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58093067 No.58093067 [Reply] [Original]

Hat-turning news materializes as MetaMask partners with Rubic to provide users the best routing and rates

My Rubic Stays motherfucking Cubic forever

>> No.58093448

Holy shit it's real. I just re-bought my old bag. This shit might just have legs considering how many chains people will use this run.

>> No.58093451

token still not needed

>> No.58093461

I'm bumping this now I'm so pumped. Hope they don't get fucking hacked lol

>> No.58093469

It's needed for gas for cross chain swaps retard. I used it quite a lot last run to get BNB from ETH so stfu.

>> No.58093484

Thanks for posting this anon. I'll be accumulating before the release.

The math behind Rubic pumping will be in the absolute volume of trades being done with it. If this is the default metamask cross chain swap app we're going to see 10+ million daily volume easily.

>> No.58093486

Man that’s sweet. Good. Still have a massive stack. Hope it moons.

>> No.58093490

I forgot I owned any Rubic

>> No.58094509

According to Rubic’s telegram, there will be an AMA with MetaMask in April


>> No.58094632

Very nice, I started to stake my rubic in October and it get released in April, I was actually thinking to dump my whole stack once I’m done with the staking since I though it was a dead coin but hopefully it’ll give some decent returns this bull run MRSC

>> No.58094973

My rubic stays ... 90% down kek
I still believe crypto world needs rubic like protocol, it's just chainlink story of token not needed

>> No.58094989

kek at this desperate pajeet shilling

metamask has similar partnerships with every tier 4 chain so they could claim 100% support of everything crypto, if nigger inu decides to make their own chain, they'll probably get partnered too

>> No.58095081

What other defi snap or cross chain bridge dex projects have they partnered with where you can swap from your metamask wallet? I can’t wait to hear all about them! Kek

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