wait, just like everybody. I don't think it's a big deal for them, if CL deliovers a top quality product with no downtimes and temper proofness, they will say amen to the date CL will give them.

BTW, the v1 of chainlink is ETH centered, they'll probablu move to other techs once their v1 is stable

>> No.8725272

7.9k links isnt even a fish you pajeet

>> No.8725339


>> No.8725357


>> No.8725362

When the Beta's out I'm just gonna start everything again from scratch. Thomas will have another video out by then, he did also say when he released the Alpha setup video that he wanted to make one that shows you how to set up a node from a clean install, so installing all your dependencies etc.

>> No.8725408


>> No.8725409

barely a shrimp

>> No.8725414

I did it from a clean install, that's pretty doable by anyone who has used ubuntu or whatever before. I just wonder if updating to chainlink beta will be the same as updating go or truffle or anything else. Anyways there's no real point in doing it now unless you're going to develop for it.

>> No.8725418

Damn this is wholesome.
I love you, anon.
LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.8725443


People like to say linkies are deluded, but REQ said they want an immutable ledger for fiat.

They do not want a centralized solutions because it can have down time. REQ themselves said this.

So if god forbid LINK was delayed it would delay REQ too.

>> No.8725456
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>> No.8725485
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>> No.8725496


This is the other reason. REQ has to wait for LINK.

When PWC partnered with REQ I'm certain REQ explained the ChainLink project how their using ChainLink. Their not going to switch from ChainLink suddenly, switching oracle providers would be a massive change for PWC.

And coding and using oracles isn't just plug and play. They've likely been developing with ChainLink in mind for months.

>> No.8725508
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>> No.8725549

yup, that's why i'm saying it's impossible.
they WANT a decentralized oracle solution with 0 downtown, it's vital for their business.
also REQ is just 1 project we know of.
can you guys imagine the big flood of announcements that will follow mainnet? I mean new blockchain projects who will get sseduced by link, and would want to join in on the craze?
omg can't wait, and they say 1000$ is impossible.

yeahhh righht

>> No.8725559


If this happens I would fucking die of happiness.

I'd take like 80% of my profits and move into ICOs that are gonna use LINK for double profits.

>> No.8725560


Mah linkays so stahnky.

>> No.8725625

10.044k link whale here, get on my level.

>> No.8725627
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>oracle solution with 0 downtown

>> No.8725640


>> No.8725647


Yeah, don't forget about these little guys. Origami Network x ChainLink https://ori.network/#8

>> No.8725711

My portfolio is a 50/50 spread of link and req. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.8725847


You'll make it more if you go 100% Link.

Not trying to shit on Req I think it's great, but Link will outperform Req bigly.

>> No.8725856

so ropsten soon?

>> No.8725865

You already made it anon, you just don’t know it yet.

>> No.8725904
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Read that paragraph for REQ themselves.

REQ is waiting for LINK's mainnet to release their biggest feature.

If REQ is waiting for LINK, why hold REQ?

Nevermind the fact LINK has a smaller circulating supply...

>> No.8726176

Yes. The goal is to get Chainlink nodes on Ropsten (by this weekend) and then implement the consensus code. April will be an exciting month and will give many a very good idea when Chainlink will go full main net.

>> No.8726267

What is significant about the git that makes you think this weekend?

>> No.8726273

do you need linkies to run a chainlink node?

>> No.8726312

There are no other significant additions needed in the Chainlink code. This is why you are seeing the Ropsten configuration code getting implemented in the devnet section.

>> No.8726341

Damn i wish i knew what this meant...

>> No.8726358

except the contracts for which there is no evidence of it being created yet... not to say they might not have started or even been near completion but there's still a lot needed and you can't make any estimates because of that, even if the nodes themselves are almost done.

>> No.8726380


Are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.8726422

The consensus and validation codes will show up only a few days after Ropsten...so next week. This code has been worked on for months and will be evident once reviewed. Many will be excited as Sergey will make another Medium post explaining the progress and giving a rough estimate of what is to come. As I mentioned before, this will all happen by next week.

>> No.8726474

Unless you have some sort of insider information, there's literally no evidence of this publicly available.

>> No.8726481

How do you know itll be next week tho?

>> No.8726489
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>> No.8726553

The best evidence I can show is keep an eye on the github.

>> No.8726561

not fudding, but where does it say that req is using LINK? i'm sure they are, just cant find confirmation of it anywhere.

>> No.8726565

>5-10 years
nice fud, but stop talking outta your ass, it will moon this year, and then stablilize in 2019 with some slow growth as the speculation dies down and pure demand kicks in
we either make it soon or we don't

>> No.8726661

He just means he's a big dude

>> No.8726705

Wishful thinking.

There is no way Link achieves 10% of its actual worth by 2019. That kind of growth does not happen in a year.

How long did it take btc to go from $0.30 to $3k?

>> No.8726729

How long did it take for eth to go from $10 to $1000? Crypto moves ever faster.

>> No.8726794

>Many will be excited as Sergey will make another Medium post explaining the progress and giving a rough estimate of what is to come. As I mentioned before, this will all happen by next week.
Where is anything whatsoever pointing to 1. a blog post, and 2. a one week time frame in the repository? I'll wait.

>> No.8726799

Don't fucking panic !

>> No.8726841

For the non devs out here. I have worked on large enterprise software and 83% is quite good.

>> No.8726845

>10% growth just doesn't happen in a year
Go back to your stock threads you complete fucking retard

>> No.8726846

A medium post in this market is a guaranteed dump lmao

>> No.8726849

someone explani to me how ropsten matters when johnny huxtable said chainlink would take 3 to 5 years and the icebox part of pivotaltracker is full of shit to do.

>> No.8726881

they said they are in talks with CL in one of their blogposts
also CL is the only decentralized oracle solution with a product in sight so i guess its the only option

>> No.8726884

Anon, in order to find out you will need to contribute to the project. Once you contribute, you will be invited to the private slack channel. Honestly, with almost 30 people in the channel I am surprised more doesn't leak.

>> No.8726900

are the partnerships real? when will they come forward?with the launch of the mainnet?

>> No.8726903

I was going to call you out on your retardedness but I see your ID confirms you are a spaz so I'll let you off

>> No.8726910

Req moves money and burns tokens.
It is equally good , at least.
Normies fomo a lot into money stuff.
Mcap, gross, net income, etc. They like money related buzzwords.
Fast and yuuuuge growth.

>> No.8726935

> a lot of work
> 24 commits last week
You have no idea, what a lot of work looks like

>> No.8726936

are u srs all I have to do is contribute

Can it be a shitty contribution? Like what if all my code sucks and gets rejected. Will I still get invited? I'm a brainlet

>> No.8726952

The POC is still ongoing with Swift as confirmed a few weeks ago by Rory. Other than that, no comment.

>> No.8726955

I got 150k links bitch. And i'm not even a whale. I need about 500k links to be considered a mini-whale

>> No.8726970

so just another larper whose prediction is not going to come true. Glad we cleared that up.

>> No.8726977

yup. no reason not to hold some req. my link/req distribution is 80/20. I think the burning mechanism will be great short term when it gets adopted and its a very marketable project.

>> No.8726988
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>> No.8727001

They encourage any and all contributions, even spelling error corrections. I will say this, if your code is merged, you will more than likely be invited to the channel.

Do you remember a few months back when Jordan posted to slack then quickly deleted. He thought he was posting in this channel. There has been a few other slip-ups but the posts are edited to a "." before anyone notices typically.

>> No.8727018


This is literally the worst timing for major releases. Have fun holding bags until BTC runs again, because we are not even going to approach 10k sats until then. Gonna be lmao'ing when all these epic updates don't budge the price.

>> No.8727032

No larp, no tripcode. Only reason I am confortable posting is there is enough evidence in the testnet newest code today for any dev to realize Ropsten is days away.

>> No.8727034
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>thinking LINK depends on BTC

>> No.8727046

nice larp, kid

>> No.8727054

The real holders of link do not care about the day to day or week to week $ of link. We understand the big picture

>> No.8727059

It's more about the passive income anon. Yeah obviously a high token price is preferred at some point, but in the short term linkies will rake it it running nodes.

>> No.8727060


I will add that Link could literally announce they are working with SWIFT concretely, tomorrow, and because of this market the price would still be tanked. Have fun reading all this elaborate fomo bullshit, stinkies.

>> No.8727062

maybe for shitty coders like you you need thousands of commits to fix all your shitty buggy code, but not Sergey's team.

>> No.8727085


what are your qualifications

why did jonny huxtable say 3-5 years, then? what is the point.

>> No.8727129

Hahahajjaha, HAHAHAJAJAJJA REEEEEE how can anyone be this stupid
Oh yeah? Well I'm sure link will be worth hundreds in five years. Just hold them bags son!
Less than 1% of you morons will run a node and less than 5% will stake with LinkPool

>> No.8727157

Jonny is one of the more vocal people in the private slack channel. Not sure where the 3-5 years comes from? Did he say adoption? Expect Jonny and Linkpool team to put together a blog post the same day or day after Sergey.

>> No.8727164

idgaf what other retards do

>> No.8727194


Have fun getting paid in worthless link tokens hahahahah

>> No.8727207
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We're all going to make it :')

>> No.8727218

What about the Artificial Lawyer guest post? That came from someone who presumably is in the private channel. Is that where he got that from?

>> No.8727243


>> No.8727260

Think it was a rumor. Unfortunately, Sergey is not active in the private channel. We do get a lot of 2nd hand information from Rory, Steve and others

>> No.8727286


Hanging on to every larp you lay your eyes on like a true deluded linklet. Consider holding something with value next time kiddo.

>> No.8727300

Ty good sir. Where do you see link price eoy?

>> No.8727341

>t. guy with less than 5k in crypto

>> No.8727355

I won't speculate on price. What I will say is i'm very confident Link will be a top 20 coin within 6 months time.

>> No.8727374

Heh heh you have made me feel inadequate. Ree

>> No.8727401

I have a folder full of screencaps of failed link larps and false predictions. it's just fun and games, no need to get upset, friend

>> No.8727414
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I'm going to be purchasing 10k LINK around June. Will I be too late?

>> No.8727466

Yes, don't even bother at that point

>> No.8727480


>> No.8727489

June? cmon nigga

>> No.8727501

Ty bro. Ive literally been holding since ico. Hope link can pull it off.

>> No.8727515

I've got a screencap of sherlocklink fucking up a larp that I post in all of his threads now.

>> No.8727597

same desu

>> No.8727650

post it

>> No.8727658

this one hitting the moon https://powl.io/exchange/

get in and thank me later


>> No.8727685
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He was larping as a wallstreet insider and forgot to change his trip

>> No.8727698

I'm not upset, just pointing out that a majority of linklets actually take them as fact because they are eternal bagholders

>> No.8727773

sherlocklink was always a shitty trip
hey look i googled the guys who follow the porject in github
im an insider

>> No.8727841


Hey look I found a random high profile financial analyst who works for swiss capital and have created an elaborate larp that will fail to meet any of the predictions therein
>and people still cite assblaster as legit hype

>> No.8727917


i forget, it was here and on reddit and it was in the slack, he said 3-5 years. i remember verifying it myself.

>> No.8727952


Yep remember fellow linkmarines, just hold the bags for 3 years we will all make it together!

>> No.8728011

>i must shit in a hurry for i've had too much curry but there's no need to worry there's plenty of room on the street.

>> No.8728052

>>I'm a stinky linky!
>> I stink like link!
>> Grab your didgeridoo Marvin I just did a stinkeroo!
>I'm a stinky linky!

> I stink like link!

> Grab your didgeridoo Marvin I just did a stinkeroo!
>I'm a stinky linky!

> I stink like link!

> Grab your didgeridoo Marvin I just did a stinkeroo!>I'm a stinky linky!

> I stink like link!

> Grab your didgeridoo Marvin I just did a stinkeroo!>I'm a stinky linky!

> I stink like link!

> Grab your didgeridoo Marvin I just did a stinkeroo!>>8724015


>> No.8728074

Assblaster was at least somewhat believable

>> No.8728094

This is the type of math i expect from the crypto community at large. Thank you for validating my disdain for you

>> No.8728113

The equivalent move would be from $10 to $100k

>> No.8728115

thanks for validating my parking, peasant.

>> No.8728243

bless you anon

>> No.8728336
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Kek I do that too. But he’s unfortunately gone

>> No.8728420

News and updates don't work in bear market.
I am sorry.
We dumpin to 15c

>> No.8728516

verge is literally up 55% in the last 24 hours because redditors are braindead
if swift came out with that LINK would be up 5000% in an hour seeing as there's zero selling pressure on any of the pairs

>> No.8728567

Thanks code brah

>> No.8728588

why june? it's literally cheap as FUCK right now.
if you're going to be getting money around june take a loan now and pay it back in june with the money you'll get

>> No.8728608

Jonny said probably mid August. I guessed late August.

>> No.8728614


>> No.8728655

Fuck off nigger

>> No.8728706

Links success would destroy /biz/
Its pretty shitty now but i cant start imagine it after that

>> No.8728972
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just buy link and join us on the link train chooo chooo

>> No.8728999

Judging from your math skills, you sir are the nigger

>implying I'm not in crypto too
Listen, pleb, if you can't tell that the majority of your peers here are brainlets, you are one

>> No.8729009

This you will be a millionaire if you buy 10k link and hold for 3-5 years it is a sure thing

>> No.8729115
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It approaches

>> No.8729130

Whats your eoy price for link? If i can get 100k u think ill make it?

>> No.8729266
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Don't quarrel, there's still enough of linkies for everyone

>> No.8729272

nah, 10 million still isn't made it territory, sorry brah

>> No.8729285

eoy a 1000$ is plausible

>> No.8729294


If link actually succeeds this will be one if the all-time legendary sagas of 4chan.

>> No.8729305

Yeah no. SWIFT represents 11,000 banks worldwide you fucking bigger. All the big websites would push an article. LINK would hit $5 EASILY quite quickly and beyond

>> No.8729357

Potentially yes

>> No.8729368

remove the IF fuder

>> No.8729377

I already own link anon
But this board would flood with normies more than it is now

>> No.8729394
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doesn't eth dying mean a huge problem for link cus it was made for that platform?

help a brainlet out

>> No.8729434

In the short term it would be an issue, however, the beauty of link is that it is "blockchain agnostic". This means that it can be adapted to any other blockchain via core and external adapters. Sorry that I don't have a source at the moment, but a rando on twitter was already able to program an iota adapter such that link can read data from it. A core adapter would be needed to write data though.

>> No.8729465

ETH will scale bro. Either way LINK is blockchain agbostic and will work with private chains, and hyperledger. LINK does not even need ETH

>> No.8729478

They aren't wrong though. That level of growth has precedents in crypto. You're actually retarded if you believe it isn't possible.

>> No.8729489
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please, just drop to 10c once.. i just want to accumulate at least 10k..

>> No.8729504

>eth is dying
lol what does the price have to do with the condition of the project?

>> No.8729514

Hold out for 20 but all time low was 13c in september 2017, if we ever see that price again we are well and truly fucked

>> No.8729532

These poopdick faggots aren't my peers. How dare you?!

>> No.8729540

my math skills are bad because I know that crypto can do more than 10% a year? Fuck off retard

>> No.8729598

>if we ever see that price again we are well and truly fucked
Not really. If BTC hits 'despair', it could briefly drag LINK down to 10 or 11c. The market would likely bounce back quickly, but the chance would be there.

>> No.8729631
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Ah, well it's not outside the realm of possibility I guess. Don't expect people to sell at those prices though, the order book is dry even now. You know what it'll look like at 12c?

>> No.8729637

dude can't fucking wait for noprmies to buy my bags at 1000$ KEK, i'll welcome them with scat porn, dwarf fucking and animes

>> No.8729771


>> No.8730056

I guess it really depends on the definition of "working with" and "partnership". If SWIFT is actively using CL and the tokens, then no fucking way in the world the price wouldn't move. But you have VeChain or WTC type of "partnership", then it will get btfo