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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54460636 No.54460636 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn’t you all tell me CCIP was already brought to market by a competitor???

Sergey sat on his fat ass too long and LayerZero is already to market at a $3 bil valuation in less than a year. Worst part is there isn’t even a token to buy so that validates token not needed

>> No.54460714

I'm starting to think almost every crypto has been a bamboozle

>> No.54460742
File: 247 KB, 2046x927, 1678964099000802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CCIP is right around the corner
>a competitor with a working product emerges instead

>> No.54461384
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>> No.54461439 [DELETED] 

because jannie is a faggot

>born on 4chan

>Arbitrum token with novel mechanics
>An epoch lasts 24 hours
>When you buy, you get bonus RATS based on your Power
>Power increases when you buy in different epochs
>When you sell, your Power resets to 0.

>You've been buying RATS for the past 4 days
>Your Power is 3 (you start with 0)
>You buy 100k RATS
>Total amount you get: 100k * 1.1 ** 3 = 133,1k RATS

That ** shit is exponentiation. It means your bonus grows exponentially every day:
>day 1 - 10%
>day 5 - 61%
>day 10 - 159%

But if you sell just a few RATS your Power will go to 0.

All inflationary projects die because there are some early whales that keep their principal and sell newly minted tokens. RATS is unique because once a whale sells any amount of RATS, he basically has to start from the beginning.

Essentially the game is about the balance between Greed and Fear. Should you wait one more day and see your bonus increase exponentially, or should you sell now?

>RATS is launching in an hour.
>Initial Supply: 100,000,000 RATS
>Dev fee: 5%
>LP fee: 2.5% (goes back to the LP pool).
>Liquidity is locked
>Exchange: Balancer

>> No.54461507

this is bait right?



>> No.54461582

That’s just for Oracles. CCIP was promised as the standard for cross chain messaging but Layer zero has already solved it. Chainlink was supposed to eat the whole stack but instead looks like it’s going to be stuck with just price feeds and VRF which has done fuck all for the price

>> No.54461610

Thanks, just sold!

>> No.54461614

Yea but layer zero is still effectively as vaporware as CCIP. We will see who wins the race. I don’t get how they secure that network either.

>> No.54461634

They’ve already relayed millions of crosschain messages, it’s in production

>> No.54461647

so you're telling me cross chain depends on oracles and link is somehow not the cross chain front runner?

you know there are karmic consequences for your actions right?

>> No.54462257

Lmao would be hilarious if true

>> No.54462759

My dear friend, I am overjoyed to receive your letter and am grateful for the time and effort you took to write it and ensure it arrived safely. However, I must also share with you some unfortunate news that may distress you, despite your best intentions. As I held your letter in my hands, I knew that its contents would pertain to my financial well-being. Although I appreciate your genuine concern for my financial stability, I must confess that I did not read your message. This decision was not made lightly and was not meant to diminish your kindness in any way.
I understand that you wish to persuade me to change my investment strategy, but I must reiterate that my mind is firmly made up on this matter. I have invested in a specific asset, which I believe has immense potential and will yield fruitful results in the future. I am confident in my decision and have no intention of parting with it, no matter how enticing the offer may be.
I understand that it may be difficult for you to accept my decision, but please know that my intentions are rooted in my firm belief that my asset will yield greater returns than any other investment. Even a mountain of gold cannot sway me from my decision. I hope that you can respect and understand my decision, and we can move past this matter without further discussion. Once again, thank you for your letter and for being a trusted friend.

>> No.54463905

He already experienced them. Thats why he lost his stack and fuds. He doesnt understand the nonlinear nature of time.

>> No.54464764

Why have the fudders stopped going on about Band and API3? I want to know more about these exciting 'Chainlink-killers' and the world deserves to hear it from the /biz fud-squad