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53062929 No.53062929 [Reply] [Original]

1 LINK = 1 ID

>> No.53063382
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The missing piece of the God Protocol. Every Smart Contract has intended interactions 'per user' and there has been no way to verify this until now:



Novel Identity is just as needed as Decentralized Oracles for blockchain to function properly. No matter how decentralized your Oracles are Smart Contracts can still be exploited & gamed outside of intended design by the simple act of creating a second/third/thousandth wallet.
Chainlink hasnt been able to solve this either on it's own. Case and point:


With Everest's biometric key based wallet design a user can only make a single wallet, and then via the Identity Oracle can bridge the data proving their individuality + proof of human cross-chain & handshaking with a user's other wallets.

From this you could for example run an airdrop.
10,000 drops available: 1 airdrop claim per user.
>User claims Airdop with Metamask wallet #1
>User handshakes Metamask #1 with their Everwallet
>Smart Contract verifies they are an individual human
>User recieves their airdrop

>Same user tries to claim airdrop with Metamask Wallet #2
>User handshakes Metamask #2 with their Everwallet
>Smart Contract can tell they have already claimed the airdrop

>Airdrop is now secure from being extracted by a Sybil Exploit.
>With the exploit removed the drop holds its value

1 Link = 1 ID

>> No.53063581
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The sheer tokenomics of Everest alone guarantees that one day 1 LINK = 1 ID. There are only 800,000,000 ID tokens which will be systematically burned by usage of features on the Everest platform, i.e. regulatory compliant KYCing. Not to mention every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens if they want full access to the features of Everest. It is not only well within the realms of possibility that 1 LINK = 1 ID given these tokenomics compared to Chainlink’s 1,000,000,000 model - it is an eventual guarantee. By the will of Kek and the All Father, this manifestation is destined to take place. Even if it takes Chainlink dumping further.

>> No.53064455

i was a little bit against kyc in crypto but with this example on sybil resistance, I just realized that it really is absolutely needed right now, to have a safer and better defi space

>> No.53065715

Obvious paid shill is obvious. Gtfo the board

>> No.53065739
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>> No.53065767

sounds bearish for whatever ID is

>> No.53065867

>dude just buy this low volume low liquidity dead Uniswap shitcoin with the worst price chart in all of crypto and then use this barely working Everest wallet on the Everest chain on the Everest platform to scan your Everest identity to send this Everest stablecoin while using Everest ID coins to another Everest wallet, the future of finance bro institutions will start doing the same any minute now bro it's inevitable

>> No.53068072

good token will moon very much very good 4chan telegram please buy this token anons it’s guarantee mooning the price

>> No.53068093

A everest is good token,. many moonie moons coming for this token

>> No.53068273
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1 LINK = 0 Dollars

>> No.53068290

good organic bump

you save dead thread from page three., need to make token more organic next time post pepe frog