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53388979 No.53388979 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody cares about chainIink so they have to constantly create fake FUD to garner interest. The truth is, nobody cares and most people have it filtered out. It’s just seen as spam at this point. Nobody cares enough to FUD it relentlessly except a bunch of paid employees at chainIink labs in an attempt to make it seem like they’re being prosecuted in some way. Anyone who can’t see through this charade is an idiot.

>> No.53389023


>> No.53389028

it's ok Thomas, lay down your phone and stop watching porn

>> No.53389045

Nice fud angle coom brain

>> No.53389455

Aww are you upset that no one cares about your repetitive cumbrain fudposts and that discussion threads about ccip / swift poc / the new cmo still get a healthy amount of discussion? Are you also upset that when you try to derail those threads barely anyone takes the bait? Im laughing, anon.

Go make another 20 threads filled with samefaggers screeching about cucks and linkcels etc while posting your cock cage collection to feel better

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