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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58650177 No.58650177 [Reply] [Original]

>100M+ users
>even a child can make own wallet inside the app

why /biz/ ignoring TON ecosystem? there cannot be any more adoption rate than this.

>> No.58650188

I just don't care, what's your benefit for sharing this shit, are you hoping for 10$? That's 30 percent gain fuck off

>> No.58650249

keep buying erc-20 boomer coins fucking millenial boomerfaggot im just trying to bring this up if someone is interested as i've gained alot from here. and yes it's going to 10$ next. in the peak bullrun this will be s*ylana tier, triple digits.

>> No.58650309


I dont get why /biz/ sleep so hard in this and shill retarded shhit like LINK for years.

>> No.58650497

biz is full of boomers nowadays... true OG autists have already made it and left long ago. Only what's left is sad link-erc-20-tier holders who didn't make it and pajeet zoomers.

>> No.58652861


>> No.58653259

Go fckn test TON network and it's cababilities, download the app and start trading from straight inside the app, TON aand it's altcoins such as jdoge, redoge, not... you name it go and check man

>> No.58653267

When I was your age, kids didn't talk that way. They had respect.

>> No.58654925

go buy ton

>> No.58655998


>> No.58657269

The open network? More like the open scam, am i right? Bought at 6.20 once (just 1.1k usd though), hold for nearly a month sold at 5.80, I've lost so much potential gains buying literally anything else while I holded waiting for a miracle. At most this coin pumped to 8, and it's back to 6 again. In the meantime I've used the money I got back with losses selling my TON and traded shit like APU, JENNER, MOTHER and made like 2k in net profits. TON is a hold coin, and holding is for fags

>> No.58657676

can you shill some things?

wanna spoonfeed more?

>> No.58658435

>Russian shit
Just another scam like Waves

>> No.58658673

seconded. i'm not sleeping on it at all. looks like the only true play in the space for the foreseeable future. how much you want to bet XMR will be swappable in the DEX?

>> No.58659197


TON, JDoge, Mixer nice lowcap alts with use cases

>> No.58659231

I mentioned it months ago and got fudded as usual. /biz/ hates to make money.

>> No.58659291

noted, but i dont want nice use cases.
I want memes.

When i go into a new ecosystem, i hold the L1 gas token, and then the most degenerate memes possible.
levered beta is the move in a bull run.