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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 789 KB, 1278x832, wojak-wage-cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29701582 No.29701582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am a simple poorfag wagie, $260 to my name. I dont want to fucking beg but here we are, I have to give it a shot. Ive been waiting on the stimulus to help my dad with medical bills but here we are still waiting, and my income generation is minimal after bills. I know itll be met with hate, but I really need some help. Please, if you can spare anything at all it would help.

>> No.29701657

No avax address? NGMI

>> No.29701742

Post your belly and I'll send you 50 bucks in monero. I'm waiting

>> No.29701820

I'll spare my foot in yo ass cunt.

>> No.29701869

post nipples

>> No.29701907

time to grab them bootstraps and put a sharpie in the pooper

>> No.29701995

my wallet doesnt accept it unfortunately or I would have. Any eth competitor is a good token to be in right now. I can add polkadot at least.

>> No.29702018

Post tummy op

>> No.29702023


>> No.29702045

Why don’t you get a job, you can literally 10x your total in weeks

>> No.29702275

"I am a simple poorfag wagie" i literally have a job fucker. its not that easy

>> No.29702681

wish you luck op, i cant donate or i would.

>> No.29703088

While one of these is up i'll throw my hat into the ring, i need an important surgery to place a penis on my forehead. The cost comes from the fact i need a penis donated, obviously i'm not using my own; i'm not an idiot.

>> No.29703166

lmfaoo, good luck with the dickhead surgery bro i heard its painful

>> No.29703269
File: 43 KB, 1024x1024, 1602606734196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reporting you, enjoy your ban
>Y-you can't announce reports!
too bad, I'm doing it anyway

>> No.29703317

Seeing poor days beg for money literally turns me on

>> No.29703332

its as easy as a vpn buddy

>> No.29703341
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1614207114567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys send me the money instead I'll buy a big billboard that says op is a faggot

>> No.29703424

Im a faggot for trying to get help for my dads insane medical bills? You must be pretty priveleged man. These bills are insane I wonder how anyone is making it through these days.

>> No.29703847

Learn to code :)

>> No.29703945

I am trying! was learning js and frontend for a bit, then started learning to code on the blockchain. Thinking of looking into cardano smart contracts and such.

>> No.29703988

You are fucking pathetic

>> No.29704070

>medical bills
Should have moved to Europe a long time ago burger man
Also there's no way to verify your story, this shit comes up a lot, my dgos dying, my moms socks etc etc, there's another thread of the guy that lost 20k that's also begging aroung
I'm a poor fag too but bruh, this ain't right, set up a gofundme or some shit

>> No.29704108

>to help my dad with medical bills but here we are still waiting
LARP detected. No one’s falling for your shit faggot.


>> No.29704219

I dont care if you believe me or not to be honest, this is the reality im living in. Someone might understand enough to throw me a bone. I may bee poor but im still gonna try to help my dad, I owe him everything.

>> No.29704884

i believe u op i hope someone helps

>> No.29704975

You're no different than those pathetic faggots standing at intersections holding a sign

>> No.29704996

what's the matter with your dad op?

>> No.29705170

true, i dont like doing this trust me but I need to.
Knee surgery after an accident right before the pandemic, was then laid off of course and everything went to shit. Most of his retirement is gone now, Ive been doing what I can to learn about finances to help him. Makes me sad talking about it all desu.