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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 77 KB, 610x610, 91DFED21-0302-4173-AA94-A3A1C5CFACD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6803433 No.6803433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've spent way too much time writing code to give this trading bot away for free. You will make minimum 10% daily, or your money back. Only 10 downloads available on here before my website goes live next week and prices increase 10x. Please email your review to the email listed in the box.


>> No.6803498

90% discount? shill me senpai

>> No.6803556

Discount is to encourage a review for my website. I honestly doubt 10% of you would leave a review if I gave away some beta copies

>> No.6803614

fuck it, i'll try it on a throwaway account on a virtual machine with a coin. will report back

>> No.6803649

>100 USD for a virus

>> No.6803659

Pics or gtfo. Using profittrailer nao, but open to test others

>> No.6803693
File: 852 KB, 1920x1080, BOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

running now on a virtual machine, passed my virus scans. now to see if it's profitable.

>> No.6803706
File: 44 KB, 710x577, 1485131940073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't make his own trade bot with his basic programming, math and statistic skills

>> No.6803723

now there’s only 8 left anon :)

>> No.6803741

why don't you give us bot for free?

>> No.6803749

OK I just bought it, but how do I use this? I'm a software dev, just point me at some docs

>> No.6803828
File: 1.92 MB, 3691x2076, 790CBD29-0339-47EA-B88D-92346C7C99C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give us bot for free
Pajeet detected. If you can’t afford this, you’ll never make it

>> No.6803848


>> No.6803933

I want to buy it but I have no idea how to set up something like this. How do i get this to work?

>> No.6803941

Id honestly buy this OP if I weren't programming my own bot. Looks fucking legit tho

>> No.6803991
File: 5 KB, 437x326, botgains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like its working. started with 1 in my throwaway account

>> No.6803995

Smells like a scam.

>> No.6804065

6 left now, I just bought one. Honestly was thinking about buying them all just to fuck you all over

>> No.6804084


"If you're good at something, never do it for free."

>> No.6804092

That's pretty cool anon, would be nice to turn 5k into a mil within two months.

>> No.6804106

Nice, mine is up about 1% already

>> No.6804127

smells like samefag in here

>> No.6804133

yeah that sounds plausible, OP

>> No.6804139


Is it easy to use. Do I have to have a good computer?

>> No.6804149

all the bots have big downsides. Looked through the code of some of the more popular strategies and they offer little more than what's already available on major exchanges.

>> No.6804157
File: 41 KB, 1237x161, profit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that fake shit. Buy my shit for some true gains.

>> No.6804156

>trusting pajeets

>> No.6804158

Literal CuckBot 9000

>> No.6804186


If it were actually good you wouldn't be selling it, also no guarantees the file you uploaded is actually a bot

>> No.6804198



>> No.6804212

isn't this just profittrailer with some things tweaked? Care to share it ?

>> No.6804218

What makes yours special?

>> No.6804244


Where do I get that?

>> No.6804245
File: 216 KB, 1292x428, scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I up my gains OP I only got 4% in 7 days.

>> No.6804250

pretty simple to use. if you want some added security I would suggest running it on a virtual machine, but it did pass my virus scans so you should be fine.

>> No.6804257
File: 755 KB, 1280x1278, 6AFD2F1A-19B2-448B-AE9D-22E104214463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free bots online

>> No.6804273


Honestly it is profit trailer settings I have worked my ass on. Not sharing it for free if that's what you're asking. My gains are pretty swoll. I have no interest in it losing its growth speed because more people run it.

>> No.6804287

That's all most bots need tho. To like automate ossolator conclusions. There is so much low hanging fruit out there it's impossible to buy them all by hand.

>> No.6804361

This whole topic sounds like an commercial
>if i can do it anyone can!

>> No.6804380

Ok, so how do I know it's legit and how much do u ask?

>> No.6804460

Also, 100 bucks?


>> No.6804494
File: 80 KB, 1009x337, Screen_Shot_2018-01-18_at_8.50.44_am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless someone shows me how to encrypt scripts to the point where the shit doesn't get leaked, I honestly don't see any reason to sell right now. Guaranteed after first sale shit gets posted on /biz/

>> No.6804570

Looks like your sell strat is just % gain my dude. That's not very fancy.

>> No.6804585


>upload literally any zip file to satoshibox
>post screenshots of graphs going up, claim it's a trading bot
>same fag to bait retards on /biz/

>> No.6804662
File: 2.97 MB, 640x480, 1516572921189.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why say buy my shit instead nigger?

>> No.6804679
File: 67 KB, 1215x567, 1-17-2018 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go run your % gain script and let me know how much your gains are per week my dude. My shit has curated blacklists, enhanced trailing, pnd protection and actual weekly gains that mean something.

>> No.6804687
File: 2.65 MB, 1872x3328, IMG_20180121_203406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, OP. I bought this, and pretty excited. I have no idea how to run it though... Also seems to be Windows only? (I have a PC, but it always helps to clarify what it can run on). Is there any documentation explaining how to run this bot?

>> No.6804774

we are the albianian mafia , u can trust us just share ur stupid bot

>> No.6804832

>how to get your crypto stolen in one easy step

>> No.6804871

wondering the same questions, I'm on linux

>> No.6804888

Fuck, I think I got memed... I just bought this and it's just a bunch of dlls with fucking Mist browser files mixed in, fuck...

OP, explain yourself, fucker.

>> No.6804911

ahahahhahahaha I bought it and ran it on a new account and it stole my profits and sent them to pajeet.