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718937 No.718937 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, today I have come to ask this board a question...

Why do you think get degrees in English, History, or Gender Studies if they are supposedly useless? Surely they are getting something out of their time and money.

>> No.719009

>Why do you think get degrees in English, History, or Gender Studies

I am guessing most go into journalism, human resources or further study in something related but more practical.

>> No.719013

because they're told college is a must these days, and when they finally get there they just pick something that they believe they can do. unfortunately for them they lack the foresight of analyzing potential employment opportunities that their degrees set them up for.

>> No.719154

>I am guessing most go into journalism, human resources or further study in something related but more practical.
This is true for those with a plan to earn high incomes. In my case, and English degree was an smart choice because I always planned on law school.

However, I would estimate that at least 50% of my fellow English majors did not have more definite plans for something useful or practical later. Many of the girls were on the MRS track, and there were plenty of aimless academics too. Don't underestimate the number of 18-22 year olds who have no clue about what it takes to be successful.

>> No.719159

As a historian and tactician in the millitary you are highly renowned if you can put some of your insight into the battlefield to good use.

>> No.719163

As for gender studies....
Let me just say you would be better off begging on the streets for support...

>> No.719164

Fuck off, iHaz.

>> No.719169

>Why do you think get degrees in English, History, or Gender Studies if they are supposedly useless?

A girl who gets a Bachelors, or an MFA in English, can get a job as a teacher, or copywriter, or editor, or what have you. She can also marry a guy who majored in STEM and who makes good money.

>> No.719197

I once had a friend that studied civil rights and history....
Mother fucker is in politics now....