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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54607794 No.54607794 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, Joseph here. I was advised that this is a good place to get some alpha on cryptocurrency investments. I'd appreciate any advise or guidance you can provide. I have about $150k to invest in this market so I'm definitely looking to go big. Anyways, thanks for your responses and I'm looking forward to learning from all you experts here.


>> No.54607800

Dollar cost average into bitcoin only, 20% ethereum if you want to light money on fire but feel like you're in "crypto"

>> No.54607824


You've come to the right spot, we would be happy to connect you with one of our expert financial planners. Can you give us some more information first, so we can expertly connect you with an associate that will be a perfect match for your needs?

Looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship,


>> No.54607868

Hi Joseph. I just DM'd some information regarding your inquiry.

>> No.54607888

Hello Joseph,

First off, don't listen to this boomer >>54607800
Second, always do your own research.
Third, I wish you the best of luck.


>> No.54607892

Hello Ted, it is nice hearing from you. Could you please specify what type of information you are looking for and I would be happy to share.

Thank you, I will have a look once I figure out how to check my DMs.

>> No.54607913

Unironicallt buy RXD and you will enjoy your millions in less than a year.

>> No.54607944

Hi Joseph, if this isn't a larp, they are trolling you bro, don't get into random coins, go for the top ones if you're really not into this market, learn to read the charts and indicators and only then go in

Also don't give info to strangers here, DMs also don't exist here, in fact everything is anonymous here so 99% is pure shitposting (regarding threads, some comments on threads are actually useful if there's discussion involved)
you should embrace anonimity here as being identifiable will only bring problems
you seem like an actual older guy than this board's regulars so that's why I'm writting this, beware of scammers and people trying to help. no one requires any info from you besides maybe your public address if anything -which only serves the purpose of them sending you money- (the actual wallet address, not key/seedphrase, your key/seedphrase should be 100% secret and well guarded)

>> No.54607953

Oh pardon me, forgot you were new to this website. DMs are enabled when you buy a so called "4chan pass", it's nothing complicated really, you can get more information here.
If you would like to proceed any further I kindly ask you to use a more secure and private channel.

>> No.54607977

Hello, thank you. Security is really important to me so I appreciate the feedback. I will make sure to not divulge any personal information, even though you all seem like a nice bunch

>> No.54608000

")) DROP * FROM *;

>> No.54608020
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>> No.54608296

stay safe man, just really replying to what I see posted, you seemed like you weren't the usual biztard and this place is ripe with trolls, schizos, shitposters, etc. if you see we all have an alphanumeric colored code above our replies, that's the ID which is the only way to identify a poster, to the left is the name but everyone posts as anonymous (default). Don't get emotional and always triple check what you see posted here because one way or another at biz, we always Buy high, Sell low (it's actually the boards' motto lol) so yeah be diligent, don't get emotionally invested and assume everyone is a troll unless proven otherwise. stay safe my friend

>> No.54608327

sorry I got two ideas mixed there, it was:
I mean we are all chill but also like some trolling/shitposting, as for me I just reply to what I see posted and I assume everyone does so, this shit is anonymous and ID's are per thread only so even if you're talking to the same person in another thread they'll have a different ID and color. because of that (at least for me) it's pretty usual that I go and call names someone, then go to another actually interesting thread and contribute to discussion, then I might see another thread shilling some coin and I might go and throw shit there.

so yeah we all look like a nice bunch but first 2 repliers were just trolling replying in a similar language to yours (formal), just a few heads up regarding this place as you seem like a good guy looking for genuine advice

>> No.54608428

Hi, I'm Alan. Are you guys still using this room?. Oh I see you are still introducing the new guy Joseph to how things operate round here. Carry on. Oh and hi Joseph, welcome aboard. I see you've met Ted. Anyway catch you around the place. Laters guys

>> No.54608453
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Hello ser!

Joseph my team is of a great pleasure to make the aquaintances of you. We will kindly request you invest in the bit of coins and kindly give team your 12 or more word phrase so we may make adjustments to rates for your higher APR.

Many wishes of happy on you and your village,

>> No.54608477

Greetings Ranjeet, I see you've already met Joseph, how about you bring one of the goats and we have a curry buffet to celebrate Joseph's arrival at the village?

>> No.54609187


Hi Joseph,

You've come to the right place, I am in the process of launching a cryptocurrency newsletter. In due time Sneed's Crypto Feed will be the premier go to for all crypto info. Just drop your email and I'll send it your way.


>> No.54609327


I'm actually with the CIA and I need you to send 5000 dollars worth of amazon gift cards or the IRS is going to arrest you. Please being understandful of the seriousness of this situation and do the needful. Once redeemed, your record will be clean.

Thank you sir,

>> No.54609911

I do not believe you. Others have warned me to be weary of scammers like you. Nice try though.

>> No.54611154

Helo ser jospeh. My name is michael john smith from microsoft support. Your computer has virus and you need you buy amazon gift card for us to fix it ser. If you dont do it today hackers will take all your money from bank. Do the needful ser.

Michael james smith from microsoft support

>> No.54611931


Invest in Tidecoin.

>> No.54611970

Nice to meet you Joseph. Whatever you do, please be very careful taking advice from strangers on the internet. That being said, there is one very solid opportunity that you should know about. As you know nothing in life is guaranteed apart from taxes and death, but I can tell you this: the opportunity I'm talking about is also 100% sure to yield good ROI. Do what you want with this information. So my advice is this: do your research and invest in assets that are most likely to perform well, pick 3-5 of those and split your investment across those. Then set up an exit strategy for each one, including stop-losses. It really is that simple! I hope that helps.
Alternatively you could just convert your $150k into BTC and go all in LINK/BTC with maximum isolated margin.
Both strategies are equally safe and guaranteed to make you lots of money.

>> No.54611983

Joseph, don't listen to these people. The real secret to making millions in crypto is investing in BoomerCoin (BOOM). It's the next big thing, backed by a solid tech stack: VHS tapes, landline phones, and AOL email addresses. The roadmap includes a partnership with Blockbuster, so you know it's legit. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

>> No.54612410


>> No.54612425

Hello Joseph,

Don't listen to these nigger spastics. But LINK and get rich. Or be a dumb cunt. Idk.

Fat Sergey

>> No.54612429

Hey Joe, buy Chainlink and GO FUCK YOURSELF

>> No.54612518

I thought boomercoin was BMC? I’ve been holding the airdrop from /biz/ forever

>> No.54612646


I understand your hesitation but we are only trying to help you. The price has now been raised to 7000 dollars in applebees gift cards, if we do not hear from you in 4 hours the armed SEC agents are going to arrest your grandma