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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7087663 No.7087663 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy now? Or is the dip not here yet? This shit always dips hardest in the morning

>> No.7087682

Shit is a scam.

>> No.7087703

I already hodl a shit ton (bought all before $0.50) and I had to fill up my bags again when it hit $0.65 one last time. May dip to $0.60 that'd be a steal tho

>> No.7087719

i went all in a night ago

>> No.7087767

This is manipulation while Chainlink Crypto Fund tries to fill their bags and accumulate $2.2million in LINK. The orderbook doesn't have that much though, so they need to scare people into selling by suppressing the price.

>> No.7087781

Envious of you buttfuckers. I went all in at $1.42

>> No.7087810

Bought in at ~$0.7 but I think I'm going to buy more if my money gets here before this dip ends. $20-40 EOY

>> No.7087886
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>> No.7087902

I bought in around SIBOS, and then a fuckload more near the bottom. Average price: 29 cents.

I'm fucking untouchable. LINK is nothing but green for me. I'm not even all that happy with my average price, but seeing the dips come nowhere near it makes LINK a comfy hold.

>> No.7087933
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Don't forget that because bonds are currently in a bear market, the alternatives such as smart bonds, through ChainLink will become more appealing

>> No.7088064


Not just more appealing, but they'll become the standard within the next 3 years.

ADHD traders can't think in timelines that long, but we're veerrrrry close to the turning point where banks adopt DLT en masse, and there will be no turning back at that point. The crypto market cap will go on consume the entire money supply, and every transaction will become digitized as everything gets moved on chain. They've been eying this stuff for years, and their world moves slow, but they've been making huge strides toward their end goal, and LINK is a key piece.

>> No.7088166

I thought LINK was a meme.

>> No.7088175


Bought in at $0.40 here. Pretty comfy but I've about had it with the price manipulation. There's no reason we shouldn't be at $2. I guess I'm happy for the guys late to the party buying in at rock-bottom discount prices but fuck me this is preposterous.

>> No.7088180


That's what we wanted you to think. The more people we convinced it was just a meme, the cheaper we could buy LINK.

You didn't even read the whitepaper did you?

>> No.7088209

Do you think the team can pull it off?

>> No.7088240

It's pretty solid if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.7088251


If you'd been paying attention you'd know they already have.

>> No.7088299

>actually buying LINK
lmao, how do people fall for the memes?

>> No.7088327
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link vs mobius

>> No.7088336

? They have a working product? IIRC their github hasn't been updated for a while...what's your opinion on mobius?

>> No.7088352
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>There are unironically people on this board who haven't bought some link yet

>> No.7088382
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>a Russian scam
>an american made, early adopter backed, waltonchain partner

>> No.7088407

mobius, 10x over

>> No.7088415

:( I don't know what to believe :(

>> No.7088416


I've tried my hat at starting a startup before, and I failed miserably at it. But from that experience what I can say is that seeing them focus on product + business relations and seeing them not give af about socials, while at the same time catching glimpses into the partnerships they've established, I think they're doing amazingly well with the limited man hours they have available, and with the recent hires + upcoming marketing hire, I think its only going to get better from here.

Its easy to burn yourself out when you're trying to start a company, so seeing how laser focused they are on making progress in the ways that will go on to become meaningful, and seeing them be willing to forego the usual social media hype bullshit a lot of ICOs/crypto projects have cancerously become known for is a massive positive IMO. It shows they're committed to delivering the system they've promised and ensuring that their partners will be ready to roll on day one more than pumping the price of their token and keeping an autistic community of pseudo traders happy.

So for a shorter answer, yes, I think they're going to pull it off. We're within a month of code release, and within months of mainnet. We'll see an increasing number of partnerships be made public after mainnet as partners spin up their nodes and integrate with them. There's no foreseeable timeline where this isn't consider cheap af LINK.

>> No.7088457


I'd dip my toe in right now but honestly that's about it. I'd wait for a clear upwards trend to really dive in. Overall the project is great and it solves a difficult problem but LINK seems to be trying to do too much at the same time vs. competitors like Mobius and Oracalize.

If Sirgay comes through then sure you'll be fine but how sure of a bet is that? I went through his linkedin profile and questioned if he's someone that can really stay committed to a project of this scope for the long term.

>> No.7088467

link has a working test net why is mobius better

>> No.7088506

Links Github is empty. Intentionally removed. No updates.

Mobius announced partnership earlier last week

>> No.7088508
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Can someone put chainlink tokens on the tips of her fingers?

>> No.7088517
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Same here.
First started buying in .38c then hodl & bought the shit out of it @.17c even bought a few more @ .70c last week.
Still up 185% & know this fucker is gonna go nowhere but up for the next few years.
Can't wait to retire on my 30K stack.
Praise Sergay!

>> No.7088547


> Anonymous (ID: 87I9xGws) 01/30/18(Tue)00:11:37 No.7088457▶

>>7087663 (OP)

I'd dip my toe in right now but honestly that's about it. I'd wait for a clear upwards trend to really dive in. Overall the project is great and it solves a difficult problem but LINK seems to be trying to do too much at the same time vs. competitors like Mobius and Oracalize.

If Sirgay comes through then sure you'll be fine but how sure of a bet is that? I went through his linkedin profile and questioned if he's someone that can really stay committed to a project of this scope for the long term.

this has to be bait... because its bullshit.

LINK does one thing, and it does it well. Mobius promises the kitchen sink in a soupy amalgamation of ideas done better by other projects. They literally copypastad portions of their whitepaper from other projects, and if it ever sees the light of day it will do a little of everything, but so poorly that no developers will ever built on top of it, choosing instead a modular approach to dApp development... you know. kinda the whole point of decentralized apps.

>> No.7088555

are we worried about turtle?

>> No.7088560

I'll be buying LINK until 5 buck so I dont too much about the current price

>> No.7088608


Repo was renamed because its the old code. New code is being released within the next month or two at most. Its being developed in a private repo until its released.

If you don't know anything about software development, you're not qualified to be giving people advice on software platforms I'm afraid. You're welcome to lose your own money, but unless you're some paid shill there's no reason to try to convince other people to waste theirs.

>> No.7088612

So LINK > Mobius

>> No.7088624

Their code is not open to the public.

>> No.7088682


Ya I'm sitting on a 25k stack and can already taste retirement too.

Honestly though I'm most excited to play with the tech itself. I'm going to stake some coins in whatever pool emerges as a trustworthy option, and may take a crack at running a few nodes myself that service dApps I plan on making + their markets. Its a legitimately exciting project for developers, which is why its a no brainer IMO. You can't even imagine the possibilities this opens up for developers... that's kind of its whole point.

>> No.7088717

A little off topic but I went all in on RLC...should I sell that for LINK? RLC is an amazing project as well with a professional team that delivers the items on their roadmap on time.

>> No.7088751

Lawl I love how funny all you 4channers are, but be honest with me here, is xlm going back to a dollar before link takes off? I want more shares in link but I don't know if I should all in right now :/

>> No.7088794


Infinitely so. Their partnership with zeppelin_os ensures they're the default oracle for any dApp being developed from late 2018 and onward, and their partnership with SWIFT will be part of the most rapid spike in crypto market cap we've ever seen within the next couple years.

And those are just two of its partnerships. There's reason to believe Sony will be looking into working with it, and potentially Docusign as well. Some of the breadcrumbs lead me to believe Deloitte may be looking closely at it because it allows them to sell blockchain contracts to clients without forcing them to rewrite all of their software, and if they were that on its own would lead to even more fortune 500 partners for Chainlink through Deloitte.

LINK will allow blockchains to eat the world.

>> No.7088858

They are both incredible projects. You may feel more comfortable in RLC if the FUD on link bothers you, but if you have been on 4chan for any amount of time I doubt that it does. Im holding both.

>> No.7088867

Gah, you convinced me, I'm buying some LINK now.

>> No.7088887

Yeah, the other anon convinced me to buy LINK but RLC is too good of a project so I'll just have to wait for my next paycheck :)

>> No.7088939

BTW, what's your opinion on ENG?

>> No.7088945

how much are you buying?

>> No.7088958


Ya I won't diss RLC. Its a solid project as well. Glad you chose to grab some LINK though. I wouldn't have 25k if I didn't think it'd be worth something :P

>> No.7088964

As much as I can :) I have to wait for my next paystub though :(

>> No.7088966

They know, fagbius hired a team of pajeet shills a few days ago, always kicks off at night when poos wake up.

They have no heart, their shilling is shit, fagbius will fail

>> No.7088996

a couple hundred dollars worth?

>> No.7089008


Oh it clearly will. I'm super thankful I'm a dev in this market... helps weed out the trash from the revolutionary. I couldn't imagine trying to comprehend this marketplace as a normie... a shiny website with the right buzzwords would steal your money so fast in this game.

>> No.7089035

Still a student so only make around 2k a month, I plan to buy as much as possible...possibly up to 10k worth.

>> No.7089053

I just hope LINK doesn't moon anytime soon :)

>> No.7089078

I find Mobius weird technically. The way they provide data to the Blockchain is by accepting calls on a centralised API. So data requests to the Blockchain have to originate off-chain. Its solution is poor compared to what CL is planning for the initial implementation IMO. I wouldn't class Mobius as a direct competitor desu. Their implementation has a lot to be desired in my opinion. I agree with the people who say they're trying to do too much.

To expand on what I said, my personal issue is with their API:

So to buy data and create an Ethereum contract to use it, you need to go a centralised API and centralised BE what manages it. In practise, this means that even though the data retrieval is decentralised, the management of that data is completely centralised.

Chainlink will be completely different. To request the data, it can originate from on-chain or off-chain. The API for requesting the data is also each individual node, which then propagates that request across the network. So even though Chainlink will have a centralised FE which makes it easy for people to use it, it means that the requesting of the data and the management of it all, is completely decentralised.

Also keep in mind that the retrieval of data into Ethereum is just one aspect of Chainlink, the aspect included in the initial implementation. There's also BTC/Hyperledger and what CL can do there, The BTC/Hyperledger functionality will be completely different to that, and creates a whole new aspect not yet seen in any other Oracle projects at all.

>> No.7089096

Any personal recs besides link and rlc

>> No.7089109

I think it will be a long time before we see ENG blow up. Any coin that solves a very difficult computer science problem is worth having on your radar though. Im holding some for tomorrow as I expect a pump, but I think the market isn't in a place currently where coins that take some effort to truly understand are seeing price increases. As this industry settles in I think we'll see major growth on cryptos like Eng, Link, Iexec.

>> No.7089138

Good for a poor student like me! More time to buy! :)

>> No.7089141

Quality post smells of early 2016 /biz/

>> No.7089165


Screenshotted. This kills the pajeetcoin.

LINK enabling bi-directional flow of data that remains decentralized is its biggest selling feature. Its akin to how some of the most core protocols of the internet works. MOBI isn't even in the same league, let alone ballpark.

>> No.7089243

where do you store your tokens? I'm getting nervous holding on the exchange

>> No.7089267

Off topic, but do you guys think a portfolio consisting of only RLC, LINK, and ENG will yield good long term gains? I plan to purchase and hold these 3 for at least 2 years...I call it the holy trinity!

>> No.7089268


At the moment not a ton. Been kind of ignoring prospecting a bit while crypto is boring.

ENJ seems like a decent buy and I have a small stack of that.

DNT should have some updates within the next few months so there may be a spike to catch there.

I've got some NEO, Waves, DOVU and UKG as well, all which I bought months ago so I don't know where they're at for entry point/if I'd suggest any of them now.

I did bump into CRNC and may look into it more. Its ICO is coming up soon and it looks potentially promising. I haven't decided if I'll buy the ICO or try to just scoop it on ED afterward yet though.

>> No.7089288

Saved as pasta thx

>> No.7089301

I'm not the anon you addressed but I just store my stuff on Binance...the 2FA should be good enough. I also heard that there was a way for cold storage wallets to be hacked. Besides if Binance goes down, crypto probably goes down as well so holding on a wallet will make no difference.

>> No.7089323

this is why i kept all my beetcorns on gox and things worked out well for me.

>> No.7089335

Just curious, what is your occupation? You seem very knowledgeable about tech, I wish to be like you!

>> No.7089350


10k of them I've moved to my wallet. the other 15k I still currently have in the exchange with the hope/assumption that Binance will still be around in a few months :P.

I may flip a small chunk of my stack around mainnet launch, and then flip a bit more toward EOY, but I haven't wanted to move too much because I haven't decided how much I'll flip (will likely depend on price targets). I'm hoping to still squat 15-20k of them for at least a few years though so I'll move more to my wallet eventually.

Then again if I start making gains with the rest of my stack, I may opt to just keep everything and move it all to my wallet for a few years. We'll have to see.

>> No.7089364

Hmm...do you think Binance can get Gox'd though? IIRC Gox was doomed to fail from the beginning, too many vulnerabilities.

>> No.7089381

Extremely solid, although I think its very possible the big growth on these will be after those 2 years.

>> No.7089386

Also doesn't Binance utilize cold storage?

>> No.7089400

Thanks for the reply

>> No.7089410


Every exchange has too many vulnerabilities. A recent audit of SK exchanges found they all suck.

I've got a fairly sizeable stack of coin on Binance at the moment, but I don't intend to leave more on it that I'll actively trade for very long. Never trust someone else with your money. That's the whole point of crypto.

>> No.7089412

I don't mind :) I'm poor so that simply means more time to accumulate!

>> No.7089433

The reason people think LINK will go up a ton is that they think banks and big corporations will adopt the technology

But you think big banks are gonna rely on 4chan NEET node operators to verify data for them?

LMFAO they will just make their own oracle service retards you know banks can afford they own IT department right?!

>> No.7089437

If you don't mind me asking, what wallet do you use?

>> No.7089465
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no sirs this is false LINK is scam coin worthless friend trust me by mobius good coin much money friend please sirs buy

>> No.7089466

By that logic isn't most of crypto useless then? The big corporations can simply create their own version of it.

>> No.7089470

Thoughts on Monero? NEO keeps popping up on smart investor lists.

>> No.7089503

the majority of nodes will be run by large companies. Your fud is kill

>> No.7089507


On mobile Jaxx, on desktop I just use MEW. I've been considering a hardware wallet... but I don't know that I trust the idea so I may just toss Linux on an old laptop I have, rip out its antennas and designate it my cold storage machine.

>> No.7089530

Coins have value because they can be used for payments and quick wealth transfer. All tokens are useless. Utilities are a meme. Why the fuck would a bank use some decentralized verification service controlled by autistic 4channers who got lucky to buy in early?

>> No.7089540


My thoughts on Monero are that I wish I'd bought $50 Monero when I was looking at it :\

Great project. I keep himming and hawing about an entry point but could have made gains at most prices by now.

>> No.7089594

This is actually retarded and I cant believe im taking the time to respond to it.

This argument is brought up as FUD on every single project. Get this through your dumb thick, hallow skull: A compnay is not going to take the time, money, and effort into something when they can pay a company to provide the exact service they are looking for.

Is an airline company going to open its own oilfields to avoid paying for oil? No, of course not. They are going to keep purchasing oil to keep their company running.

>> No.7089627

They can just copy the link source code for free dumbass

LINK will be $.01 after the conference is a total disaster next month

>> No.7089648

Wasn't that patented?

>> No.7089685


Nah don't you know, every website re-implements their own version of HTTP. Fuck standards.

>> No.7089723


Sure. And you could copy the source code for Reddit and spin up a clone in a few hours.

Oh wait. Nobody would give af about your clone because network effect exists. Same rules apply... the value is in the network, not the code.

>> No.7089726

PM here at a tech firm (was a dev for awhile). Usually I'm very skeptical when people larp about what they do on this board. You throwing ENJ as a recommendation gives me confidence you aren't bullshitting anyone here. (FYI I also believe ENJ is going to be big in the future)

>> No.7089780
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Yea copy the fucking source code. This works well on a peer to peer system reliant on nodes. Complete ignorance.

>> No.7089782

Why the fuck would Chase bank care if nobody else used their internal oracle service?

You really think banks and exchanges that trade billions a day will rely on anonymous crypto speculators to verify sensitive data for them?

Sort your life out. Seek mental help.

>> No.7089785
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Ya I like to shill and FUD for fun, but tonight I'm just being me :P

ENJ definitely looks promising. My dev friends and I have talked for years about how it seems odd more games haven't tapped into crypto yet, and we're all in ENJ now. If they can pull off a solid Unity SDK in a few months it could easily moon. Plus look at their booth's position at the Game Developer Conference.

>> No.7089826


An internal oracle service is pointless.

Learn to read, and then read the whitepaper. Until then you're a brainlet.

>> No.7089850

It's been dipping for 9.5 days. How long will it last? one more day? Another week? Reach $0.25 by EOfeb and then "moon" to $0.75 EOmar?

>> No.7089867

Yeah I did it was full of bunch of indecipherable algorithms and shitty buzzwords.

The only think propping this shitcoin up is FOMO from losers who didn't get into ETH or BTC early

>> No.7089868

How are they going to internalize the information they then give their oracle?

>> No.7089869

not enough toilets.

>> No.7089902


> Yeah I did it was full of bunch of indecipherable algorithms and shitty buzzwords.

> how I know you're a brainlet

Face it anon. You're never going to make it because you can't even understand the tech you're investing in.

Stick to the training wheels safety pack of coins if you value your money.

>> No.7089913
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you can't be helped. Just await your doubled wojack status every year from now until blockchain is no longer a tech that's used. Fuck i'm actually laughing

>> No.7089928

>shitty buzzwords.

There it is. When someone has difficulty understand something, they write it off as "buzzwords". You will not make it.

>> No.7089951

I have a 140 iq buddy...

>> No.7089977
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>tells people about his high iq on an anonymous uzbeki cat fancy forum

>> No.7090000
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>I duuu has a one fordy iq

>> No.7090009
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>> No.7090014

Mr. Dev Anon, do you have any thoughts on Block Array (ARY)?

>> No.7090030


> shares IQ
> doesn't realize he proved he's a brainlet

Without fail, everyone I've ever met who brags about their IQ is both retarded, and a complete loser.

>> No.7090061

I have a 4.0 in engineering what are you doing with your life?

>> No.7090080


I don't know much about it at all, so not really. One of these logistics chains is going to go on to be a killer project, but I honestly have no idea how you'd go about picking the winner. It'll come down 100% to what partnerships each of them land and how forward thinking that industry is... seems like it'll be a hard sell for a while but I don't know much about the industry.

>> No.7090099

No one cares faggot. This is an anonymous image board. We will judge you based on what you claim to know (or not know) on the current topic. And you have proven to not know shit. Now fuck off and cry yourself to sleep boy.

>> No.7090173


I became a developer at a college that costs a fraction of what yours cost, didn't give af about my grades because only small minded grinders care about grades, and have worked in the government, in academia, and now have a dope gig working from home getting baked every day as a developer/sysadmin in media.

Grats on being a brainlet kiss ass. I work in the industry you want to work in, and have expended a fraction of the energy and money you will doing it. I also managed to do it without once trying to brag about my IQ or grades... what a sad life that sounds like where you actually care about either.

>> No.7090210

Damn you got me beat, retard. I got in at $1.35.
I might buy more so I can DCA down to a less embarrassing price.

>> No.7090228
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Top fucking kek is that you, M?

>> No.7090271

Mr. Dev Anon, do you have any thoughts on Tezos? Seems interesting.

>> No.7090281

I worked at spaceX and I've seen plenty of engineering students with 4.0s get blown out in technical interviews, GPA doesn't mean much. Congratulations on being a homework drone brainlet.

>> No.7090299

are you pretending you don't know he's trolling you? i understand people who enjoy shaking out weak hands, but not this sick shit. i feel like everyone here is just here to rp. is this what happens when you make it? i don't like it.

>> No.7090302

This. Been paying very close attention to the orderbook these last days. Someone is very crafty

>> No.7090322


Wasn't it confirmed a scam? I admittedly haven't investigated it much outside of headlines... which haven't sounded great.

>> No.7090491


>> No.7090568
File: 82 KB, 533x296, 6a00d83451d3b569e201901c00eb85970b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without fail, everyone I've ever met who brags about their IQ is both retarded, and a complete loser.
Please elaborate on your definition of "winner" if someone who won the election for President of the United States of America is still a "loser" in your eyes. Truly intelligent people aren't afraid to flaunt it.

>> No.7090581
File: 337 KB, 750x1147, 94EA7342-2535-45F4-ACD5-EEE210ADCE48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Kek, let this drop to £0.20.

I’m poor as fuck and this is my only shot

>> No.7090602
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What could this possibly mean

>> No.7090633

Cuck and handle pattern

>> No.7090839
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Reminder that he shilled Trump on LINK during the WEF meeting

>> No.7090900

Accumulation for a new leg up, look at icx for a market leading example

Also, for the scared brainlets:

Working oracle data feeds using Chainlink POC code. It isn't decentralized, but this is how easy and robust chainlink will be once the decentralized mainnet is up and running.

>> No.7090910

Companies exist to fulfil a particular niche and to do it well. If every company refused to ever outsource materials and services literally nothing would ever get done.

Can't believe I'm even replying to this Pajeet FUD.