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27509398 No.27509398 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question for GERMANS and cryptotax. Let's say

>you have 200 bux fiat
>you buy 0.000001 XBT for 100 bux (start)
>you sell 0.000001 XBT for 120 bux (high)
>you buy 0.000001 XBT for 100 bux (dip)
>you sell 0.000001 XBT for 80 bux (retard)

Bottom line, 0 gain. Do you have to pay any taxes on this process?

>> No.27510113

you have to pay taxes on the 20$ gain, unless you have less than 600€ gain on a yearly basis

>> No.27510231

the fact that you "lost" 20$ dosnt matter

>> No.27510460

pay your taxes you fucking racist pig, who's gonna pay for Mohammad's 6th 13 year old wife and her extended family to come and join him in Germany?

>> No.27510657

he can just hodl for a year and be tax free, which is the way to go

daytrading is not worth it

>> No.27510460,1 [INTERNAL] 

And if you do make more than 600 total, that's 25% off to Vater Staat. So if you earned 601, you'd get to keep 400
Nah, no taxes on losses. Crypto Gains are tax-free up until €600, then you get hit with 25% on EVERYTHING. So if you earned 601€ total, that's €200 for Vater Staat :)


>> No.27511781
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please help

i may or may not have used a torrenting client to download a game
and now a law firm wants to fuck my asshole
that was in 2019 and i paid a lawyer 250 to send them a letter back, which should have resolved everything

but today i get another one from the same law firm, but there was no date on the letter as to when to pay them back

what the fuck were they thinking? and what the fuck do i do now??

>> No.27512273

>unless you have less than 600€ gain on a yearly basis
lets say i make 0€ per year because of unemployment, am i free from tax?

>> No.27512534

>you have to pay taxes on the 20$ gain

>Deine Gewinne versteuerst du mit deinem persönlichen Einkommensteuersatz plus Solidaritätszuschlag und ggf. Kirchensteuer

Leaving how much, 3 bux? Fucking tax fucks

>> No.27513491

I always ignored this completely.

Brudi Wenn kein Verfahren eingeleitet wird ignoriert alles. Auch keine Aussage oder so (gilt auch für KV oder BtmG) bisher immer gut durchgekommen, außer einmal wegen Verstoß gegen sprengstoffgesetz, da musste der Anwalt ran

>> No.27513745

Halte 1 Jahr, dann steuerfrei. Gib einfach alte Käufe an, random Überweisungen ins Ausland reichen. Sag das wären btc und fertig.

>> No.27513931

>Verstoß gegen sprengstoffgesetz
bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich deswegen deinen Rat ignorieren sollte oder nicht

>> No.27514351

Einfach ignorieren, google mal nach Abzock Anwälte, wenn du den Versender deines Briefes online unter so ne Liste findest, bist du fein aus der Nummer raus

>> No.27514827

>google mal nach Abzock Anwälte
ich find nur werbung für anwälte
das hier is genau mein fall, würdest du irgendwas dazu finden können anon please? https://www.123recht.de/ratgeber/urheberrecht-abmahnung/Euro-Truck-Simulator-2-Nimrod-Abmahnung-fuer-850,00-__a154072.html

>> No.27515526
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>Gib einfach alte Käufe an, random Überweisungen ins Ausland reichen. Sag das wären btc und fertig.

Huh? Don't they want a transaction list? Also I grabbed this, gonna durchblättern

If it's about the same shit, mail the lawyer. Sometimes these cunts try to circumvent your lawyer by sending an INKASSOBÜRO after you, fuck them. If it's other shit from the same company you might be in doo-doo depending what kind of Unterlassungserklärung the lawyer sent. Also stop torrenting without VPN in Germany.

>> No.27515673

>If it's about the same shit, mail the lawyer
its about the same shit, and i did mail the lawyer who previously dealt with said same shit
is he going to charge me again? i mean i hope not because its it was his case now wasnt it ?

>> No.27515789

whats that by the way and what does that mean for me?
also you have no idea how grateful i am to you lads

>> No.27515887

Bullshit right?
Im just playing with a few 100s but made lots of trades, that doesnt count im sure. It must be 6000 total.
Also how are they ever going to check my metamask 100s of transactions including airdrops and gifts?

>> No.27516850


Im Notfall solltest du dich einfach dumm stellen, sagen dass du das nie getan hast und so weiter. Das Ganze verjäht nach spätestens 3 Jahren und solange du nicht auf deren Briefe reagierst, passiert da nichts. Falls du aus unerklärlichen Gründen dann doch angezeigt wirst -> dumm stellen.

Und beim nächsten mal wenn du piratetest von File Sharern runterladen und nicht Torrents.

>> No.27516870

Depends on the contract I guess. I got smacked once and it was basically "I'll represent you from now on for 250 bux" which means the other party has to send the bullshit they'd send to you to him instead, which he then likely just ignores due to low risk. Easy money, I guess.

The extra slimy cunts attempt to get around them a year or two later by sending a debt collection agency after you, but I don't think that is even legal. Anyway, it's best to contact the lawyer, say it's about case so and so and that the other dipshits sent you mail directly. Usually he'll ask for a copy and tell you not to do anything. Either way, STOP TORRENTING WITHOUT VPN.

My current plan was just copying the transaction list from Kraken into Excel

>> No.27517301

>My current plan was just copying the transaction list from Kraken into Excel
I have no plan if this is ok. But i looked it up you can discount losses you had and then im not over 600 so all good for now

>> No.27517419

Why do we allow ourselves to be cucked by Merkel?

>> No.27517451

geht dumm stellen wirklich? weil ich hab ja schon ein anwalt auf die gehetzt, heisst die wissen davon, und es ist keine debt collection firm, sondern dieselbe Kanzlei (trannyrod)

>> No.27517572

because 0% fee after holding for a year, literally the only reason why i get on my knees

>> No.27517672


>> No.27517771

I got one a few years ago and ignored it.
since then i used seed cc for torrents,