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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54516665 No.54516665 [Reply] [Original]

Ladies and Gentlemen

we got him

>> No.54516694
File: 294 KB, 750x1234, 83107DD5-74EC-47B8-8DDE-317E6B21835F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it’s really him
dyor which companies are based

>> No.54516920

C’mon one of you gotta be in Japan and able to ask hiro for payment before he an hiro’s

>> No.54516924

Absolutely disgusting. 4chan is a cesspool filled with bigots and undesirables. Good Smile whatever the fuck should be boycotted and its customers cancelled.

>> No.54517069
File: 167 KB, 750x536, F5F3F11F-25AF-4425-BD0E-1F3F03EBBEA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does ONIONS NX taste? Good?

>> No.54517112

We need the address of the Japanese HQs and then see if any anons lives nearby and can do some scouting

>> No.54517187

why are you here

>> No.54517209

What would even be the difference? Isn't Japanese moot already in charge?

>> No.54517443

because we didn’t know who he was and couldn’t contact him newfag
now some based anon could buy up to 30% of 4chan

>> No.54517459

Imagine a leftie buying and deleting 4chan forever for millions only for another one to pop up and become an exact copy with all posts backed up

>> No.54517499

Embarrassed for the publisher after reading that pile of trash

>> No.54517551

There's no way this shit hole makes any money, they just keep it running as a honeypot for the glowies.

>> No.54517561

this would free us

>> No.54517567

what do you mean anon, you are free to leave at anytime :)

>> No.54517570

if we’re not gonna buy it why not spam it on twitter to get angry tumblrinas to cancel and shut down this prison. Release us like with a spell

>> No.54517591

nah that’s old story
it’s time to paint the clown world Black and Tan

>> No.54517618

No one would willingly pay millions per year in maintenance costs. Without /biz/ ad revenue (which no longer exists), the site is worth less than nothing.

>> No.54517735

they’ll do it because we trigger them. When has ever broke stopped woke? They had a trillion for niggers

>> No.54517896

Talking about the proposed copy.

>> No.54518396

>Good Smile is partnered with Yostar
This explains the mahjong soul threads and its prominence as the main client for /mjg/.

>> No.54518867

Ah yes, Blizzard, extremely based company.

>> No.54518882

Bit of a stretch on the captcha, JOGger.

>> No.54518984

I will buy a 4chan pass if things get dire, and i expect the same from all of you. Also jannies need a pay cut, if glowies and trannies want to delete our posts so badly that means there is a market and they should pay a subscription fee.

>> No.54519017

Kek. Imaging paying gookmoot to bw a janny

>> No.54519139

That explains the shilling and protection of wow retail general, Dis-/co and some shit anime like Lyco recoil /nugundam

>> No.54519175

>jannies need a pay cut
holy shit, not a bad idea. If 4chan charged people to be a jannie that could be a good stream, they would pay to keep their minuscule illusion of power.

>> No.54520830

>newfag doesn’t know what dyor means
go back

>> No.54520834

Interesting. Any ideas what other commercial products are shilled on 4chan?

>> No.54520886

Why is the site so expensive to run? It's all text and images, no streaming or anything. You'd think it would be one of the most cost-efficient sites on the net.

>> No.54520910

It is. It just makes zero money because no advertisers want to be associated with the nazi forum.

>> No.54520928

go through moots old blog posts, 4chan has always has a probem with scaling and robust infrastructure considering the sheer volume of users and the number of people who want to take it down

>> No.54520929

Finally newfags are waking up. The tranny jannies are a real thing and they're hear to deal with the "undesirable original culture" of each board so Good Smile can sell more affiliate crap. Who do you think works at Good Smile? The new generation of manbaby nips who basically think the same way as American Democrats except Japan, and the types of Westerns that move to Japan (faggots).
Hiroshimoot is a fucking faggot, Japanese people are not "based"
They probably do some form of data analysis or data fusion on posts. Not to mention bigger, faster moving boards like /b/ or /pol/ do get a lot of traffic

>> No.54520951

of course he's japanese
to tune out western phony morality policing which is really just a method of bullying to maintain control. the japanese have lived long enough under western control to know we're full of shit and best ignored half the time. if it was white people they'd have issued a public apology and bent the knee to globohomo ages ago.

>> No.54520973
File: 11 KB, 194x259, astolfo_blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bent the knee to globohomo ages ago.
In case I need to spell it out for you Japan is as much of a dystopian NWO hellhole as anywhere else they just don't like non-Japanese living there

>> No.54520984

everywhere sucks, i'm aware
there is no based country or people anywhere on earth so really it's all relative.

>> No.54520987

Wouldn't be millions a year, I bet this site could be stripped down on the back end a bit and run for less than a mil/year
If I ever get the kind of fuck you money I'm gunning for I'd definitely do it just to make the glowies and current jannies seethe when they're all fired (severance that matched their pay of course)

>> No.54521024

Would be great if some /jap/anon contacted hiro and asked about price. Better yet larp as a fed

>> No.54521038

look at all the namefags in the comment section of jizzmodo competing to virtue signal their hatred of 4chan for goodboy points. sickening. quick someone call me a faggot and tell me to fuck off so i can rinse out the taste of these namefags insipid passive aggressive bullshit.

>> No.54521261

bring on the tears

>> No.54521307

Fucking yikes.

>> No.54521324

put me in the screencap

>> No.54522100

I only want to buy 1 board.

>> No.54522246

based honorary aryan supporting the good cause

>> No.54522294
File: 319 KB, 1024x996, 7DEC0214-D400-4BF3-9CB3-BAAFFDB96FFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so this is the company that holds enormous amounts of Chainlink and allows the endless bot spam and chainIink labs employees to shit up the board.

>> No.54522386


Based, the feds might intervene if the extremists here start dissipating to other harder to track sites. That’s the reason this site survived both the Iron March and the Fappening stuff. Who knows how many anons would activate into lone wolves afterwards lmao? The substation attacks, chemical weapons knowledge, firearms manuals, etc that have been released here all make for some very dangerous people, if they find the reason to be

>> No.54522390

/lgbt/ isn't for sale unfortunately anon

>> No.54522471

>and some shit anime like Lyco recoil
LycoReco was good though you imbecile

>> No.54522610


I would unironically subscribe to use this website. /biz/ has hilariously helped me make thousands on stocks I never would have heard about otherwise. And no I’m not shilling a coin. This place is probably the best gauge of market sentiment I’ve ever seen, better even than Cramer’s retardation.

>> No.54524667

If 4chan(nel) became subscription based then most people would just migrate over to some other imageboard site.

>> No.54524785
File: 93 KB, 640x545, Dresden4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we got him

Planning on dropping a bomb on them?