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56038081 No.56038081 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56038211

He's cute NGL!

Thomas if you're reading this: stop fudding! Join the winners (us) instead!

I don't mind helping you get to 1000 for something something on the side if you catch my drift ;)

>> No.56038232

If only he would use his energy to get a woman instead of spending 18 hours a day trying to fud Link.

>> No.56038274
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>this thread brought to you by

>> No.56038300

>Join the winners (us) instead!
Only winners here are Chainlink labs employees, token is still $6. Do you happen to be a chainlink employee?

Ah, makes sense

>> No.56038314
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>> No.56038499

He looks kind of retarded

>> No.56038534

The token is $6 though. Why?

>> No.56038759

>be retarded stacklet
>waste years of your life basing your personality around hating your own investment for "twitter clout" and just end up being doxxed and ridiculed for being an ugly mongoloid
>it finally moons one day
>but its openly known that you're a "crypto investor" that holds this super valuable link token
>get jumped by local thugs with pliers and end up as just another horrible news story, never actually making it
id bet like 1k link this is how it goes down lmfao

>> No.56039354

i bought at 15 cents tho so im pretty sure im a winner as well :^)
this is the part where you say I didn't sell anything during 2021, which is also wrong :^)

>> No.56039385

He looks dangerous and a spaniard. Hopefully he doesn't find his way to Barcelona.

>> No.56039567
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Heres a pic of OP
Based thomas riling up the baggies rent free

>> No.56039610

>i bought at 15 cents tho
Sure, that’s why you spend your time replying to fudders kek

>inb4 i-it’s to make f-fun of them

lmao pathetic, at least fudders get paid to fud unlike you. L O L

>> No.56039615

how do we know this is actually francisco, there's like 10 other dudes in that group pic of his

>> No.56039674
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>but its openly known that you're a "crypto investor" that holds this super valuable link token
>get jumped by local thugs with pliers and end up as just another horrible news story, never actually making it
That would be such a shame.

>> No.56039712

>incel delusion fantasy

he shits on you 24/7. One of the best follows on twitter along with Dillion Dannis

>> No.56039740

"It's just a fantasy bro!"
Uhhh no
Plenty of stories like that out there. He really did fuck up getting his real life details leaked.

>> No.56039765

>incel delusion fantasy
he clearly doesnt know the netherlands, at this point its a total narco state
the druggies operate mobile torture vans there and thats for street thugs that stole 10k worth of weed
imagine what they'll do to this guy once link moons
if you get doxed there its over

>> No.56039839
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>> No.56039848

that him or that the success factory

>> No.56039870

Him, or someone who knows him personally at least.

>> No.56039978

anons, the only reason LINK gets shilled here is because lots of people like me bought metric fucktons sub 30 cents. stupid anons did not sell in th $35+ range, and so they continue to shill this centralized oracle like it's the 2nd coming of Gargamel. It's overvalued as is, and it's 100% hypercentralized garbage. 1 person can destroy the whole network should they get their hands on the keys.