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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 207 KB, 538x619, link-carbon-credits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53301080 No.53301080 [Reply] [Original]

Wow thank you Chainlink, very cool!

>> No.53301093
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1667079482383742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Chainlink will usher in the NWO and the digital chains of carbon credit scores and CBDCs
How can Sergey sleep at night? Doesn't he feel remorse

>> No.53301100

The world is gonna end soon, there won't be a NWO and they know it

>> No.53301118

Where’s my money salsa man

>> No.53301129
File: 35 KB, 400x387, 1673065343992357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elites are going all in with Agenda 2O3O, they will do everything it takes to implement a one world government. Whether it's through pandemics, cyber attacks or natural disasters...

Book of Revelations clearly states that the Antichrist will dominate the world and implement the beast system for 3 and a half years...therefore yes it will happen. Theologically speaking this is called "predestination"

>> No.53301134

coming to your neighbourhood soon!

>> No.53301137

What I don't get, is that these people are Satanists and other types of evil;
Why are they TRYING to fulfill these prophecies?

>> No.53301143

Only 3 and a half years, huh?

>> No.53301147

I have a feeling Sergey is a crypto kike or he is naive to Jewish world power and believes Chainlink will be used to benefit mankind

>> No.53301167
File: 1.16 MB, 850x1152, 432897432243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They genuinely think they can win. Yes they're that dumb...and that might also be their hubris too blinding them from seeing the bigger picture.

Anyways yeah they believe (Yuval Harari clearly states it in his DAVOS speeches) that they will end up merging with AI and live forever.

>> No.53301194

The Christian Bible is evil Jewish nonsense though. You are misinterpreting it. The Christian Antichrist is actually our saviour. The Christian/Jewish messiah is the real Antichrist

>> No.53301197

2030 + 3
33, the most amazing masonic number ever, and of course, the 2000th anniversary of the death of Christ, our savior
Also, I can't recall what exactly happens that year
but there is a celestial event that almost never happens, and it takes place at the time of his resurrection, I'm fairly certain

>> No.53301201

Carbon credits, like many "green" projects, actively make the environmental situation worse.
They're mostly scams: someone owning an area of forest designates it for cutting, without having any intention to do so. Then he sells carbon credits for not cutting down the forest which he had no intention to cut down in the first place. It's basically a subsidy to owners of forests, and instead of having to deal with emission caps, companies just pollute to their hearts' content.

>> No.53301212

you believe jesus is a cracker, christcuck

>> No.53301215


They reject the word of the Lord and cling in vain to the lie of 'free will'. They will bring the world to ruin before they let go of their delusion they can change what is written.

>> No.53301225

that's why jews hate christ with a unparalleled passion and deny the entire new testament, part of which is revelation >?>>

>> No.53301262
File: 1.41 MB, 1146x1024, 423987324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically I'm just not gonna take it (the mark of the beast)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not taking it is all!!!!


>> No.53301267

I think the elite are Gnostics. They believe the God mentioned in the Old Testament is actually an evil being called The Demiurge. They believe Jesus was a messenger sent from true grand architect of existence and was trying to save us from the God of the Old Testament, but that message was suppressed by the church.

So they don't think they're fighting the true God of existence. No one would think they could overcome such a power.

>> No.53301273

I'm confused about Gnosticism though
If you're Gnostic, you would believe in Christ wouldn't you?
>cling in vain to the lie of 'free will'.
That was God's greatest gift to us though.

>> No.53301280

>no link
You're all fucking gullible mongos

>> No.53301286


Some Revolutionary technology! The next Google guys !1!1!1!1!1

>> No.53301335
File: 7 KB, 268x188, 1638172911930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkies... are we the bad guys?

>> No.53301339


Read the summery if you're interested. This is what they claim Jesus said, that this is suppressed by the church. There're other texts, but this is the main one I remembered from when I went down this rabbit hole

>> No.53301367


You were saying?

>> No.53301391

fuck off retard

>> No.53301392

We need to destroy these people when we get the chance. That’s the real reason we were destined to make it. Don’t you guys want to save the world?

>> No.53301408
File: 204 KB, 615x680, 28897 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the vast amount of negative karma linkies are accrueing for betraying humanity for money, like judas. Its no wonder they are suffering

>> No.53301427

Wow... that's really quite different from well... the entire bible
Good lord
What are your thoughts on it, do you think there is any truth to it?
There do seem to be some very stark differences between the OT and NT

>> No.53301433

nice, thanks anon

i was curious why the lion serpent meme but makes sense now

>> No.53301447

What would they do if someone deleted their save in minecraft? I never understood it, they're all old now anyway, they could drop dead at anytime, or someone else could DELETE their save file

>> No.53301479

They hate the Christian philosophy that Jesus taught because it’s a slave religion whereas Judaism is a master religion, by no means do Jews hate Christianity for the goyim, that’s why they created it. Israel praises Christian leaders and the church for their efforts in advancing the Jewish agenda on a frequent biases. Both religions worship the same God Jehovah/Yahweh, Jews are the chosen people of this God, your God literally values Jews as better then you and that you ought to serve them, serving them becomes synonymous with serving the Christian/Jewish God aka the demiurge as the Jewish will is the will of Yahweh since Jews are the chosen by him.

>> No.53301498

This. It has been obvious for a long time that the carbon thing is utter nonsense. If there were any truth to it the US military would have stopped deforestation in the Amazon etc as quickly as you can say 'Lithium battery' and there would have been a global tree planting agenda. INstead, look what we got. They know it's bollocks, we know it's bollocks and yet we still go along with it, just like the safe and effective vaccine bollocks. The world is fucking crazy.

>> No.53301539
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>> No.53301550

how does it feel to keep being ignored, schizo retard kike

>> No.53301559
File: 16 KB, 294x294, 1673537655669084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all Jew

>> No.53301622

>I am a Jew for hating Jewish spirituality

Chirstcuck NPC moment

>> No.53301633
File: 213 KB, 250x263, 1609976335912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething boyo. Your kind killed him and still hate him but he is eternal.

>> No.53301642

I will destroy them myself.

>> No.53301814
File: 2.05 MB, 1600x1385, 0EFBEFC8-16D8-4B97-B936-DF08FFA5F1B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus commands you to be an egalitarian racially blind cuck for the benefits of the Jews. Romans killed him for being a spiritual poison/threat to their society. Unfortunately chirstcuck spirituality prevailed and when Constantine became emperor the great Roman Empire would soon fall. Amalek destroyed by the Demi-urge Yahweh, destroyer of the hyperborean Aryan Gods/archetypes, Hitler tried to resurrect this archetypes of our ancestors and revert the Kali Yuga into a golden age of aryan spirituality but the Jews who’s God you worship defeated him. Christianity is an inversion of the hyperborean ancient aryan religions/archetypes. The Jew doesn’t fear the cross, the Jew fears the swastika

>> No.53301820

they are not
or rather, they believe it yet choose to work for the demiurge in exchange for lordship over the physical plane

Others, like the luciferians, chabads and mormons have been strung along with the false promise of speeding up the prophecies to bring "god" back

>> No.53301848

This was my point of contention, that if they are gnostics why do they STILL choose to worship Satan (demiurge) but I guess they really do just fucking wanna go that path
Why'd you include mormons though, isn't that just a sect of Christianity? can't be that different to be a demiurge worship religion

>> No.53302007

If they were Gnostics, they wouldn't be so worldly, or give themselves over to their worldly desires and sins to this degree. In Gnosticism, pain, hate, ignorance, etc. are creations of the demiurge, and Christ came to tell us that this is not the real world.

>> No.53302098

An open secret nobody wants to talk about is both scientology and mormonism are the same as luciferian wef nonsense at higher up levels
both groom and deploy glowies straight from their family nucleus in order to help fulfill the "world to come" zionist lie

they all employ babylonic magick as a means to their goal which is deploying a metaphorical all seeing eye on this world

as about why would they do that, according to gnosticism they can just trap pleroma consistently to build a realm beyond god (but made in its essence) and reign over it indefinitely

>> No.53302201

where the fuck havbe you guys read up on all this

>> No.53302210
File: 124 KB, 471x473, D713BF45-B275-4C40-BBF0-2C608E9A8BD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t betray something you swore no allegiance to. Just because I hate the WEF doesn’t mean I care about normoids.

>> No.53302254

You're just a filthy cock sucker, nobody cares

>> No.53302284

/x/ schizo threads

>> No.53302463

the aol of oracles

>> No.53302464


>> No.53302573

Can't wait to slam-dunk my bags on some chud's head @ $7

Bought at $6.45 earlier today after selling at $7.01.

Imagine holding this absolute faecescoin unironically LMFAO

>> No.53302588
File: 377 KB, 750x670, 2CDF72FA-C120-4CDF-B9B3-39E2AB6274DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys go to x or something

>> No.53302599

Meds now

>> No.53302615

you buy apple you use facebook you watch youtube u pay netflix you use tiktok you people already been betraying humanity for ages

>> No.53302635


>> No.53302651

Sold all my Link, final signal

>> No.53302657
File: 2.09 MB, 4000x2400, 1607548573219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.

Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Their days of shitting up biz with their astroturfed psyops are over. They've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that they will pay with their miserable life.
The shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing they can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for linkies, the game is over for them.

>> No.53302723

braindead response tbqh

>> No.53302743
File: 414 KB, 900x802, 1628605525800 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew what I was buying.
Me and my wife will be sitting comfy.

Now stfu and get back into your pod.

>> No.53302756

nothing will pump the price
because the token is not needed

>> No.53302763

The one on the far left is an android and the two on the right are women. I don't know if there are any humans on that panel, only WEFbots.

>> No.53302844

>owning nothing and eating bugs is cool!

>> No.53302902
File: 128 KB, 279x402, 1594590711980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, if you aren't stacking dirt cheap Linkies and Everest ID tokens for the ultimate globohomo play during these times of despair you will be left behind to eat the bugs

>> No.53302918

He is a Keynesian

>> No.53302933
File: 151 KB, 828x743, 5873DD1A-E5FC-4CB7-AC01-3CF2B371FCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this? Picrel

>> No.53303012
File: 93 KB, 2578x276, a;kjdsda79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53303065

retard did you not read what he said? take the kike cock out of your mouth. Jesus was a jew and he came to save the jews only after they rejected him did he go "uh lets save those guys".
>in4 circumcision of the heart.
Whats with this shit of everyone wanting to be middle eastern shitskins

>> No.53303095

/lit/ gets into it some
/x/ is just the goth retards in your highschool.

>> No.53303130

Idk man

>> No.53303258

you are clearly an edgy 15 year old atheist
reddit is that way buddy, keep consoooming

>> No.53303282

lit and x are compromised, as evidenced by these threads and the nonsense you all espouse. imagine seeing fake bullshit narratives and swallowing more fake bullshit invented on top of it

>> No.53303304

Will quantitative eating help this?

>> No.53303311

They know the peasants don’t have the balls to do anything as long as they can CONSOOM, have readily available goy slop and streaming services, a rented roof over their heads and a wage cuck job. Even those that did snap and put a dent in the ZOG like Kazinsky and McVeigh it ultimately didn’t do much to stop their plans seeing as where we are today. It would take networks of people willing to go to those extremes regularly. The modern man is too domesticated for an uprising I’m afraid.

>> No.53303367

You almost have to be awed by the levels of financialization we're on, where the top-down enforcement of Western de-industrialization itself gets quantified and speculated upon as derivatives, kek

There's no organized resistance to Agenda 2030 stuff and they may just win by default precisely because of this muh prophecy mindset. History isn't just some marvel movie where there's no hope and then suddenly the losers get a Deus ex Machina that saves everything in the end.

>> No.53303405

Ted was an MKUltra victim hell bent on revenge. CIA blew up OKC and blamed it on Tim. Both served the NWO's agenda though, ultimately.

>> No.53303573

Cabron tax is opposite of what you imagine it to be.
You view things in reverse order.
Your perspective is skewed.

>> No.53303653
File: 10 KB, 310x225, Lisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this one.. surprised it's still a thing.

>> No.53303841
File: 478 KB, 1033x670, 1613610977288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based sergay does it again.

>> No.53303886

and what amount of work did chainlink do here? parse the json?

>> No.53304114


>> No.53304116

Youre directly funding satanic international terrorists, you are investing in them enslaving humanity

>> No.53304152
File: 52 KB, 775x844, 1673735273999721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the romans are already after jesus, people have been collecting bounties for ages, I dont personally believe that jesus did anything wrong but I need those 30 shekels

>> No.53304184

How will they check the damage done and all that? It can't be as simple as that, as they say.

>> No.53304206
File: 90 KB, 1024x997, 1669219845607448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry world citizen #66600134725, you cannot operate your vehicle this week due to reaching your monthly caebon emission limit (powered by chainlink) please remain in the pod this week. Your bug protein rations will be delivered to your bunk.

>> No.53304343

They’ve been doing it since 2007. The whole thing is in place, it just needs automating.

>> No.53304682
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 1673910237173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who defends link in current year is evil and wants to destroy humanity. We warned you for years. Linkies will pay for their crimes against humanity.

>> No.53304790
File: 212 KB, 1125x402, 4ABD5187-A47E-4537-B1C7-ECD8CBA460C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harari is a faggot. Don’t listen to faggots.

>> No.53305045

Man stop this fucking /Pol/cel DA JOOS ARE ALL POWERFUL AND ARE BEHIND EVERYTHING! DONT BOTHER RESISTING GOYIM. Psyop they’ve convinced retards of. Sometimes people snap and these elites aren’t fucking gods they die from bullets and have addresses/places they frequent. I’ve even heard schizo Polcels claim they have fucking force fields around them. Gtfo yes uncle Ted was MKULTRA doesn’t mean they wanted him going after (((their own))). That mcveigh schizo shit you’re spouting sounds like qanon adrenochrome tier garbage.

>> No.53305140

>Meds now

Agreed. We need the ancient mediterraneans back, and not these open-borders christoids

>> No.53305149

speak english

>> No.53305172
File: 825 KB, 252x253, TRINITY___PrettyMuch2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who defends link in current year is evil and wants to destroy humanity.

>> No.53305240

Why would Sergey associate Chainlink with the most unpopular group on the planet? Is he fucking stupid?

>> No.53305285

Kvetch harder kike nigger

>> No.53305457

Im thinking of a holographic Ufo invasion, hoax which will result in NWO

>> No.53305474

Personally I think the NWO agenda is inevitable so if at least like to profit off it

>> No.53305932
File: 382 KB, 900x900, a;kjdsda65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have it backwards...we're having them fund us.

>> No.53305979
File: 63 KB, 1074x693, 1658672676775898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bet it all on Bob.

>> No.53306691

What if though?

Chainlink's slow release cycle could very well see them get their lunch ate by a larger traditional company...or new faster moving competitor (s).

>> No.53306749

what did you think the SERGAY BETRAY meme was all about?

>> No.53306922
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>> No.53307978
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based everest chad

>> No.53308339

glownigs got spooked lmao

>> No.53308646

There's a people in this world who hates Christ so much they get to believe in Christian prophecies and that the Antichrist is their own Christ. They believe turning the world upside-down is going to (forcefully) fulfill their prophecies, invoking their Christ, immanentizing their eschaton. The world would need to be revolutionarily made into a wicked pseudo-utopia, or an obvious demonic distopia, and everything should be set so every other people in this world would either "willingly" become their slaves or be exterminated, and the Antichrist would guarantee them that.

This is the esoteric philosophy of their people's ideologies, so from the ones from that people who have power, few of them are really aware of this. They almost instinctively follow the same plans, though, indoctrinated to it in some way or other, since they are kids, with common vices inherited by their blood, perhaps by a divine curse. Their religion induces them to believe it's good to cheat against God, in a way only an evil lawyer would think of, believing themselves to be an extremely lawful people, and that God would fulfill every each promise they think they are entitled with. Meanwhile they have tendencies for some level of psycopathy and hysteria, becoming disproportionately sociopaths and subversive useful (and evil and degenerate) idiots. Their nepotism makes sure more of their own are in power, and at same time more people similar to them, (subconsciously) believing in the end these ones will be made into precious slaves. The sociopaths forcing totalitarianism and revolutions in this world then get multiplied in positions of power.

This is what we have here.

>> No.53308663

that's some ego, man.

>> No.53308687

fucking wild that the price of link is 6.66.

>> No.53308692
File: 587 KB, 1343x730, Yukino shita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glow NIGGERS will $EEATH AND DILaTe since BASED LINKIES will never EVER sell a stinky link to the jews. YOU CAN'T PRINT MORE LINKIES JEW KEKS, We beat you faggots to the party. Sure 90% of whites will die due to vaccine effects but the remaining 10% will be so rich and cashed up we will create a new eugenics based ethnostate where the strong rule and the weak obey.

>> No.53308748


Sandy Salami knows

>> No.53308753

So taking control of other people's freedom -- including the ability to buy and sell and to own their own things, to have basic needs naturally fulfilled with their work alone -- is only natural for our current elites. Controlling everything through globalist agendas to achieve this level of totalitarianism is only natural. This is a direction they can't resist following.

The Devil loves his own "Chosen People" -- and don't get me wrong, it's not only about "jews".

>> No.53308761

You need to put the Scofield Bible down and touch some fucking grass anon.

>> No.53308783

linkies will make it, and enjoy 3 years until the end of the world. HAHA

>> No.53308792

You need to put down that chalupa mow some grass, bean breath.

>> No.53308853

They have sociopathy and nepotism on their favor. The nepotism tendencies can also express themselves in lobbies that have nothing to do with their company profit inrerests, but in spreading their agendas to get more control over the world and participating in global level monetary cheating schemes which favor their own kind.

You should know your enemy characteristics if you want to fight them.

>> No.53308866

>Harari is a faggot. Don’t listen to faggots.

I read his Wiki maybe a week okay

He's literally a Jewish homo vegan. Its hilarious

>> No.53308878

High IQ post. The final battle of the world is inevitably going to be us (autists, outcasts, good moral people) vs them.

>> No.53309701

it is happening fellow chainlink everchads

>> No.53309772
File: 428 KB, 334x739, link pepe 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold Link and I literally want to enslave the world.

>> No.53309801

Redpill me on Everest anon

>> No.53310391
File: 290 KB, 469x584, 1641162413353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its going to happen. I suspect it will be linked to your finance so even if you have made it, you will still need a chip to do anything in this world,

>> No.53310862
File: 79 KB, 550x540, 1660327616395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every OG knew what where the world is headding thats why we invested to at least get filthy rich in the process in fuck off inna woods. why do you think I and many others threw literally every cent we could muster at chainlink back then. we knew about the WEF what their plans where and how chainlink will play a critical role. sucks to be a late linker I guess good luck frens!

>> No.53310887
File: 624 KB, 1067x973, 1660512102319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all you christcucks itt are insane how can one honestly believe in a 2000 year old fiction novel