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27511336 No.27511336 [Reply] [Original]

Term "gem" is used too frequently these days...people call every shittoken a GEM...gems are very, very rare to find in real life. PNDs are not GEMS. Meme coins are NOT gems. DeFi is kind of old news. Gem is a token or coin made on new tech- on something never seen before. So, to sum it up- gem is a coin which offers some technology which is new- a new mechanism. Consider yourselves lucky for stumbling across this post, because I have a REAL gem to offer to you. The name of this ground-fucking-breaking tech is Idena. It uses complex under the hood mechanisms to secure it's own blockchain, that mechanism is called PoP or proof of personhood. It guarantees a 1 node= 1 person. You may ask yourself why is it important? Who gives a fuck about that? PoP makes DAO possible, it's great for oracles use, it can allow sharding (thousands of transactions per second), digital ID card that proves that you are you, smart contracts, decentralized messaging platform- all of this without a single bit of personal information given to anyone and in 100% decentralized manner. Market cap of Idena at this very moment is 3.56MM. This one, I promise you, will make you laugh at your LINK gains. Right this very moment, there is one, unique opportunity in your life that will probably not come ever again, and that opportunity is buying a multi-billion coin at 0.1 USD per coin. I cannot even cap the potential gains.....even 100 USD/iDNA looks possible..that is 1000x gains. Idena is a sleeping behemoth, get on it while it's sleeping. As a cherry on top, a lot of early BTC and ETH adopters are aware of it, you can bet they are buying. You can come into Idena TG channel and ask for sources, they will be sent you :)). By the way, I apologize for that pic, I wanted to draw your attention. Have a nice day, hope we will meet on moon some day ;)

>> No.27511633
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>Don't get excited for random coins
Here's a random coin to get excited for

>> No.27511759

Is it random :)? Go check it out. Read the WP, you'll fall in love haha

>> No.27513308

Is there idena porn?
Also where can I buy this shit?

>> No.27513453

Well said! This is my single fav project in crypto but I doubt it will take off anytime soon (maybe with eth bridge we'll see some movement but who knows).

>> No.27513621

Qtrade and hopefully uniswap soon.

>> No.27513914

I'm considering mining idena but how big is the blockchain? Data/bandwidth isn't cheap here. Mining doesn't eat much does it?

>> No.27514272

As a poorfag 3rd worlder, I hate uniswap with a passion.

>> No.27514434

you answered to the wrong question

>> No.27514564

What's a suicide stack for this coin?
I've already mined 4600 iDNA

>> No.27514596

I'm aware of this, its great, but I don't see it happening in this Q1. at some point I will put some money on it for sure though

>> No.27514601

I remember Idena from many months ago. What's different now?

>> No.27514744

It has oracles now. Also more nodes.

>> No.27514980

what stops me from becoming 100,000 unique persons?

>> No.27515172

is this a long term hold to have? where can i find a chart for this stock? I'm a poorfag so can't afford to lose much to begin with

>> No.27515481

The validation process, which takes place at the same time all around the world, in real time.
Two per person is the most that anyone could do. It's still somewhat of an issue, but not a very big one.

>> No.27515738
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been sitting on 380k of this shit since it was shilled on /biz/ last year

>muh 1 node = 1 human meme
>muh digital identity meme
>muh UBI meme
>muh oracles meme

it's the oddest feeling, as the dev's obv are cranking out top tier protocol, but cotdam this market is retarded...

...or are we?

>> No.27515819

unironically buy the shitpost, sell the thread

>> No.27515919

I'm retarded, I don't get it. You're saying that it's time to sell?

>> No.27515926

>cant afford to lose much
Don't invest into shitcoins then.
Just get Bitcoin.

>> No.27516504

whats up with its tokenomics? infinity and beyond?

>> No.27516627
File: 977 KB, 1422x1158, C06ABD2C-5AA7-460C-B654-FCC80F686149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, what a Chad. I thought I had the most on biz, I’m not even close to you
Idena threads on biz again? Are newfags about to catch a whiff of a gem?
This is unironically the most unique and one of the most advanced L1 protocols today. $5 mil mcap is an absolute joke, and literally *everyone* in the top of crypto is worries about decentralized identity and Sybil resistance.
In fact it’s the latter that has been the most important problem in crypto since Moses wore short pants. Lack of decentralized Sybil resistance is one of the main reasons that prevents so many public goods and use cases on blockchains. Everyone worth their salt also knows about Idena up top, it just entirely hidden from the rest of the market due to absolute garbage exchanges
Our time will come. I cant believe I managed to snag a stack of this before it hits $100 mil

>> No.27516830

52k/day, infinity supply, around 2-4 mil burnt per year now with more burn and lock mechanisms to come out in future

>> No.27517003

literally free money, unless you’re retarded

>> No.27517056

>one of the most advanced L1 protocols today
that may be the catch 22 problem tho fren
it's advanced protocol that needs an advanced level of knowledge to participate. shared nodes may bring this barrier of entry down, although at the expense of sybil resistance. damned if we do/don't.

what's you stack lookin like frendo?
(i misspoke, only have a 300k bag)

>> No.27517279

how can anything that has infinity supply even reach 1$ à coin? confused newfag here

>> No.27517353

buying since march, 100k stack now. ez money

>> No.27517561

Flips are fucking retarded and the people who create them are even more retarded

>> No.27517925

people in general are retarded

>> No.27518392

Dude, dalik has babushkas doing validations for him. Flip is the most advanced thing a person really needs to know. With shared nodes and web client it is basically gg in my eyes. I’d call myself delusional if I didn’t know for a fact that there are around 1k identities who are not just normies, but are impoverished post soviet citizens in the worst parts of Russia who are still capable of doing the validation.
Node running? Yea, this will go down in overall decentralization compared to identity count, but once this gets to like $25 mil, everyone and their mother who runs any type of miner will get on Idena
I got like half of yours. Good man. You on discord obv, ye?
Very good point, good that you’re worried. Here is why it doesn’t matter:
1. Short term, like now, supply increase in crypto and overall supply mean nothing. Like at all. Look at link, ether etc. the circulating supply is important for short term growth
2. Long term. At the end of it all in a decade or so, the inflation will reduce to a few percent a year, so it’s fine esp with burn and staking dapps (like on ETH)
3. Mid term. Yep, infinite supply will fuck Idena at approx 5 year time frame and $500mil-$1 bil Cap valuation. The supply meme will be yelled at all the time and people won’t take it as a “store of value”, not that it is. It will still have unparalleled utility of being able to use iDNA to call for Sybil resistant votes for thousands of people, which is available today.
How tf is this shit so undervalued still with being able to do Sybil votes of this scale?
I suppose the farm question is what’s preventing everything.

>> No.27518965

i dont know, nigger monkey, i got 100% accuracy, guess you’re just stupid, fren

>> No.27519817

i'm about to download the Idena app...

So these 'flips' are like puzzles (similar to captcha? or not at all) that you sit and do one after another on your comp on certain days and earn Idena?

>> No.27520042

I like the sound of this. Good aims. Low market cap. Low chance of getting killed by some fucking whale. Might buy in. Thanks anon

>> No.27520073

>That webm was pretty funny till the ending reality twist

>> No.27521214

Check Idena.io it is explained there better than I can explain
In short:
1. Validation session. This is an event every 2 weeks at a very specific time where ~5.5k people all around the world solve flips, which are like captchas, over the course of 30 min in 2 phases - 2 min (short session) for 6 flips and ~30 min for ~25 flips (long session). There is an important reason for both and their length. It is a long story, but all explained on Idena.io. You don’t really need to worry about the why
2. The flips. In order to make sure the system can’t be games, the flips are unique every validation session. So, every person who passes the validation, now *has to* create their own flips for the next validation that others will solve. 3 minimum.

You get Idena coins for both the test and your created flips.