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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 984x491, Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 11.59.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56499620 No.56499620 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't red pilled on ICP yet, its time to wake the fuck up anon. The IC is essentially a decentralised cloud, it can host full stack application, large amounts of data, and is both incredibly fast and cheap to use.

The quality and scale of the Dapps that can be built on this chain are unlike anywhere else, other chains are limited to operating simple ledgers and have to store all other aspects of their "Dapp" on centralized cloud services such as AWS. This is not something you want to sleep on, and if you are a dev you NEED to start building on this chain

>> No.56499627

Will you shut the fuck up. I only have 3k and I need 2k more before we pump too much.

>> No.56499630


>> No.56499633
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based and dragginz is going to print bizillionaires just like axie infinity did

>> No.56499639

How many icp to run a validator

>> No.56499640

Retards don't get that I spend almost all day on the internet computer all day.
I am unironically avante garde and have been ahead of every curve in my entire life.
IC Library
IC Lighthouse
Soon I use Querio for search.

>> No.56499646

Yes, that's what we were getting dragginz and sneeds for.
You can still by $CHAT because a whale has made it his life to keep it at .05 ICP.
But the cap will come off eventually.

>> No.56499653

Signs you're in a cult:

>1.) The leader is the ultimate authority.
Dominic Williams and his bullshit that retards like you eat up. The guy is a moron and yet ICPniggers will defend him to the death

>2.) The group suppresses skepticism and forbids criticism.
Everyone who "fuds" ICP is either a paid AVAX shill, an "ICPchad," or a bagholder fudding to suppress the price (What? The price is already down 99.99%)

>3.) The group is paranoid about the outside world.
This one's hilarious. ICP faggots have created their own mirror sites to be "pro-ICP" echo chambers. They literally can't exist in places other than sanctioned ICP safe spaces.

>4.) The leader considers himself above the law and moral standards.
Dominic believes that he can fight centralization with more centralization. He supports censoring dissenters, or people he simply doesn't agree with (He shilled censoring russia using ICP on twitter). He also go against people for doing similar things. He was also involved in a scandal where he drugged a lawyer and someone from FTX to get information out of them to post online, which is illegal.

>> No.56499654

You may still have a couple of months to accumulate but obviously time is running out now, but its only fair we clue in other anons who have been successfully fudded by SBF and his goons...


Ledgercucks just can't compete...

>> No.56499658

crytpocurrencies are a scam

>> No.56499671
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ICP is a scam and Moonman is a scammer.

>> No.56499693

1. Who is Domino Williams?
2. All I have ever heard is how ICP is flushing money down the toilet and that is from holders.
3. If by pro ICP ecochambers you mean entire applications built on the ICP then yes.
4. Again, who is this Domino guy?

>> No.56499700

Icypoopoo is a scam


>> No.56499704

Nation currencies are an even bigger scam

>> No.56499714
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>> No.56499718

Post link please sir.

>> No.56499764
File: 25 KB, 594x176, kinic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to kinic.io (the google of ICP) and click on the games category. then it's the 4th link. pic related

>> No.56499774
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>> No.56499777

Yeah got it. I havent been to kinic in awhile. Good they fixed their stuff

>> No.56499878

I'm redpilled about it, its a scam.
if you are new and reading this, RUN

>> No.56499979

just went on querio.io and searched n64 wasm...

>> No.56500018

there's a bunch of n64 games on the pee computer
who lied about mario

>> No.56500033

Wow I can do that without ICP though. Also Dragginz looks like a lukewarm jank MMO, not even bad enough to be funny. It blows my mind that anyone would truly believe people are going to play this shit believe

>> No.56500047

you can host an n64 emulator on-chain for $5/gig/year without ICP? show me how

>> No.56500093

Let me guess you did 0 research on the project and just looked at the previews thinking that's what the game will look like instead of a skeleton

>> No.56500309

What you are doing is very disingeniuous and warrants a hard slap to the face.

>> No.56500386

Oh? How do I run my own node?

>> No.56500392
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ICP was under $3 last week. Now it's almost $4.
How was your accumulation period anon?
Where will you end up in the rankings of the new world order?

>> No.56500410

kek hes right. dragginz is fake sns-1. pls sers buy SNEED deflationary payment token sers. not a raj scam sers

>> No.56500417 [DELETED] 

emperor if i sell my DKP

>> No.56500515
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>> No.56500569
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Since the shills predictably dodged the question
>you can't
You have to get approval from a centralized entity. Never let an ICP shill claim this trash is decentralized when this requirement exists.

>> No.56500601

that's correct. you need to be approved and run a specific hardware. dfinity reviews applicants and the NNS votes to admit them.

it is analogous to how Satoshi mined 1 million bitcoins and protected the network from a 51% attack in its early years.

>> No.56500645

the way querio structured their tokensale is pretty sketchy and sad to see. They seem competent but kinic seems like the better one of the two in every way so far.

>> No.56500720

Pure cope just to say centralized shitcoin

>> No.56500732

ok what bags of yours should i pump pls

>> No.56500761

This is an icp thread if I want to talk about another chain there are other threads for that. I'm here to expose you and the shill op as liars which I have done. Icp is 100% centralized. Stay on topic shill.

>> No.56500863

Cope. Literally BTC and eth centralized. The funniest thing is you thinking you can add a node to either network makes it decentralized just shows how retarded you are.
Just think of icp at a block chain cloud hosting platform where there are no barriers for you to host content. Additionally you can securely host content and not have to worry about the majority of the hacks/crashes that occur when bridging to web 2. It's just the next stage of block chain technology if your chain only moves coins from a to b apart from btc and wth they'll be dead in a couple years

>> No.56500872

reminder if you bought over $100 you will never break even

>> No.56501098

Lmao, what a fucking faggot you are. Icp is the MOST Decentralized blockchain project, it doent rely on aws, cloud services or bridges. YOU DONT NEED TO RUN A NODE. You don’t run a node now for any blockchain. You’re just a bay saying faggot. If Dfinity have you a node to run you wouldn’t know what to do with it. Quit larping you fucking retard. Lmao.

>> No.56501143
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ICP is the best tech in crypto, by far. Like it isn't even close. Everything else is literal dinosaur tech. The best tech will win in the end. That tech is undoubtedly, irrefutably, ICP

>> No.56501161
File: 8 KB, 225x224, E6EBE708-704D-4E09-A73C-A574F28C8ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pissbaggies still think TPS matters

>> No.56501168

>Trust don't verify.
This is why you are down 99.9%

>> No.56501173

>Can't run a node means it's decentralized
>most decentralized, need approval from centralized entity to run a node
The absolute state of icp shills

>> No.56501191
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show me one single other blockchain that can host free to play 3d first person shooters 100% on chain.

There are none.
ICP is literally light years ahead of the competition in every single metric, in every single way.

>> No.56501196

I’m not a fudder but let’s be real if they havent figured it out by now they don’t deserve it. Normalfags will buy or bags at the top and then sell the bottom, not my problem.

>> No.56501208

I am now a lord bro i was baron before that accumulation phase… sitting on about 10k now how’d i do brothers?

>> No.56501223

Did I claim its decentralized rested?

>> No.56501224

I mean i am a despots now thank you sirs sorry sirs

>> No.56501753

What am I doing?

>> No.56502036

I tried to warn you guys, ICP has all the energy of link did back in 2017. Other oldfags will remember how relentless linkies were trolled/fudded, back then it stopped me buying in. ICP matches this energy perfectly, it has the best tech by far but is relentlessly fudded, you guys need to wake up ASAP!

>> No.56502415

Here is a summary of the key points from the Arkham report on ICP:

- The report analyzes on-chain data and alleges that addresses linked to Dfinity insiders deposited large amounts of ICP tokens to exchanges, potentially driving down the price.

- It estimates that addresses believed to be associated with Dfinity's treasury and insiders deposited around 18.9 million ICP worth $3.6 billion to exchanges.

- The report claims Dfinity lacked transparency around token allocation and unlocking schedules compared to industry standards.

- It suggests Dfinity made it difficult for early seed investors to access their tokens, limiting selling pressure from this group.

- The report questions whether Dfinity insiders sold significant amounts of ICP while preventing rival sellers from doing so, profiting at the expense of retail investors.

- It does not definitively conclude insider selling occurred but suggests the on-chain data and surrounding context imply concerning activity.

- The report advocates for better blockchain analytics to detect concerning token flows and protect investors.

In summary, the report alleges Dfinity insiders potentially dumped ICP, profiting while retail suffered losses, but does not reach definitive conclusions. It calls for more blockchain transparency.

>> No.56502589

some deeper analasys here:

>> No.56502746
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>> No.56503661

This is an extremely gay scam coin. At best OP is baggie coping. At worst, OP is a brown person trying to scam you

>> No.56504441

DKPbros, wagmi

>> No.56504467
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We all know this is /biz/'s coin and fags here are doing nonstop FUD on this coin in pathetic effort to accumulate. Lets drop all pretenses and tell me when you think it'll breach the following:

>> No.56504642

in the next week
in the next two weeks
by end of november
by eoy
by the end of q1

$50 and beyond will happen in the next bull run. we're topping by mid next year and are following a 16 year overall trend cycle.

>> No.56504881

No. BTC is going to 80k by mid November, icp will be 30. Then roughly 100 per icp eoy

>> No.56505136
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>> No.56505138
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>> No.56505143
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>> No.56505247

People are still buying this shit and the VC’s mint 7000 tokens daily and dump them slowly.

Can’t mine icp
Node operator is not allowed for (outsiders)

Look at ethereum’s full lifetime chart, look at dove coin, btc and ask yourself… after a mega giga bull run, why did algorand, icp and many other PoS chains dump to 1/1000 of their ath.

You know why? Because no one is using their chains and the VCs dumped everything while telling their investors that the price will return.

icp and algorand will not overtake eth.
Solana has no value either, they are all heavily manipulated centralized blockchains with no benefits for users to profit.

>> No.56505260


No, icp will reach a max of $15 and then the developers will violently dump it like they did the last time.

>> No.56505272
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Never trust Joseph or the Swiss

>> No.56505299

Kek fuddie

>> No.56505339

Srry wrong thread

>> No.56505393
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It’s just an electorate scam designed to draw in people who believe the project is too big to be a scam.

It’s done more often now than ever.


The big money Grifters will always go to another level to harvest victims

>> No.56505452

With next bullrun you mean next year?

>> No.56505459

EOY 2024?

>> No.56505522

Didn't read all this fud, ICP will melt faces and that's why everyone is mad LOL

>> No.56505550

Congrats to all my frens who are here today. Looks like the bull market is finally here. People will tell us we got lucky buying icp under $3 but we will know it wasn’t luck, we are just smarter and also have the resolve to ignore the faggots and retards who fud.

>> No.56505582

Ok, now zoom out

>> No.56505800
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Yes, how luck are you all to buy this icp token, when I compare icp to btc it’s like I’m seeing double, the charts are literally the same.

>> No.56505817


That’s where you are wrong, it’s not hosted “on chain”, it’s a misconception, or a flat out lie. It’s hosted like you were host any other website from your PC.

>> No.56505901


>> No.56505936

I only have 2700. Will I make it?

>> No.56505959
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This chart never fails to make me laugh.

>> No.56505960

Explain genius

>> No.56506143


It’s just a normal web server with long character addresses. You have been hoodwinked.

Tor onion is more impressive.

In fact emoji web addresses have more value than the entire icp project when it comes to public profits.

>> No.56506181

do you think the grift can still go on and we can sell at a higher price end of next year or you advise to sell now

>> No.56506243


I will say the dfinity team knows their time is almost up for this shit show and you can expect some tedious market manipulation to avoid any more suspicion while they squeeze as much as they can out of the small pumps.

>> No.56506326

with your mandatory 10 SNS-1 you have 10k. thats not too bad for a sui

>> No.56506358


Are is the data of the websites hosted on the blockchain or not?

What grift lol.

Let's simplify because avax shills can't simplify their reasoning (need a complex set of lies)

So let's start with, are the websites hosted on the blockchain? Is the data itself hosted on the blockchain.

I will ask questions after this in good faith

>> No.56506770

i remember 2 years ago when everyone told 10 or 100 are the make it stack

>> No.56507833

If someone can convince me icp is a better form of currency than btc eth or xmr I may be a few "pees". I don't really want to play Mario on chain I want money that the government can't control. Simple as.

>> No.56507886
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>Signs you're in a cult:...

>> No.56508593

Fuck you

>> No.56509003

See you at $85 in March

>> No.56509470

This applies to literally every crypto

>> No.56510508

this is why i bought icp last year.

>> No.56510547

Checked but fuck off boomer. Go back to your LTC boomer containment thread.
>Verification not required.

>> No.56510650

lmao, right

>> No.56510774
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Official chart from moonman days

>> No.56510944

these ranks are now comically easy to attain

>> No.56510977

thats the best part

>> No.56510995

I don't give a shit if it's literally alien tech, I'm not investing into any asset that's fucking named ''internet computer.''

>> No.56511059
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>he drugged a lawyer and someone from FTX
unfathomably based

>> No.56511084

Give me the ICP telegram please anon. Benni Jay here. I want to come home.

>> No.56511101

There's no more telegrams on oc and catalyze

>> No.56511108

message me on openchat. I'll get you back in.

>> No.56512465

bump 4channel , , let get some Good discussion going in here. ICP doing very good today, wow

>> No.56512482


It’s funny you come to ICP threads. I don’t like or hold ICP. You must really let ICP live rent free in your head. Time for the moonie moons :)

>> No.56512534

delete this, this is not organic or helpful for ICP, check your messages and stop

>> No.56513020

good posting ICP community members , let get another bump in here !

this really good coin, have good tokenomic just wow

>> No.56513291


ATTENTION 4channels

we have paid fudies in ICP thread ,, they are likely avax paid fudders disrupting good token and organic discussion . ignore them

ICP is grade ten moonie moon alert

>> No.56513535


>> No.56514163

Icp will go to $400 literally overnight. It won't be much longer now.

Buying ICP now is like buying eth in 2017 or Bitcoin in 2010. It can catch fire literally at any moment. We're sitting on a powder keg soaked in gasoline. The anticipation is riveting and to be frank, intoxicating. You could cut the tension with a knife. The inevitable snap back upwards is going to be violent and extreme.

>> No.56514191

>Icp will go to $400 literally overnight.
this is grade ten moonie moon alert sir

>> No.56515099

yeah this. we went from 3 to 4 all of a sudden, it's the best project in the space. every dev that joins the ecosystem doesn't leave, and every user that joins doesn't leave.

wagmi. i stacked ~25k icp at an average of 4.5

>> No.56515801

No you didn't. Stop lying. No one here has more than 500 that they bought at $45 after moonman skilled!

>> No.56516253

I have 14k avg $4 to 5 american dollarinos. Seeeeeethe knowing I am the future elite fren

>> No.56516924

my dkp is worth 100k icp...

>> No.56517255

Put an AI art generator on it.

>> No.56517306
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Would you say that it's going to be a Violent J curve?

>> No.56517783

I was able to put whatever retro emulator, game, and romhack I wanted on my iphone 15 years ago and keep em in my pocket on the go, and play offline.