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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1797x1797, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56486462 No.56486462 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the thing with ChainIink, 2024 is going to be EPIC. If you're reading this, you're in the right place at the right time. Consider yourself blessed. We've had an epic run these last few years. But, and hear me out, you've ain't seen nothing yet!!!! Cause big money, and I mean really BIG money is about to hit the crypto world, and the thing with them is, the big money folks, THEY AIN'T STUPID. They will all be looking to the future, not at what's already in the stratosphere, but what solutions are ahead of us and what is the giant of tomorrow. That's going to be Chainlink, one million percent. Chainlink is the 'missing link', and the smart money is going to see that. That's why this thing is going to explode a LOT sooner than anyone thinks.

>> No.56486485

The smart money will see that? Ive been all in since 2020 what does that make me?

>> No.56486496

a wizard

>> No.56486509

i made this logo back in 2017 when the official Chainlink cube logo was small and hard to find larger on their website. you can this isnt the original becasue the C is very angular and not rounded. Also the bottom of the keylock on the lock is flat and not rounded, like on the official logo. what does that make me?

>> No.56486533

A Wizard with a capital W

>> No.56486540

Source please, extra large spoon.

>> No.56486671
File: 315 KB, 752x1124, Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 10.41.48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anon, bumping with some old 2018 oc

>> No.56486716

i hate stinkies do much its unreal

>> No.56486851

>why’d you buy Chainlink

I thought the blue cube was cute :)

t. 5000 LINK stacklet

>> No.56486935

I bought chainlink because I am a racist who enjoys Chinese cartoons.

>> No.56487261

we dont appreciate you

>> No.56487334

Cuz memes and /biz/ fud.
Was poor af in 2018. Link money was life changing. Unironically. Not /made it/ status yet, but next run will mint me. It's honestly for the better that it took a few years, as I didn't really understand money when this started. Based anons schooling poorfags on how to make money work. Thank you kings, if you see this and you took pity enough to educate poors in here, thank you.

>> No.56487883

>what does that make me?
a 90% loss enjoyer

>> No.56487920

Shame on you ive lowered my average cost to 7.77$

>> No.56488079

Who'll be the next scam schizo?

>> No.56488274

so what yuour saying is you have 10,000 link tokens

>> No.56488295
