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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56895701 No.56895701 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is saying they will sell at 48k. What are the implications of this?

>> No.56895709

we hit 47k and then dump to 12k

>> No.56895711

no information outside of the chart should matter for your charting

>> No.56895713
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it will go higher than 48k and they will be tethered up

>> No.56895725

That it will dump before that. Actually between 43k and 47k, roughly around 45k, is where a super big resistance is.

>> No.56895730

I thought this is the logical conclusion, but will we really just go up less than 10% from here upon ETF approval? The excitement on the day of approval should give us a bigger bounce than that, I’d imagine

>> No.56895734

69k first

>> No.56895736

fuck the etf approval i hope it gets denied

>> No.56895948

anon, I... you... you need to lurk a few more years.

>> No.56896132

Sell the news

>> No.56896141

we will blow past 48k, to 59k and then back to 51k and they will be sidelined buying back in higher

>> No.56896478

Yeah probably this. I'm one of the 48K sellers too...

>> No.56896518

47k is the number screenshot this

>> No.56896539

it's not as funny when you say it, frog.

>> No.56896595
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I don't have any BTC so I don't care
I will put $500 on $RAMP to turn it into $5k in just a couple days and then buy some ETH or something like that

>> No.56896602


>> No.56896626
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>> No.56896628

>Everyone is saying
not everyone
>they will sell at 48k
it would be in their best interest to mislead others in this regard, and "say" that their sell price is higher than their actual intended sell price.

>> No.56896631

I'm not selling any of my 5.x BTC below $150k each FOH

>> No.56896665

there is a lot of resistance at 48k and we're due for a dump i think it will dump to around 40k and then we get some real god candles

new ath sooner than anyone expects

>> No.56896867

I already tethered a couple weeks ago. See you at new all time highs. You're welcome faggots!

>> No.56897184
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>> No.56897208
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they will get out and miss the chance to get something more, anyway im waiting for 50k or bit more to get a fat chink of kava,. and maybe something else out of kinetix, but w/e thats just me

>> No.56897284

we'll go from 48 back to like 44 and the people who sold will keep holding out for 38 but we'll spike right back up to 55 and leave them sidelined

>> No.56897301

something like this sounds extremely likely

people are starting to realize they missed out and are fudding out of panic

>> No.56897307

Massive shorts at 48k, so it will pump to 50-52k, then dump to 32k or even lower. Do with it whatever you want.

>> No.56897316

lmao, with all the eyes on BTC right now you really think they can drop that low? there's more than enouigh people waiting to scoop the second we see a 3xxxx

>> No.56897320

etf changes everything. it would be bought up so fuckin quickly if it fell that quickly. highly unrealistic scenario in todays climate anon

>> No.56897375
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>> No.56897407

Well, enjoy your losses then.

>> No.56897423

it's a psyop to make you sell. do not fall for it

>> No.56897577

lol ive been holding since '17 but go on
sorry you missed out but i guess thats what you get for being dumb

>> No.56897579
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Allow me to explain
>I get richer
>you get poorer

>> No.56897614

This is the top

>> No.56897621

or just hold through all of it and not worry ever
like i did. sure i could have daytraded for a bit more, but why bother. set and forget, ive already made lifechanging money with this strat so why fuck up a good thing

>> No.56897622

CZ stopped supporting at 44.4k, it's ogre

>> No.56897644

Daytrading? Those are monthly candles, I build these positions out into years.
No reason to leave the obvious money on the table. This isn't an obscure trend
>why change it
Maybe don't need to, but I'm of the opinion that these growth periods will dwindle over time until there's not a lot of upside left, it will flatten. I don't have time like that

>> No.56897694

This is the most likely scenario and how tops all play out. Small spikes above the breakout to hunt stops and trap bulls. There's 99% gonna be another liquidity grab above 44.5k followed by wicky volatility before the dump. The market always moves in a painful way that makes timing even obvious tops like this difficult