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56395827 No.56395827 [Reply] [Original]

Is ICP really the next ETH? pls bros no FUD I’m just a zoomer looking for a way out of wage hell

>> No.56395880

>Is ICP really the next ETH?
nope, its actually a scam. if you fell for their cheap marketing and buzzwords then you are a midwit and will ngmi.

>> No.56395884

ICP is a bunch of clowns bro. You never heard their music? It's bad. Real bad.

>> No.56395889

But the Neopets guy says the tech is revolutionary and he made well neopets

>> No.56395896

Yes, accumulate as much as you can and stake half for 8 years no dissolve. Take the other half and try to time the top, when you see huge hype and the price goes parabolic sell. Buy back next bull market and continue ect.

>> No.56395902

Why should I stake for 8 years? That seems like a real long time I’ll be almost 30 then

>> No.56395925

I'm accoomulating

>> No.56395999

What do you think about ICP

>> No.56396103

Crypto won't go mainstream until there are regulations in place. Buy the shit that helps the people who bring in regulations

>> No.56396164

The fact that you can't come to your own conclusion is sad. If you actually want to make it, do your own research and learn how to critically think.
If you're just going to beg for opinions you'll never make it

>> No.56396180

What do you think about ICP

>> No.56396184

get a real job or buy index funds you npc

>> No.56396186

What would that be any good coins

>> No.56396194

Kek I don’t buy boomer stocks we all remember wha t happened with bancor and Celsius for those who staked

>> No.56396202
File: 187 KB, 720x632, happy autism day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the absolute state

>> No.56396206

I said no fudders ITT

>> No.56396216

Bank coins beginning with X, international currencies/money begin with an X. (Gold XAU, Silver XAG, etc.)
Interoperability stuff, so corps, governments and banks can share stuff. Qnt or link, both will be used.
Just my 2 cents.

>> No.56396229

I already hold a bag of XRP

>> No.56396238

more reason why is why you don't belong in crypto. why are you buying magic internet beans when you can buy real dollars? look in the mirror thats what you want

>> No.56396242

Ew a pmg clown blah

>> No.56396250

It's just a chart anon

>> No.56396252

XDC, XLM? CSPR and NXRA are worth a look at as well.

>> No.56396279

icp is not the next eth. do you even know what it does? no you don't you are zoomer and cannot dyor. buy dog coins and flip them for fiat tranny

>> No.56396304

You’re not staking for 8 years you’re staking forever. It’s insurance against you being a retard. When you are 30 would you rather be taking interest off your investment that is higher than most people’s salary, or would you rather look back fondly at the time you made a bunch of money when you were 20 something but blew it all on dumb shit and bad trades because you thought you were the wolf of Wall Street. Also when you go to stake, do it from a ledger connected to nns that way you can’t just sell your nns, you will be stuck with it sink or swim.

>> No.56396315

high iq post

btw OP is a faggot

>> No.56396436

Fuck staking I saw what happened with bancor and celsuis

>> No.56396492

i am sorry but you are not intelligent enough to leave the wage cage. doesn't mean you cannot enjoy your life

>> No.56396513

Look, I was just about to call you retarded and walk out of this thread but I’m feeling generous today and I really do want to see some of you fags make it. Staking at a protocol level on icp is not even close to the same thing as lending your assets to a jew. You really need to do some research and come to a better understanding of these things before you assume you know what you are talking about.

>> No.56396515

Don't know but i hold 500 just in case

>> No.56397270


>> No.56397295

I think I’m just buy on spot fuck staking

>> No.56397326


>> No.56397453

Please do not purchase any cryptocurrency. You have no idea what you are doing.

>> No.56397482


>> No.56397504

You will make it all back in a matter of 5 years

>> No.56397507

Obviously locking up your ICP for 8 years (or maybe any amount of time) is retarded. That's not the point. You compared Bancor and Celsius to the NNS. Please do not buy any cryptocurrency.

>> No.56397511

What does that even mean

>> No.56397615

Your stake: 1
Your APY: 20%
Your annual return: 0.2
Years needed to get 100% back from staking: 5

>> No.56397623


>> No.56397644

It isn't 20% APY anymore. You can get 16.7% APY with an 8 year neuron right now.


>> No.56397692

Good lord zoomers are fucking stupid, I can almost guarantee this kid is going to round trip this cycle.

>> No.56398202

Thanks for nothing bro I was asking about the pumpamentals of ICP not asking to stake

>> No.56398275

Go buy dog coins and lose all your money, it’s your fate to be poor.

>> No.56398282

Thanks for nothing dude wtf man fuck /biz/

>> No.56398347

he's just disheartened because ICP has been fudded for 2 years straight (paid fud). ICP will be huge, no it's not a scam, buy now and all the way down if we drop lower. You have until the BTC halvening to accumulate. Good luck kid. In 1 year I predict we will be around $15. Then I truly believe we will see some serious gains from that point onwards.

>> No.56398350

Ight thanks anon appreciate the first actual price ITT

>> No.56398364

>Is ICP really the next ETH?
sorry theres no new bitcoin or new ethereum, btc and eth already won.

>> No.56398509

I tried to help you, but instead of being curious and seeking knowledge of your investment you act like a dumb nigger brain zoomer. Aye yo mayne fug stakin my nigga Celsius. You don’t even have basic knowledge of this stuff and you are willing to throw your money in. I guarantee you will make money in The short term and the lose it all within a couple years.

>> No.56398571

What are some good token to buy on ICP. I saw SONIC is launching their token soon. Are they the defi leaders?

>> No.56398600

Icypoo is a scam


>> No.56398626

If you don’t have at least 1 sneed 1000 Icp and some redacted your ngmi

>> No.56398635

Icpswap is defi leader

Get some


>> No.56398662
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No, it's not, that shit is just trying to stay in 1 digit.

>> No.56398691

what's redacted??

>> No.56398698

If I say it a shitstorm will start

>> No.56398717

He's going to say tendy. It's fucking shitskin still trying to shill his shit coin

>> No.56398778

Wtf is tendy

>> No.56398862


This isn’t FUD. ICP is really a dogshit rap group that beefed with eminem LOLLLlLL imagine wasting your money on a coin named ICP. On a serious note, research then buy pulsechain (or don’t, nmp)

>> No.56398994

Fuck off smeagol

>> No.56399026

Bruh wtf r u talking about Im talking about catalyze they are integrating with the game and just did an sns a couple weeks ago.

>> No.56399037

You wouldnt have said redacted and said shitstorm will start if it wasn't tendy. Nobody has problems with catalyze it's a great project

>> No.56399070

Checked. I think it has potential and own a lot of it. ETH integration, API boundary nodes and Websockets are all coming out this quarter. Major VC dumps should stop in Q1 of next year. I'm bullish

>> No.56399081

Probably not

>> No.56399087

>boundary nodes
So I can run my own node?

>> No.56399121
File: 1.15 MB, 1165x1386, IMG_4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I don’t want to miss this opportunity before cat skyrockets

>> No.56399160

Not really. You can run a consensus node at an approved data center after you buy the approved equipment and talk to Roald on dev forums.

>> No.56399193

I’m talking about boundary nodes

>> No.56399292

no one cares about avax

>> No.56399405
