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File: 440 KB, 1310x819, Rosace_Notre_Dame_-_Fa%C3%A7ade_3351962157-e1555411743704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52671019 No.52671019 [Reply] [Original]

Why cant we build like this anymore

>> No.52671042

The slave labor in Dubai can do it

>> No.52671046

we can but there's no point

>> No.52671051


>> No.52671062

(((engineering))) if it isn’t useful and affordable get rid of it

>> No.52671065

The holocaust.

>> No.52671072


Because the basis of that building had nothing to do with cost/profit let alone building regulations.

Today's built form is dictated by law and planning controls and cost/profit/benefit.

>> No.52671077

humanity has lost its soul

>> No.52671080

We need to build more Walmarts and cookie cutter houses, oh and put a huge price tag on them!. Thanks capitalism. Only under true monarchy could great structures be built.

>> No.52671103

read The Bitcoin Standard
everyone now has a low time preference unlike prior generations because of retarded monetary policy
unironically the book explained pretty well what i always thought.
it is no longer profitable or desirable to build beautiful things that stand the test of time.
bitcoin fixes this problem.

>> No.52671107

Because today you have to pay the construction workers

>> No.52671120

I you lived in 1200 you'd post something from 700 and whine why we can't build like that anymore

>> No.52671128

The world is Athiest now.

>> No.52671145

That doesn't make sense since my OP image was built in 1163

>> No.52671151

Costs too much both in terms of materials and labor. You'd unironically need slaves to profitably build something like this to the same standards, otherwise it'd be so exorbitantly expensive it'd be impossible and unwise for even the wealthiest. In many ways having possession over buildings built with these methods is a way of demonstrating power, and I suppose I'd be madder about it if the asbestos and other forms of poisonous bullshit inherent from before humanity gave a tinkers damn for safety weren't slowly killing anyone inside of them.

>> No.52671167
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>my OP image was built in 1163
sure it was buddy

>> No.52671183
File: 39 KB, 409x429, Screenshot 2022-11-29 9.26.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftists learn how far we've fallen episode #930202

>> No.52671197

medieval castles and cathedrals took 300+ years to complete and took absolutely no budget into consideration

>> No.52671222

I remember the first Walmart super center in my small town… everything was shiny and new but it felt soulless. I fucking hate them for what they did to this country.

>> No.52671233

This is what is more impressive about this subject, in those times, an entire society was determined enough to carry on a building project for two fucking centuries following the original project.

>> No.52671242

I don't see how this makes any difference to the point I made, namely that you retarded /pol/cel draw your entire identiy from being contrarian so whenever LE HECKIN BASED OLD THING was built, if you lived at that time you would post buildingfrom800yearsbefore.jpeg, whining how that is not built anymore.

>> No.52671264

You can find nice architecture being built in every single year in human history up to 1945 and then it's been 77 years of nothing.

>> No.52671267

such warrantless anger

>> No.52671294

Not really. Gothic architecture was considered a wonder from the start. It was the first time since classical anitquity Europeans could build such structures. Sure university spergs complained about how gothic was ugly and that they should emulate Greco-Roman architecture, but that was 400 years later.

>> No.52671311

We threw away the technology.

>> No.52671314
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And I bet you haven't ever been in Paris to see that magnificient building because DA JOOZ ruined DA CITIES and you prefer to stay in HECKIN BASED Shitville, Alabama

>> No.52671315

counterpoint is that some skyscrapers are pretty incredible - building 500m-1km tall functioning megastructures would have been figments of fantasy even 500 years ago.

>> No.52671333

We can manipulate individual atoms to make semiconductors. Maybe stop being so enraptured by superficial things

>> No.52671338
File: 125 KB, 500x400, 5BA6C75E-E566-491D-8FC9-C9B85AECF840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we need more granite countertops you fucking moron

>> No.52671358
File: 186 KB, 753x809, IonizedAirHarmonicResonanceMagneticGeneratorsCymaticsFrequencyRange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

follow the white rabbit, anon

>> No.52671364
File: 87 KB, 825x615, apudisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paris and most of France suck balls even in spite of the architectural and cultural wonders of yore they possess, and having a pretty tower doesn't make the raped children and beheaded christians go away. Suburbs are for faggots and people in general aren't worth the cost to shoot them, I'll let you and your ilk stay there and I'll stay far far away where I can shoot folks like that if they come on my property.

>> No.52671434

Paris has nice architecture but smells like piss and cigarettes. I would not return desu

>> No.52671624


Because things like this are built for reasons outside of profit. EVERYTHING is about politics and consumerism now. The new American mindset; If you can't make a profit doing something, then it is useless and meaningless.

God, I can't wait for the door to swing around and smash us in the ass.

>> No.52671870

Is this truly the power of leftist intellectualism? woah.....

>> No.52671931

poor apartment dweller detected, have fun paying shmuel's mortgage for him

>> No.52672067

You say that until you’re shivering in your boots from all the uncertainty. Faggots on this site pray for a happening then piss all over themselves like when COVID initially started to happen.

>> No.52672073

Back then, people weren't so afraid of death. Only a handful of people lived past their 50s, so they just enjoyed themselves. They created, they loved, they lived. Nowadays, everybody is afraid of a fucking cold that makes you feel sick for a couple weeks. It's really pathetic how we've forgotten that life is supposed to be temporary.

>> No.52673330

In Europe (France, Germany, Swiss, Belgium UK) we absolutely still have the knowledge and the skills to build this again. But it is VEEEERY expensive, and the ego's of the contemporary architects are not on the same level at all. Skills = look up the guild of the journeyman in france "Les Compagnons du Devoir" German countries "Die Wandergezellen"

>> No.52673356

not yet and as long as Europeans exist the skills will still be there somwhere. it's about passion and vocation.

>> No.52673368

Good book to read around this subject = " THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH" by Ken Follet !!

>> No.52673492

Fractal buildings require high level of connection to the source

>> No.52673562

Yeah alot of knowledge is getting lost with the past few generations.

>> No.52673571
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that stuff was done by volunteers who had so much free time and money that they could devote that much time to it for free
cause they kicked out the jews a few years earlier
no joke, read up

>> No.52673580

Bro fuck the asbestos and why on fucking earth do you think we care now? Have you heard of fucking TEFLON? HORMONAL DISRUPTIONS? MICROPLASTICS?

>> No.52673584
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>> No.52673620

>I can’t get a GF cuz this structure looks too basic

>> No.52673654
File: 839 KB, 1638x2048, 7F61C324-DC8C-4D21-BB3C-F84CAA0154AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyscrapers of that height have been around since before WWII, the only difference is that before the war, people actually understood the concept of beauty instead of building concrete boxes or soulless glass dildos like they do now. Just look at the juxtaposition of the Chrysler building against the postwar garbage that surrounds it, the engineering has stayed the same (actually gotten slightly worse), but the beauty has boiled away.

>> No.52673656

cause we didn't build those in the first place

>> No.52673915

A bunch of wrong
These 3 got it right

This rabbit hole requires a lot of research and there’s a lot of gaps and bullshit about the loss of older architecture skills.

The theory that has the most evidence is the found masonry theory.
Many of these old buildings around the world have evidence of being built long before we think they were. Most of the time they’ve had updates at the time they were “built”
There’s people who say it’s remnants of Lemuria, Atlantis, tartaria, etc
It depends on the part of the world they’re located

Whatever the truth is, we’re being lied to about it
Autodidactic YouTube and Author Howdie Mickoski do a good job of asking questions about this but they probably don’t get everything right.


>> No.52674455

what do you think of >>52673584

>> No.52674463
File: 370 KB, 640x640, ave the west.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can, it's just expensive

>> No.52674480
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>> No.52674543

>we can, it's just expensive
So are brown babies.

>> No.52674550

because we're fucking gay, okay??

>> No.52674556

you missed me in the "wrong" section

>> No.52674576

Buildings like this were intended to inspire the citizens, leave something for their children, and to glorify God.
As a civilization we don't share any of those values anymore. The only thing the West cares about is eating goyslop and jerking off to white women being railed by black dicks as a form of degradation. We actually exist in opposition to the building you posted, our entire cultural awareness is centered around opposing what that building stands for.

>> No.52674581

Unless you're french shut the fuck up lol

>> No.52674602

The French were celebrating when it caught fire.

>> No.52674620

Why are you so antisemitic?

>> No.52674626

dumb nigger. 1163 changes everything

>> No.52674654

Look at Basilique de Fourvière in Lyon, France.
Clearly built late 1800s, clearly well photographed/documented.
We can STILL build like that. We are just culturally lost since 1900

>> No.52674677

also, not just "culturally lost", we are just poor. Unironically consumerism & the US "financial" empire has killed all our hopes for large ambitious construction projets, especially in France. Capitalism ruined the common good

>> No.52674688

now that it’s officially a schizo thread, what do you anons think about RF engineering? thinking of getting a masters in it

>> No.52674699

>RF engineering? thinking of getting a masters in it
Go for telecoms. The sky beams.

Everyone uses it. But no one knows how the fuck it works. That's got to be one of the safest job prospect bets.

>> No.52674700

Our culture doesn't really stand for anything besides tearing down the taboos that came before it.
After we run out of taboos we will dissipate even more rapidly than we already are.
The buildings you guys are talking about can only be made by people who deeply believe in something. Anything.
We believe in nothing.

>> No.52674714

Everyone talking about how many slaves you would need to buy something like this but they seem to forget we have the most productive slaves in human history, the machines.
If we want to start building like this again it would be posible, more expensive but still far from impossible. You can have machines carving stone with a speed and precision that would have been considered witchery in the past. Hell we could even forget about the stones and just use concrete that look like stone, theres so many ways.

>> No.52674798

WW1 and dadaism

>> No.52675069

>theres no point to beautiful aesthetics which connect us to our ancestors, our history, our pride.
Jew or modern (((architect))) detected.

>> No.52675118
File: 428 KB, 1200x900, 16694824448707245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, today that would be just fake. It’s a style of the times.

Speaking of: they re-built the Humboldt Forum in Berlin this way.

>> No.52675160

not woke enough

>> No.52675219

>yeah we can go back to the moon but there's no point
>actually starts trying in 2022
>obstacles everywhere, even tho it took US 1 year to do it in the 60s
I know it was fake, just pointing out that your excuse is a common one, one of their favourite lies

>> No.52675236

But our style SHOULD be that style because it looks better and everyone knows it. And because it would connect us to our past. We wouldn't feel like we're living in a post-apocalyptic land of giants who came before us; we would feel we had a responsibility to continue the past and its lineage. Which is probably why it was stopped; subconciously post-WWI when the world basically ended (civilization did anway in Europe) and we lived like post-Roman barbarians in the ruins ever since. We wanted to dissacociate ourselves with everything to do with our 19th century ancestors in the 1960s/70s onwards because we blamed them for the fucking mess we lived in today.

>> No.52675284

the bad guys won, that's the problem
they've won every war since the dawn of time, because war in itself is victory to them

>> No.52675303

the last war is the one on consciousness

>> No.52675316

We lost the ability to when aliens deserted us and took with them the technology.

>> No.52675343

>Why cant we build like this anymore
jews and shitskin parasites

>> No.52675353
File: 100 KB, 704x460, china-copycat-architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are not the people who have created this style. We've never met the people who brought us these designs.
We can copy, but that would be antithetical to what you want to reflect with this architecture.
The only right way is to create something new.

>> No.52675653

>how dare people enjoy classical architecture and want to see new buildings in the same style
Actually retarded

>> No.52675672

This, people always want to le topple capitalism and destroy the system ignoring the fact that doing so would plunge us into bread lines and mass death/starvation
Only actual retards want this, that’s why the zoomer anti cap/communism wave is so cringe

>> No.52675679
File: 150 KB, 1024x683, 99C7CA5D-1197-4AA9-8F25-13683A90846D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did they do this bros any theories?

>> No.52675707

Thanks for posting this, it's very interesting.
Can you elaborate on the kicking out of the jews in the 15th century?
According to wikipedia, at least, (idk where to search) they were all kicked out in 1290 and since then there was no record of any jews in england until mid-17th century.

>> No.52675738
File: 18 KB, 300x327, soyjak_didn_t_like_that_by_123spaghettiman_df87l5f-300w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bunch of wrong

>> No.52675803

what book is this?

>> No.52675833

Too busy being slaves

>> No.52675881

When you replace white skilled labor with Mexicans, generations of crafting skills were lost. All the whites with skills migrated to shit like computer science. Now that labor pool is busy creating a surveillance state prison for themselves. A few of them broke free and do Open Source for the greater good, while most are filthy pigs building their future generations prisons.

>> No.52675888

You j*ws really hate all things European, huh?

>> No.52675891

Sorting a pile of rocks? Soft stone wears.

>> No.52676274
File: 35 KB, 500x311, BuNDeYHCcAAcCtu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simple answer is democracy and niggers.

If you try to build something long lasting or extravagant people will immediately complain why isn't the money going to homeless and jobless niggers.

Also atheism; most great works of art were inspired by and venerated God and sponsored by the church. With the vast majority of society turning their backs on God and the church losing its power, great art is no longer made and instead you end up with pic related.

>> No.52676360

whats wrong with granite countertop moron? I swear you people are miserable IRL

>> No.52676381

Horse shit pic. In England they lease the land for 99 years to this day, nobody owns any land in the country. It all belongs to the crown.

>> No.52676384

OP, stuff like that was built with lots of slave labor

>> No.52676453

We could, but we use certain materials and builders learn those materials and the methods for them. We've gone through approx. 100 yr. cycles of new fuels and new materials for building since coal took off. The last one seems to be lingering the longest because we're still using oil and steel. You can't carve icons out of steel. It's a utilitarian material. But those 20th-century buildings have some nice gothic things about them too.

>> No.52676474


start a business that builds like that or builds ornaments like that because clearly there is demand for beauty like that

>> No.52676487
File: 53 KB, 789x460, 1647872453152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesss now you're talkin!

>> No.52676513

have you seen tradesmutts these days? You're lucky if one of them even speaks intelligible english

>> No.52676530

this. it is a reflection of the shift towards a more concrete, materialistic, worldview that happened in the 1500s

>> No.52676590

And yet youll see one house filled with 10+ black babies living off government checks
And they wonder why the world is coming to a supply shortage

>> No.52676601

I ask this every week. I see buildings where I am (really old American city) and can't believe the junk they erect in today's times. My theory

>Cost obsession
>Lack of care for statement pieces (large monuments, statues, etc.)
>Lack of care for quality that stands the test of time

>> No.52676608

Spot on about the blacks, but you should've added jews in their too. Idk why but this "diversity is our strength" is the exact opposite of what it is
diversity is killing this americas

>> No.52676658

It's worse than that because it's not so conscious. Keep in mind, that what you're seeing erected are not cathedrals and castles. The National Cathedral was finished in the early 2000s and it's very nice, but it's a cathedral and it's been a long ongoing project. Beauty is not going to go into mass-produced townhouses for employees at the local corporation. These are industrial processes, that use different materials, and for different ends. Virtually all construction today is commercial or mass-produced residential.

>> No.52676662

One word: niggers.

>> No.52676700

I would agree with you but even the industrial buildings of past are 100000x better. Think, old factories from the late 1800's, that get converted into residential lofts. Or the really old banks from 1850-1900. Today's banks look like a cheap representation of what they offer. Today's factories and data centers are built to look like a giant Amazon box with windows. The entire makeup is built with no aesthetics in mind

>> No.52676721

Yea imagine a crew of 50 with 5 cranes and 3 extruders. I agree so much. Cement injection to make the tons of structural support. God forbid society rebuilds and fundraises itself to stiff the odds rich. That’s what we need. An autocratic separation. Although stuff like this is suppressed for reasons.

>> No.52676735

>you cannot learn from people
>you cannot create a homogenous consistent urban landscape that speaks to the soul and creates a city of character because you just cant
>go create something (((new)))
Fuck off jew we are the people we were. we are the sons of our fathers. Once, we were here.

>> No.52676746

So you’re saying society is sick. We have an illness. This is a destructive narrative fren. I wouldn’t share it openly but it’s safe here.

>> No.52676756

there is no need without profit

>> No.52676829
File: 189 KB, 1010x1007, lyjav1xxyid51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly the point.
You should learn from your grandfathers, but you are not your grandfathers.
Incorporate what they did into what you can create.
Do not copy, but be inspired.

>> No.52676970

Only the jew acts solely for profit. Great works ought to be produced to inspire our progeny

>> No.52676990

>>52671019 >>52671046 >>52673571
modern brutalist architceture is a subversion designed to inflict psychological harm. Look into architecture curriculum.

>> No.52676994

Wow fantastic observation.
Architecture really is the will of an era codified in stone.

>> No.52677030

modern people are too poor, lazy and stupid to build like this. in fact modern architecture depends on a few techno mages to speak to the machines which build everything but can only build boxes. if you had to pay for a quality building like this you'd have to be insanely rich, probably the richest person on earth could not afford it. yes, in general people in the middle ages were richer than the average person nowadays: their houses were build with real wood and stone (only a multimillionaire could afford this nowadays) despite people only working 2/3 of the year (some people don't even have one vacation day nowadays).
conclusion: in terms of wealth distribution and freedom we've been on a downwards slope ever since the industrial revolution but this terrible truth has been (((cleverly))) disguised by mass media memes.

>> No.52677102


>assuming my position without knowing a single thing about me

>ad Hominem attack

Yes, please tell everybody about your genius opinions.

We deserve punishment for what we allow to happen. Your position is literally, "let's just keep perpetuating the system bro, cause I got mine, fuck everyone else". You literally want Klaus Scwab to win, retard.


>le topple capitalism

Nobody said anything about capitalism. Also, our current system isn't capitalist.

>zoomer anti-cap communism wave

Nobody said anything about zoomers or communism either, you delusional retard.

>> No.52677115

Nobody likes to pay entrance ticket for this kind of place. Stadium tickets are different story

>> No.52677174


high school/college kids today produce art better than Michaelangelo, retard faggot. It's not a matter of inability, it's a question of WHY. What is the functionality of creating a convoluted building? To satisfy your nazi LARPing cuckold fantasies? Not enough demand, faggot.

>> No.52677269

But again, you make the mistake of assuming they were doing the same thing. They weren't. You look at something like what DuPont and Chrysler did in New York and you extrapolate that out to every city in America where there are wealthy builders. These guys were aiming to do something totally different, they had different tastes, and more importantly, the methods and materials they used were different. Stone and iron were still common building materials even while we transitioned to steel buildings. Now, it's almost entirely steel and many more buildings are made out of aluminum. This, and the whole construction process is different. It's just not practical to make something as ornate as the 20th century steel Empire State Building out of aluminum, something as ornate as the 19th century E.V. Haughwaught & Co. building out of steel. John Ruskin had a saying "you can't find art where there is smoke". Basically, he meant the more the industrial process and the more complex, the more streamlined and inornate they must be as a matter of necessity. And really, it was DuPont and Chrysler that kicked this off. When they built their buildings they had streamlined the process so much that when the steel arrived at the New York job site from Pittsburgh, it was still hot. So from there, the process is super-streamlined, new alloys used, and so on. Go on. Imagine carving icons out of aluminum. You can't.

>> No.52677306

Man that's a pretty deep observation, people have been calling it the info war or fifth Gen warfare, but I like your term. "The war on consciousness". It captures the the true good vs. evil nature of our times

>> No.52677352

That building looks like it has a bad case of shingles kek

>> No.52677377

this is why
jews need the rent money next week not next century

>> No.52677461

tower bridge was opened in the 1890s
that's only one generation removed from living memory
it has a steel frame with masonry cladding so is as structurally modern as any building being made today
the difference is in the detailing and embellishment

>> No.52677478
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x1024, 34286743243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high school/college kids today produce art better than Michaelangelo
dumbest shit i've read in 2022, hope this is bait

>> No.52677541
File: 13 KB, 225x225, proxy-image(16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a leasehold and they can last longer than a century (I've seen 249 year ones). There is also a freehold in which you own the land outright and can pass it down generations. In Muttland the government can tax and eminent domain your "property"

>> No.52677586

This. Art deco was the last decent architectural movement. Now it's all "leds build one thad loogs lige a walgie talgie :DDD"

>> No.52677620

Why not use brick and stone for data centers or shops? The brick being used in newer apartments looks like it's constructed from plastic

>> No.52677721
File: 1.93 MB, 1240x1436, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading this societal demoralization thread while i'm wageslaving away on powerpoint reports
holy shit why do i continue to live?

>> No.52677898

sound/vibration tech. they were alchemists. think like an area of low freq to anchor and one where high freq would target precisely
question is, how did they focus to apply these?

>> No.52677929

find the image I posted and read

>> No.52678189

You have anymore redpills you seem to be in pretty deep

>> No.52678209


>> No.52678242

>you're gonna Jim Carrey that weight

>> No.52678305

Because all the buildings that should look like this already look like this.

Do we need gothic office buildings? How the fuck would they work in terms of light, ventilation, fire regulations and all the rest of it?

>> No.52678371

Well, we're now at a point where it's neither economical nor good quality. In America, if you want to do a stone and brick project, you can. But you're going to pay a premium for it, you're going to have to find high quality masons for that sort of project, of which there are not many, and in the end, the sort of undertaking might just not be appropriate for what you're building. I mean, putting aside residential which is another topic, why would like a chain of say, restaurants build opulent stone buildings? It really doesn't make sense and they don't have the money if they wanted to. If a private individual is going to build one, most often it's their own home. And then you just have to consider that this is just the way things are done now for so many reasons, like meeting electricity regulations, ac/heating, all sorts of things. Consider Universities. They used to get large donations, and use them to build these very collegiate gothic and neoclassical buildings. Now, that's so impractical that they instead build steel, aluminum, and glass buildings that meet all sorts of green standards, space standards, and maintenance requirements, are cheaper, easier to maintain, and for which they can easily find crews capable of doing the work. So it's this whole systemic thing and there's really just very little individual or collective will for traditional architecture even though there's a strong desire to see it. It's honestly hard to imagine a world where most new construction goes back to stone in a world where the backbone of construction is steel and aluminum alloy.

>> No.52678408

Cope and seethe harder incel, everything was built by brown slaves. The west is rightfully belongs to them since they did all the labour

>> No.52678420

The Aristocracy and the Church had enormous sums of capital but not that much they can do with it. They could afford to be extravagant. There's now a million different things someone can do with a large sum of money so we're less extravagant.

>> No.52678655

>You have anymore redpills you seem to be in pretty deep
Every stone cut perfectly to "graze" the soundwave from the claps and turn them into the sound of an extinct bird. this shows a complex understanding by our ancestors

>> No.52678736

Cost and Culture. Back then all you had to pay for was the architect, stone and stone mason.

Today you have all that plus extra permitting fees, engineering costs, code compliance costs, enviromental compliance, diversity costs (if a govt job) and a laundry list of other bullshit that makes construction much more expensive.

The culture part is two fold. Back then construction largely wasnt done by investment firms, reits or insurance companies whereas today it is and those groups dont build for aesthetics. We've also become a society that celebrates ugliness. Occassionally a beautifuk work will get through but its an uphill battle.

>> No.52678995

Granite is great. I have one of those. I don't see the problem

>> No.52679257

Grinding stones with water and sand. It took ages but they did it. There's a tribe that can still do it but got the banhammer because muh tourist need to believe in ayylmaos.
They do it with the same kind of stone but with smaller stones.
The amazing part is that they used no mortar and that they are earthquake proof.
That kind of stone grinding is called the royal stone and the plebs had the pleb stone or "rough" stone that used no grinding and needed mortar to stay together.
Still amazing

>> No.52679343

This unfortunately. True beauty makes those that actively denigrate it feel inadequate so it must go.

>> No.52679756

Architecture is one of a few good indicators of what a a civilization values. The 19th century saw the expansion of industry. The 20th century saw Americans building cathedrals of commerce. If there's any building marvel of the 21st century it's the massive overproduction of cookie-cutter townhomes in suburban developments from Boston to San Diego.

>> No.52679875
File: 198 KB, 1024x708, 1665534677622544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na we were building cool shit up until the early 1900s
federal reserve destroyed everything
trash money, trash buildings

>> No.52679943

Doesn't explain it. There was an example of people voting for a type of "old" style looking building but some modern shit was decided upon anyway.
It's like it is being forced on people. Nobody likes it.

>> No.52679996
File: 3.38 MB, 1834x2488, 1580851241229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ancient advanced tech that was lost
truth would ruin the 'narrative' about our past
no way it was chiseled by hand like they'll have u believe

>> No.52680005

Men can be women

>> No.52680007

Bauhaus wasn't created in 1980's America.

>> No.52680108

This, man created beautiful things to glorify God. The elite hate God therefore they also hate beauty

>> No.52681411
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>> No.52681526

People who think slaves built buildings more amazing than we can now aren’t that smart
Slaves don’t do good work, they mess shit up on purpose and run away every chance they get

>> No.52681975

You didn't the the mansions of today's Romanian/... construction crews, did you?

>> No.52682564
File: 79 KB, 702x583, 1639219909667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it happened a lot more than wikipedia mentions

>> No.52682634

Can someone post the meme about jews being kicked out of over 100 countries

>> No.52682637

yeeuh nigguh. I say uh,
>gotta get dat money nigguh
>got my finguh on da trigguh
>stole my rock so I gotta ice a nigguh
>shiiiieeeetttt why can't dey be nice to a nigguh
that'll be 450 million dollars

>> No.52682772

It's not lost anymore

>> No.52682803

this woman made a lot of videos i watched a few years ago
very interesting stuff but i think a lot of her content has been heavily censored now

>> No.52682836

there's loads of these cohincidences
i like the pages of american slave port cities and the history of jews in america
it's an eyeopener

>> No.52682851

>doesn't know that Isaac Newton thought the 'Dark ages' was a lie

>> No.52682923

>stone is too expensive
>there's no demand
>stone isn't used any more so it's seen as old-fashioned
>stone is too expensive
nice try

>> No.52683014

If you want to make art make art.

>> No.52683080

>you're going to have to find high quality masons for that sort of project
You mean, not Mexican daylabourers on the bare minimum?

It's literally fucking stone. You know, the thing the planet is made out of.

>> No.52683308

The college thing is depressing, even on Ivy campuses they're making the newer buildings look like city slop

Sounds reasonable

This, it's annoying that we went to synthetic materials that fall apart instead of the natural elements

>> No.52684877

give this nigger an Emmy and a Tony, a podcast and 3 brands of candy with his face on the package

>> No.52685420

>it’s stone
>just make it into a statue
people are this dumb?
It requires a lot of work and experience to make beautiful shit
You incels in your mom’s basement have most liked never lifted a hammer

Not one mention in this thread of how stone buildings stop satellites from reading your bio-information

How could glowies tracj you every second with stone blocking their satellites?
Same reason they pulled asbestos and lead from buildings, they block DEW and tracking tech

>> No.52685501

Most church/cathedral architecture was largely donated