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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26141312 No.26141312 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired anons ... I'm as stupid as they come and its enough. I need help but theres none close by to help me anons, its like I'm on the midle of the desert, so I will have to help myself I just need some guidance. I noticed that no mater the subject when there is a decision to be made, the main influence is economics. It drives public policy and international policy, its the couse of wars, it influences what cars we buy, where we send our kids to school, who we marry ...

I now see it clearly there is not enough for everything so we must chose what to get and whats the best and most efficent way to get it.

So I need to know more...
> what are the best economics book to learn: the basics
> any publisher that consistently teach advanced topics, similar to O'Ralley but fot economics
> what are the most important fields of economics to learn from a practical stand point(for some one who later wants to start a small biz)
> what mathematics is mandatory to understand economics... what mathematics is not a must but still useful

> What should be my generic learning path
this would a basic and sure fire way to become a respectable initiate in the field of economics so you can understand what other economics talk about and maybe chose what to study next by yourself.
ex: a generic learning path in programming would be: learn C> learn bash and operating system basics > SQL > some basic front end shit probably html;css;javasript > learn git > start contributing to projects or building apps.
> whats more useful: macro or micro economics to start with?

How the fuck dos biz not have a wiki anons!!! or I'm I so retarded I was not able to find it ?
lets turn biz into a respectable bord where millionaires are made enough with this gambling, pumping and dumping. the only think I will be pumping is the juices of knowledge into may brain anons lets us forget greed and degeneracy.

being a Portuguese fag I was not enlightened with the gift of proper speech so forgive my spelling.

>> No.26141375

Read the bitcoin standard for the true economics redpill

>> No.26141539

noted anon I will do so but I want to learn the basic so i can better understand the disruptive contra-culture stuff