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8127875 No.8127875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for the guy that posted a few days ago that talked about how he found this supplement to cure his mercury poisoning called emeramide.

I have similar issues, brain fog, depression, extreme fatigue, ocd and I had mercury dental filings too.

Also health/mental health thread I guess.

>> No.8127956


>> No.8128030

Emeramide guy never showed up

>> No.8128073

Mercury causes autoimmune diseases and mental problems.

I bet you all have mercury in you.

>> No.8128180

I don't know how I would come to touch with significant amounts of mercury leading a normal life. The amount you get from eating tuna alone is probably way higher than any leaking dental fillings, and I don't eat tuna just because of that.

>> No.8128341

Dental filings are worse than tuna because the type of mercury in dental filings is much much worse for you.

Also you can get it from coal plants, environment in general, thimerosal in vaccines etc etc

Also if you don't have the right genetics to detox properly mercury had going to be far more toxic to you
If that case even a tiny amount of it is very damaging

Mercury is a major contributor to autism

>> No.8128361

I have 8 mercury fillings reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.8128372

If you have brain fog could be an iodine deficiency

>> No.8128411

That's not entirely true. Organic mercury, found in fish, is more potent than inorganic mercury mg for mg. Fillings expose you to a greater amount than eating predatory fish once a weekS

>> No.8128417

Get them removed from a qualified dentist that uses the suction cup or else you will simply swallow the mercury and poison yourself far worse

>> No.8128418

The type of mercury?

>Also you can get it from coal plants, environment in general, thimerosal in vaccines etc etc
Good point, although I don't know how major the effect can be. Those are mostly trace amounts of mercury, and if even trace amounts were enough to cause major harm, people would be dropping left and right from fillings.

My mom has mercury filling(s?), but other than that I've not come in contact with that stuff much AFAIK, and I'm still somewhat of a wreck. But prescription stims have solved everything to me. I would recommend checking those out as well if possible. But you're right, maybe mercury can be the main culprit behind our problems, I'm not saying it's impossible. Getting it chelated seems like a hassle, right?


>> No.8128439

I forget where I read about this, but mercury from filings can damage your body worse and get into tissues more

>> No.8128447

Here's the thread you were asking for? >>7932426

>> No.8128458

>people would be dropping left and right from fillings.
Autism rates and mental illness rates have exploded though.

>> No.8128471

I fucking hated that thread. The guy was carrying on like his life was stolen from him over because he got some dental fillings.

>> No.8128477
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1518816524416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you posted this at the worst possible time, but i'm here
and dead tired
and i have to wake up in four hours

pic related
it's me

but, anyway, yeah—i'll answer whatever you're wondering (about emeramide) as quick as i can

not true; dental amalgam is, *far and away*, the most dominant source of stored body mercury in individuals with amalgam fillings
if you have fillings, you have a lot of mercury from them—and it is from elemental mercury vapor, which penetrates just about fucking everything
even if your mother had fillings, you most certainly have a large amount of mercury from her passing it onto you prenatally
once it's in your body, just about nothing that you'll encounter naturally can do anything to even affect it, let alone safely remove it

>> No.8128489

Because his life was stolen from him
He couldn't do shit and had to drop out of college
Imagine being horribly depressed, anxious and confused and you don't know why.

>> No.8128496

First thing you hypochondriacs ought to do is have a relevant blood test performed

>> No.8128528

Emeramide is fucking expensive and hard to source in the quantities you need. There are other clinically proven chelator combos for heavy metals:
chlorella+cilantro (no joke) combined with one of the following: calcium disodium EDTA, DMSA, DMPS
Also take these at the same time with 1000mg or more of Omega 3 supplements. Do not any of these at the same time (within a few hours) as antioxidants like vitamin c.
Further research google: chlorella + cilantro, edta + chelation, heavy metal chelators, bile cleanse.
I have been on chlorella for a few weeks and it has definitely changed my head. I'm not 'better' but things are different and I've had glimpses of my old self the past few days.

Good luck anons, i hope this helps

>> No.8128529

That's true, but it might also be caused by a myriad of factors. It's almost never just one thing, and I'm kinda sceptic about this one being the cause and nobody still knowing about it.

Welp, that sounds horrid. If you don't mind posting some sources that would be swell. I gotta look into emeramide anyway, even if it does nothing, why refuse giving it a shot?

>> No.8128543


>> No.8128547

mercury can put you through an everlasting hell before you come close to dying from it
i'd be willing to bet that the majority of autism cases that we see today are because of mercury that has quite literally accumulated over generations of mothers, with more and more getting into children through dental amalgam and other sources
methylmercury, from fish, is significant and absolutely dangerous, sure—but it's not in your teeth, right under the roof of your mouth and your entire respiratory tract, constantly emitting trace quantities of extremely absorbable and permeable vapor, either

>> No.8128593

Holy shit anon it's you.
I need to talk to you about a bunch of shit.
I've been dealing with this my whole life. Tried dmsa, dmps and a bunch of other shit that barely does anything.
Here's a temp email address:

Can you send me your email and we can talk from there?

>> No.8128625

Hey. Whered you get your emeramide? What's your protocol? How are you feeling?

>> No.8128626

>even if your mother had fillings, you most certainly have a large amount of mercury from her passing it onto you prenatally
I also read that of your mother had fillings, it could cause epigenetic changes in the fetus, making them more susceptible to mercury toxicity.
My mom had this shit

>> No.8128646

The cure for mercury and other metal poisoning too, btw, is to replete the body with the minerals these metals replace at the enzyme binding site. Mercury can replace Zinc at the enzyme binding site because their valence is similar on the periodic table. A mild zinc deficiency will result in a metal taking its place at the enzyme binding site to make sure the enzyme continues to function, albeit at a much lower efficiency rate. It’s a kind of short term adaptation to these deficiencies so we don’t die. This is also true of other mineral/metal combinations: cadmium can replace zinc or copper, lead can replace calcium, nickel replaces chromium and so on. There is a program called nutritional balancing which addresses these issue via hair mineral testing, specific diet and supplementation plans, and near infared sauna therapy for detoxification. The website for this program is here: http://drlwilson.com

>> No.8128675

What about selenium?

>> No.8128700

What about it?

>> No.8128711


that is, unless you have something that will ASSUREDLY grab, and *never fucking let go of* mercury in your bloodstream when the mercury happens to make contact with it
if you take cilantro without something like this, you can fuck your brain up terribly
source: me
i still can't feel happiness or make vivid pictures in my mind—but, i'm getting better
5 grams of emeramide can only go so far—ya dig, muh nig

edta doesn't chelate mercury, but apparently works fucking beautifully with lead
never had any experience with it

i don't have time to cite sources
insert memepasta of time machine linkie billionaires here
gonna have to feminist through this one, and merely say that the sources are there—which they are! elemental mercury vapor is highly bioavailable, and just like organic mercury compounds, can penetrate even the blood-brain barrier no problem
once it gets into your brain, there's a high chance of it getting converted into inorganic mercury, and—unless using something like cilantro (i think)—never leaving
fun f*cking times!!!!!!

i am so tired

>> No.8128762

Noted. I can search for myself anyway no prob

>> No.8128792

I'm going to be buying 10 grams of emeramide.
You said before that you are a leaf, so am I.
If the border let yours though I'm confident they will let mine through.

>> No.8128856

Well your verbal acuity is still on point at least

>> No.8128862

paxil made me a retard and severe memory loss. there is a way to recover from this jewshit?

>> No.8128895

i'll take it down, and maybe send you an email tomorrow
i do like keeping everything public, though, as there's hardly a record of emeramide anywhere
for something that works as well (and as seamlessly) as it does, it's a fucking shame
my protocol is:
i take some emeramide a day in the morning and then wait a week or something lol
the beautiful thing about emeramide is that you don't have to worry about it letting go of mercury; it grabs on, and holds on
there's no chance of re-toxification from it picking up mercury, and then letting go in a shitty place
it holds like a motherfucker
fortunately, other things *do* cross the blood-brain barrier
cilantro's thiol compound—whatever it is—supposedly does, from what i can remember
i'm not touching that shit again until i have at least 20g of emeramide

i probably shouldn't tell you where i got my emeramide, as there is currently no place online that sells for human consumption
you have to pose as if you're ordering it for your business
and *yes*—if you live in canada, at least, you will need a registered business
runs you about $50 or so

but, i will say that there is one place that sells emeramide way fucking cheaper than anywhere else
it also seems to be more pure
i don't want them or a regulatory agency catching wind of threads like this, and then sharting all over everything and fucking people like us over forever
(forever meaning until emeramide gets on the market in official capacity, as irminix)

>> No.8128946



>> No.8129045

It's just iodine in a pretty package, named something else, marked up 200%.

>> No.8129079
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pls help me think again

>> No.8129119

blood tests for mercury will always give inaccurate results
mercury migrates to soft tissue and stays in soft tissue; it doesn't hang around in the blood for any great period of time

many multiple honks
if i weren't, i think i'd be completely fucked by now

some anon in a previous thread mentioned hydrogen water
looks kinda fucking awesome; i'd look into it

>> No.8129146

If fillings really caused mercury poison why aren't there any class action cases or any mainstream attention

>> No.8129147

>hydrogen water
thanks, i will search about it

>> No.8129167

If this stuff doesn't pass the BBB then how can it improve cognitive defunctness? By preventing bodily mercury from entering? But that would only work if the brain was able to purge on its own, albeit perhaps at a very slow rate.

>> No.8129206
File: 1.63 MB, 1067x1600, Mount_Robson_Twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sameanon with the email here.
Wait don't send to that one, it got deleted.
Send to this one instead:

I heard you can combine it with dmso which will allow it to cross the BBB.

>i probably shouldn't tell you where i got my emeramide
I've found a few sites. I'm pretty sure I know where you got it from.

>and *yes*—if you live in canada, at least, you will need a registered business
Is this actually required?
Couldn't you just lie and claim you are a business and make a fake name?
How would they know?

>runs you about $50 or so
The registering a new business part, or the shipping to Canada part?

Anyway thanks anon.

>i don't want them or a regulatory agency catching wind of threads like this
Me neither.

>> No.8129220

I was that anon.
Look up the article on selfhacked, it explains it.
This shit has cured stroke victims in asian countries, check it out.

because the FDA, AMA and media are corrupt

>> No.8129220,1 [INTERNAL] 

just posting this on warosu now, as when i went to post it last night, the thread had already been shitcanned

i did this, and it was an impoverished bastard, bonglet-tier, absolute retard move
my excuse is that i had /no fucking clue/ at the time that emeramide even existed, let alone that it was possible to buy DMSA in canada—and so i figured that i was better off doing it and trying to combat the mercury poisoning than i was waiting for something better to come along
fucking lol
no—absolutely not, fuck
do not underestimate the sheer destructive capacity of free mercury
if you do not have something RIGHT FUCKING THERE to catch it FOR GOOD once it's mobilized, then seriously, *fuck cilantro*
even when i was using DMSA (which is noticeably more effective at binding mercury than cilantro, but holds zero contest against emeramide), i stayed the fuck away from it, because DMSA can barely hold mercury as it is
of course, your best chance with it is the cutler protocol
it's probably the best way to get mercury out of your body when used with DMPS, but in terms of sheer effect, it simply cannot compete with emeramide

even with the good things that there is to be said about the cutler protocol, after a full fucking year on it, i was barely better off mentally, and was still full of aches and experienced bizarre fucking snappings—which felt like electrical pulses
the worst were probably the "clicks" that i got all over my neck—and especially the ones that i got in the back of my head whenever i did anything but have it be entirely stationary, not looking around using my neck whatsoever
it made me *fucking paranoid to move*
it was pretty close to 24/7 chinese water torture

for that alone, emeramide is already worth it
i've been taking much larger doses of it (in excess of 100 milligrams) more infrequently now, and every time that i do, i notice definite improvement in everything from my vision, to my circulation, to my ability to think
one may wonder how it can cause an improvement in mental capability if it doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier; my reasoning for this is as below anyway, but to emphasize, your body is a system
when one part of it has less harmful shit to deal with, your body's resources that would have been expended in dealing with them are free to combat the problems that haven't been taken care of—and on top of that, you're more healthy overall; your body is pretty good at self-healing, but the very things that produce the chemicals which have a healing effect can be damaged by things like mercury
so, there are times where emeramide working is like putting your money from a perpetually bleeding shitcoin into tether, and then there are times where emeramide working is like putting your money from a perpetually bleeding shitcoin into a perpetually winning blue chip coin—with dividends!

>> No.8129220,2 [INTERNAL] 

ANYWAY, here's the text i was gonna post last night, before the thread deletion:

fuck me—what, do they hate you or something?
definitely take iodine to try to displace any of the the fluorine that it might've left around; also look into borax (which is NOT TOXIC, by the way), and boron in general
and, uuuh—keep the hydrogen water in mind, of course
think i read that it has a positive effect on serotonin production
but, that's to be expected; as a rule of thumb, anything that helps out one part of your body (and in the case of hydrogen water, pretty much every part of your body) get back into proper order helps out your entire body in its proper function
once i make some decent money, i'm looking into generators and buying one of those fuckers

because the agencies that are supposed to protect you from this shit are corrupt
but even at that, look into class action lawsuits on this stuff; i'm really not sure what's out there, but it might be like with vaccines, where you have people who have been damaged by them who successfully sue all the time, and yet it goes on

email noted
you'll need a business in order to have it not get trashed or whatever at customs; THEY (customs) WILL ask about your business and its canadian ID numbers and shit
at least, they did with me
i was probably among the first businesses (or the first, straight-up) to have it shipped into canada though, so
the $50 is for the business
might've been more, though
also holy hot fuck thank you for the info on dsmo

>> No.8129220,3 [INTERNAL] 

I replied to your email anon.
Pls respond.

>> No.8129220,4 [INTERNAL] 

Im about to start emerimide after being thrown into the world of western medical pandimonium being on clonopkin, lexapro...still trying to wean off them.

Would you say a good starting dose is 12.5mg every 12 hours for one month? All the clinical trials they’re doing on the stuff has highly toxic people on either 100mg or 300mg.

The companies ceo Boyd Haley claims emerimide does cross the bbb too. Basically that it peaks in plasma at 3 hours after ingestion has a half life in humans of 22 hours. At this point the 50% that has left the blood enters the intracellular compartments and tightly binds mercury into a non toxic complex which then leaves the body over the next 30-60 days when bound to glutathione which the drug up regulates. That was the theory explained to me...
So I guess no risk if redistribution?

>> No.8129220,5 [INTERNAL] 

taking emeramide will NOT cause any mercury redistribution at all. regardless of how much mercury you have in you, the only way that emeramide could seemingly hurt you is if you have a molybdenum deficiency (in which case, you should just take molybdenum for a month or so).

you should take much higher levels of emeramide than what you plan on taking; 12.5mg will likely be totally lost to neutralizing reactive oxygen species before any of it binds to any mercury. where are you getting your emeramide from?

>> No.8129220,6 [INTERNAL] 

I am getting it through the website. But damn expensive...are there other reliable sources of it? I dont trust anything from China.

So you’d recommend I go the full 300mg, perhaps 3 x 100mg doses per day. Might just try 100mg the first day to see how I go.

Good point, definitely don’t want it wasted on hydroxy radicals. But may I ask how just 1 month at that low dose of 12.5 cured you? Perhaps because you’d already chelated for quite some time on ALA?

The theory is that the compound it forms with mercury is non toxic and insoluable but gets excreted by the p450 system over 30-60 days. The drug sounds wonderful and I am at the stage where I have got to try it but it would be great to see more evidence for these claims. I’m guessing the next clinical trial will reveal more...

>> No.8129220,7 [INTERNAL] 

okay—FuN f*cking time inbound, holy shit
i dread the matter of addressing the posts i'd made about "curing" myself at a 12.5mg dose every time it's brought up, but yeah i do have to at some point make it abundantly clear that i now know that i really didn't treat my mercury poisoning by doing that—like, probably not even 10%
what is VERY FUCKING IMPORTANT to note is that the emeramide that medkoo sells IS FUCKING ****NOT**** EMERAMIDE

**********************DO NOT BUY EMERAMIDE FROM MEDKOO LOL**********************
this whole "fake chinese emeramide" debacle that's known amongst the <nine fucking cutting-edge mercury-diseased INTJs that must, like me, be doing searches for emeramide twice every day is a VeRy interesting debacle indeed;
you see,
this whole matter of "fake chinese emeramide" came to everyone's attention—even mine, i'm shaaaaamed to admit!!!!!!!!!FUCK—when emeramed had made the post in an update to their site, which detailed the matter (which is, of course, still present)—the post being something you're almost undoubtedly familiar with. THE THING IS!!!!!! AHA—after having had called emeramed's office, i came to strongly suspect that the general reference to "fake chinese emeramide", as was described on emeramed's website, seemed to stem from an assumption made about the origin of either medkoo's emeramide, or medkoo themselves.
on the phone, while speaking with haley, i had asked which company the "chinese" "emeramide" had come from—and haley, who (*granted*) may not have been involved with the testing of the "chinese" product, noted that the company's name was—and i quote (fRoM mEmOrY)—"...mokoo, or medkoo, or something like that."
so, given this, it's possible that the, uh, "fAkE cHiNeSe EmErAmiDe" is actually Made In China IN AMERICA!!!!! IN MR. CHRIS CHEN'S MOM'S BASEMENT OR SOMETHING
the significance of this is that the "fake chinese emeramide" that emeramed's site refers to could very well just be shit mystery "Not Emeramide" chemical from medkoo lol
Help I Ate Twenty Grams Of This Stuff

also fda don't go using that ironic sarcastic complaint on the schizophrenic-stalked catacombs of a mongolidolian "self-proclaimed" slapstick business research suggestion box as an excuse to be even huuuuger faggots and require that people get fucking licenses to buy chemicals you haven't explicitly approved for research you stupid fucking life-destroying shitballs boomers

does *FUCKING REAL* emeramide *actually work* to treat mercury poisoning? yes! really, supremely well! without any doubt, on a strictly logical basis, it has to be better than anything else that could be used to treat mercury poisoning!

but, i mean, where do you fucking get it


i really don't know with total, 100% reputable laboratory-verified with stamps of approval from the commission of good guys and scientists for certain where—but, fandachem seeeems to sell at a price that is competitive with medkoo's """"""""""""""""""""""""emeramide""""""""""""""""""""""""
most interestingly, i can report *from personal experience* that the stuff—the *emeramide*, dare i call it—from fandachem is both soluble in DMSO, AND has a melting point between 128-131° celsius

>> No.8129220,8 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

of course, REAL emeramide is both soluble in DMSO (to a degree that correlated with the fandachem emeramide), and has, on two occasions that i know of, been described to melt at both a temperature of ~128°C and (i think) ~131°C
i could throw some of my medkoo """""emeramide"""" shit in the oven along with a thermometer to see if it melts at the same temperature, but it would effectively be pointless, because i'm literally 100000000% certain that it's not fucking real emeramide; it tastes different, it looks different, it behaves differently in DMSO—it just isn't emeramide, plain and simple
my best guess is that it's two emeramide molecules bound together by a disulphide group; this is the impurity that, when synthesizing emeramide using [either one or both lol i can't remember] of the methods described that i know of—one being in "fuel" and the other, somewhat more efficient one being the one that was actually published in part by haley—makes up the majority of the 2% impure chemical

of course, i have taken this fandachem emeramide; drawing from the 10g i had to work with, i started at a dosage of 400mg per day, and then went down to 300mg after a week or so
as i was getting lower on this—uuuh—*emeramide*, i began taking 1/3 of the 300mg dose intranasally, as a dry, completely de-clumped powder, to try to make the most of what i had left
now, needless to say, i'm hesitant to risk making a complete jackass out of myself AgAiN by describing a whole bunch of good stuff that it might've done when i'm merely mistaking the effects that taking it had inflicted onto me for my exaggerated perceptions, but i will say that my breathing still sucks ass, i still get tired easy, and my bowels are a fuck
but, i only took ten grams at 300mg per day, and my mercury poisoning is fucking *waaaay* embedded into my body at this point; assuming this fandachem emeramide IS IN FACT FUCKING REAL WHICH IT LOOKS LIKE IT IS ***I FUCKING EDUCATEDLY GUESS***, i'm probably going to have to take a fucking lot for quite some time before i can confidently proclaim having taken notice to any positive effects
what a massive shitshow

if you read through all that stupid (but still relevant!) shit, you probably really want emeramide
fandachem honestly does look like your best bet, but i
i honestly can't claim to have the total certainty that i'd like to, on the matTEr lOl
your theory about excretion is totally correct; the p450 system carries it out through the "top" of the hydrocarbon ring, between the two n-acetyl cysteamine (i think?????? i dunno man high school's a dickwow when it comes to you expecting them to teach you useful information) arm things
if you wanna take the 100mg dose, go ahead—but, just be weary that you're likely not doing yourself any appreciable amount of good
(or harm, of course)

here have some fucking—some fucking, music, i suppose
if you don't listen to that before responding to this comment, not just you but *your whole family* will be cursed with being able to speak only in comic sans for the rest of their lives

>> No.8129220,9 [INTERNAL] 

i had to delete this to post it again with the post references included, but
wtf why isn't it actually gone

okay lol i'm gonna post it again anyway, in case it gets deleted later or something

of course, REAL emeramide is both soluble in DMSO (to a degree that correlated with the fandachem emeramide), and has, on two occasions that i know of, been described to melt at both a temperature of ~128°C and (i think) ~131°C
i could throw some of my medkoo """""emeramide"""" shit in the oven along with a thermometer to see if it melts at the same temperature, but it would effectively be pointless, because i'm literally 100000000% certain that it's not fucking real emeramide; it tastes different, it looks different, it behaves differently in DMSO—it just isn't emeramide, plain and simple
my best guess is that it's two emeramide molecules bound together by a disulphide group; this is the impurity that, when synthesizing emeramide using [either one or both lol i can't remember] of the methods described that i know of—one being in "fuel" and the other, somewhat more efficient one being the one that was actually published in part by haley—makes up the majority of the 2% impure chemical

of course, i have taken this fandachem emeramide; drawing from the 10g i had to work with, i started at a dosage of 400mg per day, and then went down to 300mg after a week or so
as i was getting lower on this—uuuh—*emeramide*, i began taking 1/3 of the 300mg dose intranasally, as a dry, completely de-clumped powder, to try to make the most of what i had left
now, needless to say, i'm hesitant to risk making a complete jackass out of myself AgAiN by describing a whole bunch of good stuff that it might've done when i'm merely mistaking the effects that taking it had inflicted onto me for my exaggerated perceptions, but i will say that my breathing still sucks ass, i still get tired easy, and my bowels are a fuck
but, i only took ten grams at 300mg per day, and my mercury poisoning is fucking *waaaay* embedded into my body at this point; assuming this fandachem emeramide IS IN FACT FUCKING REAL WHICH IT LOOKS LIKE IT IS ***I FUCKING EDUCATEDLY GUESS***, i'm probably going to have to take a fucking lot for quite some time before i can confidently proclaim having taken notice to any positive effects
what a massive shitshow

if you read through all that stupid (but still relevant!) shit, you probably really want emeramide
fandachem honestly does look like your best bet, but i
i honestly can't claim to have the total certainty that i'd like to, on the matTEr lOl
your theory about excretion is totally correct; the p450 system carries it out through the "top" of the hydrocarbon ring, between the two n-acetyl cysteamine (i think?????? i dunno man high school's a dickwow when it comes to you expecting them to teach you useful information) arm things
if you wanna take the 100mg dose, go ahead—but, just be weary that you're likely not doing yourself any appreciable amount of good
(or harm, of course)

here have some fucking—some fucking, music, i suppose
if you don't listen to that before responding to this comment, not just you but *your whole family* will be cursed with being able to speak only in comic sans for the rest of their lives

>> No.8129220,10 [INTERNAL] 

I think the only way to eliminate any doubt with regards to your treatment is to source it from emeramed...find a holistic MD who will do the paperwork. Can ask emeramed for doctors in your area who have past ordered it. Yes it’s expensive and a pain in the arse to go through but Boyd Haley says to me that this compound works fast to bind mercury and you may not need more than one treatment.
To be frank I wpersonally wouldn’t trust chinese emerimide...no matter what the melting point is.

Anyway just curious to know what your symptoms are? I have crushing tension headaches, tinnitus and tingling down my neck, spine, low on energy, burning tingling feet at night.

Do you take anything else? Like vitamins? Antioxidants? Probiotics? Diet? I’m taking Brazil nuts for selenium, extra vitamin c tablets, gluten and dairy free, probiotics and doing a sauna once per week. I also take IMD a product from quicksilver that binds mercury in the gut but st low doses (like 50-100mg) every second day. My big problem is I was out on benzodiazapines several months back and it horrible trying to come off those. Also trying to come down off an ssri currently too. Prescribed by a useless psychiatrist that my parents and family put massive pressure on me to see. Doesn’t help..

Are you taking your 300mg of chinese emerimide at one dose per day or dividing it up into 2 or 3 doses per day?

Thanks for the song :p