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File: 550 KB, 1125x1743, 07D15527-4DE2-4FCA-B994-4784D7D19556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52630453 No.52630453 [Reply] [Original]

how do you justify shilling a scam to your fellow man? Personally I apogized in person to a few close friends I recommended link to. In my defense it was before I realized the reality of the grift and hadnt fully researched the team dumps. Reading here it was almost as if the team dumping was “fud” which is really odd considering I could literally just check for myself on etherscan. I still dont get why anyone mentioning that was dismissed.

So I guess my questions for the shillers are:

1 - do you feel remorse for pushing scams on innocent people
2- do you feel satisfied or justified by your profession?
3 - when the lights go out at night, do you feel any remorse for who you are / what youve done?
4 - what are your next moves? Do you feel like eventually regulators ie the SEC will catch up with whats going on and you’ll have to do something else?

Thx for your time. And if anyone wants to do this interview anonymously we can setup burner emails

>> No.52630467


>> No.52630468

Try harder kike.

>> No.52630809
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What's less of a grist in your acorn-sized mind homo?
Only Bitcoin (ticker: BTC) is True and Novel
Of course, LINK is a shitcoin like all the other shitcoins.
It's obviously centralized garbage with the 4-9 multisig. Obviously a security.
DONS (decentralized oracle networks) are total vaporware - it's just a bunch of centralized crap
Sergey is at least honest enough to never speak of "Trustlessness" he has retraeted to muh "Trust-minimazation" lmao
In any case, for what it's worth, LINK is still the best bet in the shitcoin casino

>> No.52630825

I didn't read it genuinely. Suck my 6.5 inch Weiner troglodyte

>> No.52630838

>antisemitism XD
Linkers really are disgusting fucking scumbags.

>> No.52630845

who pays you?

>> No.52630888

> Sergey is at least honest enough to never speak of "Trustlessness" he has retraeted to muh "Trust-minimazation" lmao
You have a point there, you dirty Bulgarian. I don’t like that either, wtf is up with that. Hopefully it’s just Ari trying to coach Sergey with the latest bullshit buzzwords he’s made up on Twitter, but it doesn’t smell good.
> you just have to trust me a liiiittle bit with your millions
No thanks. Sergey has to snap out of this one.

>> No.52630902


>> No.52631740

lmao stfu kike.
I don't apologise for shit. Link made me much wealther and happier and I told a LOT of people about it in 2018 and only one of them decided to follow my advice and she is happy she did. Some of them are taking this 2nd chance. They will be happy in 2 years.
You didn't deserve a proper answer btw you faggot fudder but there it is.

>> No.52631925

The ADL is based off a complete fraud and a lie
Leo Frank was guilty as sin. It's a terrible disgrace that the ADL continues to play water boy not only for the murderer Leo Frank, but to minimize the fraud of Sam Bankman-Fraud. What's more the ADL's silent violence is extremely tribalistic when it comes to Harvey Weinstein and who's more, Jeffrey Epstein. You have sick twisted *individual* members of the tribe all over the place, defaming and deflowering goys left and right - where's the ADL there, but then they went all out for the obviously guilty murderer Leo Frank. And you stand for that anon? Disgusting

>> No.52632210

kys you retarded bagholder

>> No.52632253

Hate your fucking guts.

>> No.52632270

globohomo shitcoin

anybody shilling link in 2022 is subhuman trash

>> No.52632544

>>1 - do you feel remorse for pushing scams on innocent people
>2- do you feel satisfied or justified by your profession?
>3 - when the lights go out at night, do you feel any remorse for who you are / what youve done?
>4 - what are your next moves?
Retire as the richest man in Bengaluru.

>> No.52632562
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Silence, edomite.

>> No.52632572

>Guys jews are bad
>I'm gonna shill a jewish ponzi scheme
Uh have you ever looked in a mirror at the size of your nose by chance?

>> No.52632580

The more you fud, the more I keep buying. Honestly.

>> No.52632584

Post your transactions then cause we all know you won't.

>> No.52632591

Of course I won't. Too lazy to. You fudding like hell hath no fury is all I need to know - must buy moar.

>> No.52632763

thanks for buying my bags bro

>> No.52632781

Right so you have what 5 Chainlink
This pajeet is sweating right now.

>> No.52632815

You know how many people are going to have a serious traumatic awakening when LINK eventually runs to triple and quadruple digit pricing. The veil shattering before them. The majority of the FUD is not from bored holders either but a paid campaign to legitimately create fear, uncertainty, and demoralization among retail participants.

Its not just that people were wrong but a systematic and organized agenda was in place to lie to people and convince them to either sell low or not buy at all.

No other project gets this level of attacks thrown at it. Most normal people simply disregard posts about assets they don't actually hold.

They don't care. They look for information on what they are invested in.

>> No.52632858

Thought experiment for the NEVER SELLING boys:
Sergey is worth $100million exclusively from selling Chainlink ticker: LINK. He hasn't made a penny elsewhere and he isn't holding back a single token from sale today in hopes that they'll be worth $1000/each at some point in the future.

>> No.52632922

Hate the consistent truth and beauty your kind attacks.

>> No.52633257

there's the paid community advocate
keep hodling bois, the community advocate just said we're about to reach triple and quadruple digits!
also the paid fun narrative is back, I thought Nexo was insolvent but turns out these darn bulgarians have like infinite funds they can pour on their fud campaign
goddamn bulgos

>> No.52633966

>>52611971 (OP)
Reminder that link fudders are at peak seethe and hysteria at the moment
>6+ fud threads an hour
>discussion of staking / recent aave link manipulation discovery fills up with gpt4 bot tier discourse spamming the same low iq fud lines
Bizarre and pathetic. Also a massive buy signal.
S and H

>> No.52634231

>a gazillion "fud" threads per hour
>links to a low quality thread from 2 days ago
reminder than both link fudders and shills are paid community advocates from twitter spearheaded by that absolute imbecile, Zachary the cuck
>discussion of staking
oh you want to "discuss" staking? defend the 2 year reward lockup and the shitcanning of build tokens you cunt, go on
>recent aave link manipulation discovery
oh you mean that thread filled with rampant speculation about some unverified whale shorting link and pretty much the entire market? oh wow, it seems that we have a new boogeyman guys, AAVE is also responsible for the suppression, along with Nexo (which has been insolvent since 2020 but miraculously continues to operate and fund the most elaborate bulgarian fud campaign that /biz/ has seen so far) and Celsius, and Bancor, and FTX, and Binance, and unidentified BTC whales, and the Elites, and the entire global economy (see undeniable proof of black swans mysteriously occurring every time link pumps in the obligatory attached screencaps)
so yeah two more weeks it seems until we break free, but keep your heads up!
>a massive buy signal
final reminder that these community advocates try to create the facade of link being targeted from nefarious powerful conspirators dedicated to shake you out and grab your inconsequential 10k stack
get fucked shills

>> No.52634414

>tries to write an essay in response to pasta begging me to sell my tokens or whatever gay shit he's going on about
Thanks for proving my point cuck. How many more hours are you going to spend / threads are you going to make today?

>> No.52634442

>t-t-thanks for proving my point c-c-cuck
no thank you for getting so visibly triggered when I called you out, seething shill
defend the fucking lockup

>> No.52634464

>n-no u triggerrededed
>p-please engage with my behaviour which is deliberately put on to waste time

>> No.52634476

classic cl advocate tactic, deflection and ad homs
you literally can't defend the lockup, tough week huh?

>> No.52634501
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>b-buh you won't engage with my content you're a paid shill even though I spam biz with fud 24/7 with 5-6 similar sounding "people" because reasons
Here's a shovel - easier for you to dig your own hole that way, cuck.

>> No.52634525

>lel I'll just keep responding with more deflections, I have time for that lel rolf lmao, this is how much I don't care
bro, you wanted to "discuss" staking, is that right? what's the matter?
>easier for you to dig your own hole
staking, bro, the most anticipated feature of Chainlink ever since the ICO
what to share your thoughts about it? or are you afraid that you'll end up digging your own hole that way, cuck?
also you forgot to sage, are we getting a bit emotional anon?

>> No.52634574
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>The majority of the FUD is not from bored holders either but a paid campaign to legitimately create fear, uncertainty, and demoralization among retail participants.
take your fucking medications you deranged schizophrenic

every single project has a "secret" group of fudders trying to wreck the project, even SAFEMOON bagholders say this pathetic cringe shit

>> No.52634592


I just farted in your thread.

>What does this mean?
The amount of jannies (faggots) in this thread and 4chan account has increased by one.

>Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be deserving of a stinky fart and therefore a janny infestation. These include, but are not limited to:

Shitting in the street,

Spreading incorrect information,

Shilling lazy scams.

>Am I banned from the /biz/?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional fart, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

>I don't believe my thread deserved a fart. Can you un-fart it?
No. I cannot un-fart. My judgement is perfect and clear. Regardless, if you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to 4chan PMs within several seconds. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of fart appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the fart and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on /biz/. I will continue to fart in your threads until you improve your conduct. Remember: 4chan is hell. You can check out whenever you want and for however long you want. But you can never leave..

>> No.52634608

>y-you forgot to sage HAH (I didn't tho?)
>what about staking? What about the optional thing where you lock up tokens as adoption increases?
If you suck on my toes I'll give you a single link for $1000 usd
You're a retarded and desperate faggot who spends hundreds of hours of his life doing it so we both know you'd jump on it since 0 dignity anyway lmao

>> No.52634658

I have never shilled link
I am still holding but I lost faith in the project when the whitepaper 2.0 came out
it sounded like maximum cope

>> No.52634676

>fudders don't want you anons discussing staking, beware!!!!111
>lol no I won't discuss staking myself, stay poor niggerfaggit $1000 eoy dr;ns
you could at least put some effort you retarded, pseudo confident tryhard

>> No.52634680


>> No.52634687

>it's optional bro
so you concede it's bullshit but at least it's optional? that's progress

>> No.52634749

>b-buh muh fud? Please sell please don't stake please please please
Can't believe I'd find someone cuck's seething this boring.

Alright, new deal. You don't have to suck my toes - just make a vocaroo of you screeching and begging me to sell using your best English (not the language you speak at home) and I'll sell a single link for $1000 usd. Sound good?

>> No.52634767

Some cuck's*

>> No.52634836

wow you're so hilarious anon, kek rolf lmao such a witty response, you sure showed me, heckling based!
>le won't be responding to your "fud" but I'll keep quoting you with le funny shitposts to save face
now if you're done deflecting, what part of the criticisms about staking do you consider fud? do you consider a 2 year reward lockup period insignificant because it's optional? are you aware that a lot of anons here bought link solely because of the promise of staking and the possibility of passive income, many years ago? this is where the never selling meme originated from
also, disregarding completely the staking for holders part, what the fuck does this v0.1 beta even accomplish without reputation and slashing? what does it secure?
any thoughts anon? asking in good faith here, although I know you're gonna just dismiss everything and type some condescending smug non sequitur

>> No.52634899

>another wall of seething text in a thread he has spent 4 hours in trying to get people to sell a token he pretends is a scam
Re-read your own low iq drivel (>>52634836) to yourself and imagine a loud fart in your ear after every sentence. That's it. That's the level of response you get until you hurry up and do the begging vocaroo like you were told to.

>> No.52634912

ok this is kinda pathetic, and it pretty much confirms you're a paid shill
just abandon thread, you got btfo

>> No.52634916

Who's paying you?

>> No.52634927

every shill is complaining that fud is derailing staking threads, yet none of them what to talk about staking
huh, makes you think

>> No.52634949

This isn't a staking thread, it's another fud thread.

>> No.52634958

keep deflecting shill lol

>> No.52634969

>y-you got btfo
Awww were you crying as you typed that? Did I ruin one of your twelve threads for the day?
Go work on the vocaroo instead. Channel that asshurt desperation through your voice I wanna hear it.

>> No.52634974

seething like this makes me happy I own 1000 LINK (Ticker: UMAD) in private, non-custodial wallets.

>> No.52634998

anything but staking, huh?

>> No.52635008

Yet you keep coming.

>> No.52635016


>> No.52635059

>b-buh muh fud?
Anything but the vocaroo huh?

>> No.52635145

staking is fud? ok, Zach

>> No.52635179


>> No.52635186

This is like the fifth thread I’ve seen you rant and rave and call everyone Zach.
Get some help.

>> No.52635190

>y-youre some namefag anon!
>g-go on engage with my fud about staking! Waste your time doing what I want!
Where's the vocaroo?
I just want you to be candid lil guy. I want to hear you begging me to sell / not stake. That's the only reason you spend hours and hours here every day.

>> No.52635232

>twitter cl trannies on full damage control
so many "organic" holders itt yet everybody vehemently refuses to discuss staking
if you're not Zach, why do you get triggered anons?

>> No.52635269

>on full damage control
>why do you get triggered
Says the raging fudfag with 15 posts in this thread, and many dozens more in the other threads.
Whatcha doin rabbi?

>> No.52635276

>no vocaroo
>still implicitly begging people to sell / not stake and spending dozens of hours a week doing it but can't just explicitly request it for my entertainment
Fud anon - we know how shit you are at your job. Literally no one has ever read the garbage your discord has produced and thought "ah yes 50+ replies over 20 hours in a thread about a token he claims is irrelevant alongside 6+ fud threads an hour is perfectly normal I'll sell now"
Just do something besides doubling down on being a retard. Take your "job" less seriously and laugh along with biz instead of being laughed at. Go on.

>> No.52635328

fr. It's just tired and gay at this point.

>Lend credibility to my bad faith "argument" so it might be perceived as legitimate to the retail retards I think exist here

The only correct reply to these threads is


>> No.52635327

>nobody cares hurr
then why do you desperately keep replying with insults and nonsensical ramblings? Let the "fud" thread die, nobody cares remember?
anons, all I'm asking is your input about staking, the more you deflect the more obvious it becomes you're desperately attempting to pr damage control
if not then the only other possible explanation is you just want yo engage in a yrolling shitfest to own da fudderz, but that only makes (You) both look retarded
sorry shills, your narrative is falling apart

>> No.52635333

it's this guy >>52622688

his shorts are underwater it seems

>> No.52635344

>muh bad faith argument
why is the 2 year staking lockup not a bad thing, fellow advocate?

>> No.52635351

Anon. You can cry deflection and double down or whatever at this point but you're done. You know it, I know it, your colleagues know it. Staking / adoption is happening, people aren't selling and there's nothing you can do about it. Just make something funny for once instead of paragraphs of desperate prolapsed ass juice.

>> No.52635416

Kekked and checked.
And yes, that’s the guy alright, he starts raving about Zach later on.
He can’t get his senpai to notice him so he just obsesses over him on here.

>> No.52635454


>> No.52635491
File: 367 KB, 1954x2048, 66D2BB86-3BFC-47BF-AE33-7804145EC2ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Sergay said staking will be very profitable for early participants? What did he mean by this?

>> No.52635511

Sergey and his team are the early participants he was taking about

>> No.52635550

Same guy, every day
>18+ pbti reeeeeeinng about a token he doesn’t have to interact with


LMAO as always

Also for OP, what a weird attempt at FUD- knowing full well Chainlink Labs has spent millions (rightfully so) developing their own in-house corporate legal team and has been advised by other agencies for the past six years. You think they’re going to slip up and hire people to shill for a supposedly dead ERC-10 token on a animoo board? lol

>> No.52636470

Yeah I used to fall for these, before realizing this year it was all bullshit. Hence my apologizing to friends who too my advice and lost tons on this.

>> No.52636519

You nor that guy are not convincing anyone on either side to change their minds. Just letting you know. Man this community is fucking exhausting. Ive never seen another investment community this insane.

>> No.52636729

I would like to thank the link marines for buying my cheapies off me for $40. I was a weak handed cuck so I handed them over to you never selling diamond hand chads for safe keeping! :)
Maybe i will buy a few back soon

>> No.52636739

>You nor that guy are not convincing anyone on either side to change their minds.
Only one of those two people is trying to get people to change their minds.

>Ive never seen another investment community this insane.
Fudding your own investment is definitely insane.
And the fud is growing ever more intense as staking approachges.

>> No.52637326

Yeah yeah I know everything is a giant conspiracy against Link. Same old story

>> No.52637367

keep kvetching, kike. Your days are numbered in America.

>> No.52637545

He said he bought I 2018. At what point in that year could he have purchased link that would make him a bag holder?

>> No.52637586

>Hence my apologizing to friends who too my advice and lost tons on this
You shilled you'r friends the top in 2021? You're a dumbass.

>> No.52637703

> nefarious powerful conspirators
> Yes, mother, “powerful!”
> Your son, Blagdaman, the nefarious, powerful conspirator!
> I bring great honor to whole gypsy camp!
> what? No mother, they never actually called me that. I called myself that. But I just know when they call me a pathetic, transparent, low IQ Bulgarian, they MEAN “nefarious powerful conspirators”! I’m sure!

>> No.52637743

I publically apologized for shilling Chainlink to my colleagues, frens, and family. I did exactly what Karpelès did after Mt Gox went kaboom and bowed afterwards in a respectful Japanese way.

>> No.52637962

> Zach
This is just another example of how transparent and bad at your job you are. It became impossible to do your fud when anons just catch a whiff of you and call you out for the smelly Bulgarians you are (glowies glow, Bulgarians smell), so your brilliant idea (it’s the same one every time) is to try to accuse everyone else of what you are doing.
Zach, I think, is that ChainLinkGod twitter twat. Nobody cares about him here. If his shills came here they would be laughed off the board about as fast as you. There also aren’t Chainlink labs shills here, there are only anons and you. I mean, perhaps they do drop by on occasion, who knows, but this relentless campaign is very one sided, it’s fud fud fud, it’s quite obvious the only ones being paid to post here are the fudders. Holders posting positive comments is of course not sus. But who would put up /relentless/ fud campaigns, making sure to never miss a single link thread with their fud as if their salary depended on it? That’s obviously sus, and it makes it clear to everyone who you are.
As if anyone ever doubted this after the fud stopped dead in it tracks when the SBF scandal broke and you had to put all hands on deck for damage mitigation.
Cheer up, Blagdaman, at least you’ll be rich one day with all the linkies you’ve hoarded away when your bosses weren’t looking. You do have that, right, Blagdaman? Don’t tell me you fell for your own lies? That would be too much, just the perfect ending to a complete clown life.

>> No.52638024

>Chainlinkgod is le heckino unbased
COPE NIGGER chainlinkgod is based

>> No.52638033

> if not then the only other possible explanation is you just want yo engage in a yrolling shitfest to own da fudderz
Aka the /biz/ national sport. You’re not from around here, are you? How’s the weather in Rumani- oh a thousand apologies I mean Bulgaria?

>> No.52638043

Put a stake in it, it’s done!

>> No.52638053

Lockdown your LINK for gram gram

>> No.52638087

I am glad Blockfi took my 5K stack, Im free of this shitcoin
if an anon can map the history of promises for this coin since 2017 and what is has achievement it will be the final nail copypasta that will acclerate this shitcoin demise. what decision has Sergey and his faggot team did that benefited 2019 holders? were all dead

>> No.52638124

> giant conspiracy
Have you ever invested in the stock market? Such “giant conspiracies”, i.e. shorters paying for fud articles in mainstream media and paying for forum shills, is standard fare. No, I don’t mean GameStop, I mean all of it. There’s much less of it in crypto because there’s much less money involved, but what you see with premier projects like link, eth, icp and of course btc is just the same thing stock investors with a few years under their belts are used to seeing through. It’s not even controversial. And, again because less money in crypto, you are waaay worse at it than the stack market A teams. You are the B team, and you really suck. But what to expect from a band of second rate gypsies trying to fud tech they don’t even understand?

>> No.52638131

dude im not reading all that lol

>> No.52638144

Who gives a fuck? He’s on twitter.

>> No.52638156
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Chainlinks tongues my anus

>> No.52638157

It wasn’t for you, who cares what some low IQ troglodyte struggles to read or “think”

>> No.52638297

Watch out Linkies, the Bulgarians are coming. The Bulgarians are coming! THE BULGARIANS!! Led by that evil fudding criminal mastermind Michael! Oh no Linkies, it's over, it's all over, they're too powerful.

>> No.52638326

Best bet in this Shitcoin casino?!? How laughable is that anon xD Guess you weren’t around for 2020 or have a very short memory…it’s okay, most anons are sleeping on it because the vast majority of bizraelis are lemmings whom do none of their own research and have mostly gotten lucky following threads from here. The greatest Shitcoin is a slumbering behemoth, unsurprisingly not spoken about seriously on here for at least a year Kek. I feel for you anons, I really do….but every time I’ve tried to enlighten frens with FACTS their lemming nature takes over and they fud themselves to death. C’est la vie, I don’t mind riding the Phoenix that will rise out of the ashes of this bear into the next golden bull. Besides, they expect some of us in the fire….can’t say I didn’t try though ;)

>> No.52638349

obvious fud thread is obvious
remember to NEVER recommend an investment to friends or family
no good can come of it

>> No.52638465


>> No.52638700

Nah i told them about in 2020. So they missed the entire ‘21 bullrun. Except for the ones who ignored me and bought dogcoins.

>> No.52638718

Take this rambling to one of the other threads. This one is about honesty and integrity. Not random schizo theories, weirdo

>> No.52638754

Yes Im in the stock market. I think nowadays no one really puts much weight into online articles, even if theyre from mainstream sites. I dont see how bulgarians posting on this website would be stifling things. How can biz be that important?

>> No.52638865

No one is going to do what you tell them to faggot blogpost somewhere else like twitter thats where all of the good posters went

>> No.52639034

this tweeter say blind fud of nexo!

>> No.52639517

I come back after a few months away and biz is still talking schizo posts about LINK
it's a generational wealth opportunity, never stop buying

>> No.52639912


I'm capping all these it will be great for my collage. There is nothing else that needs to be said. Either I'll be wrong or you will

I'm betting heavily it won't be me